chapter 3 Missing Failed. Successfully?

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Usagi went through the portal with the others all of them chattering about. Once they got through to the other side which was really just seemed like one step Usagi noticed a fat little rat. The rat was Leonardo's father, Usagi remembered.

They all went their separate ways Leonardo and Micalengo going into the kitchen, Usagi following close behind.

"Hey Leo you never ended up texting me." Usagi brought up nudging himself into the boys conversation.

"Nardo! You didn't text him! You where so giddy when you where-" Mickey begun but was tackled to the ground by Leo.

"Y-yeah sorry about that! I'll do it right now!" Leo stuttered jumping to his feet and pulling out his phone using it to hide his embarrassed face. Leo texted the saved number with a simple, "hi".

Usagi smiled up at Leo once he got the messaged than texted back with a "hi!". Leo smiled stupidly before he cought himself mentally scolding himself for looking like a five year old who got a Gameboy for Christmas.

Authors note here, if you don't know what a Gameboy is shame on you.

Usagi chuckled at the taller embarrassed male. "So Usagi you gonna bunk tonight?" Mickey asked rubbing his bald spotted head.

"Oh no, I-I can't I have uhm..."

"Sweet so you are free! Sounds great!" Mickey grinned.

"Hey Nardo! Michael! We're doing a Luo Jitsu marathon!" Raphs voice called out.

"Oh hell yeah!" Mickey grinned.

"Language!" Leo called after him. "You coming?" Leo asked the rabbit.

"Uh yeah!" Usagi chuckled following Leo and Mickey.

"Leonardo. Let's have a word please." Splinter called out to his second oldest. Leo nodded towards Usagi telling him to go ahead without him. Usagi nodded back before following Mickey again.

"Leonardo, I fear big mama is planning something." Splinter told his son.

"Relax pops. I have it under control." Leo told Splinter beginning to leave but was stopped once again.


"Dad. Trust me. Please just trust me this one time." Leo sighed to his father. Splinter didn't reply. Leo saw that as his chance to leave and headed out to the living room where everyone else was huddled chatting.

"The king has arrived." Leo announced his hands held high and a snarky grin on his face.

"Yeah the stupid king." Donnie retorted.

"Rude." Leo gasped dramatically at his brother making Don scrunch up his face.

The family settled down beginning their marathon Leo had settled down next to Raphs but moved to Usagi's side chatting with him quitely. After two or three movies Usagi had fallen asleep slowly falling onto Leo's shoulder. Leo pretend not to notice but his green face turned into a beat red.

Once Leo had fallen asleep he fell asleep with his head tilted back against the chair behind him while his brothers managed to stay awake longer than him.

"Oh I am so using this for black mail." Donnie snickered jumping to his feet taking multiple pictures of the turtle and rabbit.

"Donnie!" Raphs quitely shouted.

"Hey don you wanna play gay turtle?" Mickey jumped up next to Donnie grinning. The two decided to do it despite Raphs constant bickering. Leo was a heavy sleeper and would it take a ice cold bucket of water to wake him. Therefore Mickey replaced Leo's place while Donnie laid him down next to Usagi. They than slowly laid Usagi down next to Leo.

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