chapter 14- Can You Ever Forget and Forgive?

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Leo and Usagi sat in Donnie's lab alone. They were silent. Usagi just admitted to hearing Leo confess his feelings for him while Leo just admitted to being the new Battle Nexus champion. It was a rollercoaster of emotions.

"I don't work for Hueso anymore either.." Leo practically whispered.

Usagi didn't even spare him a glance. Instead the rabbit watched his paws as if they were going to run away.

"I don't want you getting hurt Leo." Usagi whispered back.

"Don't worry about me." Leo told Usagi. Usagi still hadn't moved his gaze.

"That's how it always goes Leo. They always say they can handle it then they either end up dead or mortality injured."

"I mean it Usagi."

"No Leo! I can't let you do this! You will die!" Usagi shouted. "It's the same fate Big Mama gives all her Champions."

"We all die." Leo tried.

"No Leo, you are not supposed to die like this. You are supposed to live on to protect the city and everyone you love." Usagi finally meet Leo's gaze. "You can't do this. You cant throw your life away."

"I'm sorry Usagi, but I have to do this." Leo sighed standing up and leaving the room.


(Two weeks later)

Usagi had been coming to Leo's matches ever since he was off bed rest. He wasn't able to compete himself due to his injury but he still wanted to protect his Unlabeled loved. Leo had been getting weaker over the weeks, it was as if his body was failing him due to overdrive.

But the turtle was strong and fast. Leo avoided almost every attack and he looked good doing it.

When ever the two boys would walk home Usagi couldn't help but to forget about the anger inside of him. It wasn't tell one night that would make usagi unmovable.

"Hey Usagi, I wanted to talk to you." Leo stuttered as he stopped in his tracks. Usagi looked towards Leonardo confused and he slowly turned around using his crutches to stay stabilized. "Uhm... As you know I like you. Like REALLY like you.. and I was wanting to know if maybe you'd want to go out on a date?"

"YES!" Usagi grinned instantly. "Yes, yes, yes!"

"Really!?" Leo grinned from ear to ear.

"Yes!" Usagi laughed gleefully.


The two boys where heading to Usagi's Apartment before their date so Usagi could change and take a shower, but as Usagi welcomed Leo in Leo stood shocked. Usagi had been packing. Usagi looked as if he had forgotten about the whole thing.

"Leo.." Usagi practically whispered.

"You're just moving to a new apartment- Right?" The blue turtle asked panic arising in his chest.

"No." The rabbit sighed as his ears dropped,  "Leo, I'm going home."

Leo stared at Usagi wide eyed. Usagi was going to leave without saying anything.

"My help was never needed here. I've already stayed longer then I should have." Usagi Explained.

"Why weren't you going to tell me?" Leo asked hushed.

"I-I thought it'd be easier for everyone."

"Or do you mean easier for you?" Leon asked anger bubbling in his chest.


"Don't. Just- forget about the date. You have better matters to attend to." Leo snapped before slamming the door behind him.

"Leo!" Usagi yelled as he opened the door ready to chase his turtle crush.

Leo didn't dare look back, he knew he didn't have the strength to look away from the white rabbit. Instead Leo headed back to the lair. He was tired and felt like throwing up. He couldn't believe his friend was going to just leave him without saying a word.

But Usagi wasn't just a friend to Leo, he was a crush. He ment the world to Leo, which Leo thought was bazar considering they hadn't known each other for that long. Leonardo did believe in Love At First Sight, but he never thought it'd go anywhere. And he was right.

He had been betrayed once again.


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