chapter 11- A New Champion

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Leo rushed in to help his brothers instantly clashing swords with a man in all black clothing. As Leo quickly disarmed the man and kicked him back he was met with another attack from the back. Leo tried to use his portals to help but ended up getting his brothers sucked into the portal as well. Leo quickly re opened the portal making everyone fall face first into the roof.

"Leo!" Donnie yelped as he hit the ground with a unpleasant thump!

"Sorry!" Leo apologized as he went to help out his brothers without the portals. Leo and his brothers worked side by side to defeat the enemy. However Leo ended up causing more problems then solving them. Leo had accsadently hit, or messed up his brothers multiple times making them end up with more wounds the necessary.

Once the threat was delt with the turtles headed towards the nearest sewer to escape the city lights.

"Leo! What was that!" Raph scolded as he threw his hands up.

"I-I don't know!" Leo argued as he racked his own brain.

"Seriously! I think you did more damage then help Leon." Donnie scoffed.

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm just not in the right mind today."

"I think we need to have a talk Leo." Raph hissed as the oldest brother led the turtles back to the base.

"Listen I'm sorry okay. I don't know what happened."

"Leo come sit down. All of you." Raph ordered the brothers.

The turtles obeyed and sat down.

"Leo I ain't your leader anymore. You are!" Raph shouted pointing at the blue masked turtle. "So figure it out! We cant have you tripping over your feet with every step!"

"I know and I'm sorry! I don't know what is going on." Leo sighed, "I'm never this bad."

"When are you going to stop thinking about yourself Leo?" Raph scolded. Leo froze out of anger. Leo wasn't thinking about himself! He was thinking about the whole team! Sure he messed up a few times but he wasn't being selfish! "Were lucky to have not gotten any serious wounds." Raph observed, "you need to pick up your slack Leonardo."

Leo just bit his tongue. Leo was picking up his 'slack'! Infact he was picking up more than is own! Leo did things that no one else in the family did. Leo worked two jobs, while his brothers goofed off the whole day. Goofing was once his thing, so how come all of the sudden it's not? And what about what Raph said not to long ago! He told Leo, that Leo was doing a fantastic job. What a lie that was.

Before Leo could receive anymore criticism he left. Leo decided it was time to face Big Mama and try to make amends.


"Ah Turtle!" Big mama grinned as she saw the blue turtle enter her office. "And here I was worried you wouldnt show up!"

"No Big Mama. I thought it was best to come and apologize for my mistake and make amends." Leo admitted as formally as he could.

"No need! You attually raised my viewing!" Big mama grinned, "Everyone loves the new champion. Hero by day, Champion by night."

"Champion?" Leo asked bewildered.

"Yep! You see bunnyboo was defeated, than you defeated the one who defeated him!"

"Oh." Leo said practically in a whisper.

"So Champion, best to get out there and show everyone what a true fighters worth!"

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