chapter 4 Home Town

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Usagi was on his lunch break scrolling through his new phone aimlessly when a text popped out of nowhere. The text messages was from Leo. Usagi opened the text app reading Leo's message.


Are you working today?

Usagi began typing back a simple 'yes' before sending it out. Leo instantly texted back.

Do you know is Hueso is looking for more employees? I've been meaning to get a job but it's kinda hard as a 5'5 turtle lol

Usagi chuckled before typing right back:

Oh for sure he's been low staffed for awhile which is why I got the job in the first place🤣

It took a minute before Leo texted back.

Sweet! I'll be over in a bit to talk to him!

Usagi smiled at his phone before placing it back down and checking the wall clock. He had three minutes left. Despite having a few minutes left Usagi went back to work.

Just as Leo said he entered the restaurant and walked straight up to Hueso. Usagi was wiping down a table after he collected the dishes and walked up to the two chatting to greet his new friend.

"Oh come Hueso I've worked for you before! And this time I won't have Mickey to distract me." Leo said a huge playful smile on his face.

"No." Hueso hissed.

"Come on boss we need the help." Usagi joined in nudging the bone man.

After a quiet moment Hueso sighed and agreed under one condition,

"If you get zero complaints and you begin work right now than I'll hire you official.

"No problemlemo my bone friend!" Leo grinned tapping his plastron chest.

"You know where to go." Hueso sighed waving Leo off. Usagi smiled to himself before continuing to wait tables and serve them. Once Leo was done changing he gave Leo a list of the tables he was to wait and serve as he worked on the other tables. Leo instantly took the job up and started to wait at tables jotting down their orders on the notepad before bringing it to the kitchen than going to another table.

By the time the day was over as the clock hit nine P.M. Leo had managed to get zero complaints and instead got multiple compliments. Hueso didn't look to happy about it but a deal was a deal and he gave Leo the job. Leo burst with excitement once Hueso was out of the building leaving the two boys to clean and lock up.

Usagi laughed at Leo's excitement as the boy practicality jumped off the walls. The two closed up chatting the whole time, it mainly being Leo rambling about what ever.

"Alright Leonardo I should get heading home." Usagi told Leo as he locked up the restaurant.

The two boys exchanged goodbyes and went their separate ways. Once Usagi got home he looked through his mail. He had received a letter from his friends back home.

Usagi red the heartfelt letter his friends wrote him. The letter was three pages long each friend having their own page. There was a picture of Spot and the gang taped to the first paper. Usagi couldn't bring his tokage as Usagi had zero idea about the city he had to visit due to extreme Yokai activity. He was afraid Spot would get lost, or worse, killed.

Usagi learned very quickly that pets and tokage where not common if at all existent in this city.

Usagi picked up a pen and paper beginning to write his friends a letter back. Usagi summered up his week and on how he finally made a friend. He left out the part that Leo didn't know about the fact he was the samurai he seemed to despise with a passion. He told them more about the city and how weird it was considering humans ruled ontop and Yokai and people like Usagi stayed underground. Usagi told them about how much he missed them and wished he could see them again soon.

Once Usagi was done he slipped in into a envelope and stamped it before dropping it off at the Yokai mailbox outside of his apartment. Usagi's phone buzzed making him jump in his door way before he quickly rushed inside closing the door feeling embarrassed. He pulled out his phone to see a text from Leo once again.


It was really fun to get to know you better! Hopefully we can talk more tomorrow!

Leo was kicking his feet while silently screaming to himself. Leo most definitely had a crush on this guy and couldn't help but smile about it. Leo waited impatiently for a reply even if it wasn't a question he sent his friend.

Eventually however he did receive a text.

Usagi :)

It was! And I can't wait! See you at 3?

Leo giggled to himself before texting back bitting his lip the whole time.


Leo jumped off his bed and practically ran up to Donnie's lab to rant about the rabbit.

"Leo no!" Donnie yelled right away once he noticed the turtle.

"Com'on don! I need someone to talk to!" Leo pouted.

"No you always distract me from my work." Donatello told Leo huffing.

"Do you not want to hear the tea?" Leo asked even though he didn't have any tea at the time.

"Of course I want to hear it but not right now! I'm working on a new battle shell Mickey suggested to me." Donnie told Leo holding up a pice of paper that had a blueprint of a battle shell on it.

"Fine I'll go bother Mickey instead." Leo sighed speed walking out of Donnie's lab and down to Mickey's room. "Michael!" Leo shouted stomping into Mickey's room scaring the younger brother.

"What!?" The orange turtle squeaked.

"So you know Usagi right? Of course you do he stayed over. Anyways-"

"Did you really come down here just to tell me about your boyfriend?" Mickey snickered dipping his brush into red paint.

"Yes! No! He's not my boyfriend." Leo huffed at the brother.

"Yet." Mickey said once again.

"Anyways! So I'm now his coworker right! so we were talking today just kinda random shit, than I text him saying things like, 'it was good to talk to you' and all that fun stuff and he replied with: 'It was! And I can't wait! See you at 3?'! He can't wait to see me!" Leo giggled to himself a stupid smile on his face.

"Wow never seen you this love struct since Don suave." Mickey teased.

"Okay okay, but like they're both so damn FINEEEE!" Leo groaned falling onto Mickey's bed with his hands in the air.

"Wow." Mickey snickered running the paint brush across his canvas.


"Hurry up you guys we're going to be late for the boat!" Chizu called out to her friends.

"Just give us a minute!" Gen called back carrying everyone's suitcase.

"Isn't this going to be cool!? We're going to new York! I can't wait to see Usagi again and meet his new friend!" Kitsune exploded running up to her friends, spot following close behind.

"It'll be super fun!" Chizu agreed.


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