New Book Alert

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I just published the first chapter of my new TMNT book:

TMNT |A Turtles Honor|

The book includes different aspects of every movie/series of TMNT. It also includes my own personal TMNT OC, Akita, and Yuichi Usagi! There well be Leosagi as well! April and Casey Jones are also in the story! Leo is the only turtle that I have given a romantic side, I haven't fallen in love with any of the other ships for the turtles, and the only other turtle I'm willing to give a ship to is Raphael. In this book Donnie is Aormantic, and Mikey is just a child in my eyes🥲, plus they're all like 15-17 in this book so I still feel a bit weird by giving them ships even with Leosagi.

I would Appreciate it of you would check it out! No pressure though!


"LEO! You're back!" Mikey screamed with joy as he practically jumped onto his oldest brother. Donnie quickly joined Leo's side talking away almost immediately. Leo hugged both of his brothers before his attention turned to Raph who had his arms crossed as he refused to look Leo's way.

Leonardo broke away from his younger brothers before grabbing Raph by his shell and giving his brother a hug. "Boy have I missed you guys!" Leo grinned to Raph once he pulled away. "You're looking more buff than the last time I saw ya." Leo chuckled poking Raphs arms.

"Just been training to take your spot." Raph smiled back up at his brother. It was a harmless joke, even if Raph did want to be leader. He respected his elder brother more than he showed.

"Ohh, so nothings changed?" Leo teased back, "Don't think for a minute that I'd let you take it that easily." Leo joked nudging his brother. Leo seemed a tad off to Raphael, sure he was all jokes and calm like normal but something seemed wrong, almost like Leo was hiding something.

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