chapter 5 Surprise Visitors

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Leo and his brothers jumped around from building to building chattering about just doing their nightly patrol. Leos eye got cought on a group of Yokai and stopped on the edge of a building causing one of his brothers to run into him sending him flying down the side of the building.

Leo tossed one of his swords twords the Yokai and opened a portal making the fall less painful. Leo skitted across the sidewalk ending up Infront of the Yokai who where looking around confused.

"What are you guys doing out like this?" Leo asked sliding his swords back into their Scabbard.

"Don't you know it's dangerous to wonder above ground in plain sight like this?" Mickey asked jumping down to Leo's side.

"Usagi did say that the 'people' here where weird." A fox Yokai spoke up.

"Usagi?" Leo repeated. "You guys know Usagi?"

"Of course we know Usagi. He's our friend." A cat Yokai spoke up.

"OOoo they know your boyfriend-" Mikey grinned wiggling his 'eyebrows' up at Leonardo.

"Mickey! Shut it! He's! He's not my boyfriend!" Leo sputtered shoving a hand over Mickey's mouth.

"You know Usagi too?" The fox Yokai asked.

"Uh y-yeah he's, uh, we're friends yeah... Hehe..." Leo stuttered flushing up as his mind filled with the rabbit.

"Sorry about my brother." Raphs said as he jumped down Infront of Leo making the ground shake slightly, scaring the guests. "But we should all really get off the streets. We can take you guys to the hidden city if you'd like." Raph told them with a friendly smile.

"We could also bring them over and Leo can text Usagi telling him it's a emergency and you guys can surprise Usagi that way!" Mikey spoke up grinning.

"Ewww no." Donnie cringed floating down to the ground. "Do have any ideas on how many germs you get from traveling!?"

"Mickey that's a great idea!" Leo praised his little brother hitting him hard on the shell. Mickey flew forward slightly stumbling over his feet.

"Uh I don't know how splinter would like it.." Raphs tried to reason.

"Pish posh! It'll be fine he's probably already passed out on the couch." Leo smiled waving his hand around. "So what do you say?" Leo asked the guests waiting for their awnser.

"Uh o-okay." The foreign group agreed.

"But if you do anything weird we're dipping right away." The cat Yokai spoke.

"Fair enough." Leo smiled lifting a man hole. "Alright vámonos!"

The turtles where the first ones who dropped in the visitors coususly following close behind, Leo at the rear. Once everyone made it to the lair Leo grabbed his phone.

"Should I call or text?" Leo asked his brothers.

"Text your acting is horrible." Donnie told Leo.

"Rude." Leo huffed before beginning to text sounding as urgent as he possibly could. Usagi replied almost instantly and Leo told everyone that the rabbit was on his way.

"Alright Michael cover me in blood." Leo grinned opening his arms.

Mickey happily grabbed some fake blood and made Leo look like he had been shredded apart. They all worked together and flipped the furniture making it look like a tornado came through. Everyone hid and Leo laid down on the floor acting as if he had been there for awhile.

Usagi made it to the lair as fast as a rabbit could. He was completely out of breath and looked around carefully before he spotted a blue ninja laying on the ground covered in blood.

"L-leo? LEO!" Usagi ran to Leo's side, sliding the last foot towards him checking on his friend.

"U-usag-" cough "Usagi..." Leo faked a raspy voice pretending to be close to passing out completely.

"Leo hey! It's it's going to be okay!" Usagi cried checking Leo's pulse which was doing perfectly fine. If only he had gotten their faster.

"Usagi.." Leo couldn't help but break character and a grin grew on his face.

"What the?" Usagi froze staring down at his friend confused on how he could be so happy in that moment.

"Dose it hurt to tie your ears up like that?" Leo asked sounding completely normal as he reached up to touch em.

"Leo?" Usagi asked confused and shocked.

"SURPRISE!!" Usagi's friends jumped out

"Gen?? Kitsune?? Chizu?? Spot!" Usagi grinned pushing Leo off his lap and running towards his friends and his Tokage.

Leo stood up laughing at the rabbits reaction. Mickey gave Leo a wet rag to clean up the fake blood. Usagi grouped hugged all his friends before backing up happily jumping.

"What are you guys doing here!?" Usagi asked at last.

"Well we got your letter about you wanting to see us again soooo we came! And it was your friends idea to do this." Chizu grinned motioning towards Leo.

"We were kinda lost and the turtles found us and helped us out." Gen spoke up shrugging.

"Really?" Usagi asked turning towards Leo how was still rubbing off the red. Usagi ran towards Leo nocking him backwards slightly. Out of bliss happiness Usagi kissed Leo's cheek making Leo littrally turn red smiling goofy as he didn't know how to act.

Usagi ran back to his friends talking with them as he bounced on his feet unable to stay still.

Leo looked over at his brothers how all had different reactions to what just happened. Raphs had a grin on a two thumbs up while Mickey looked slightly concerned but was overall grinning and punching the air. Donnie just looked at Leo with disgust. Not because it was a guy kissing another guy but because they KISSED. It was gross.

Leo shook his head before quickly finishing cleaning up his plastron with shaky hands. Usagi and his friends stayed the night everyone getting to know eachother and talking as a large group. Mickey made dinner for everyone and everyone welcomed the food with great thanks.

After a bit and everyone had calmed down and scattered a bit Gen the rino Yokai sat next to Leo as Leo sipped away at some water.

"We really appreciate you doing all this." Gen told the turtle who looked up at him.

"It's not a problem at all. I mean if he's happy than it was worth it." Leo smiled looking at the white rabbit that sat on the couch talking to his friends and Raph.

"You're a good friend." Gen chuckled.

"Thanks." Leo chuckled back taking another sip of his drink.

"I noticed your katanas and I just have to ask, are you a samurai?"


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