chapter 9 Usagi's Belt

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"Usagi! My bunny boo! You wouldn't believe who just came in!" Big Mama grinned twords her champion. Usagi stared up at the large spider Yokai, confused. "It was a turtle!" Big Mama tried.

"Leo?" Usagi practically whispered to himself. The rabbit knew that Leo and his family had quite the history with Big Mama and the Battle Nexus in general.

"Yeperdoodles!" Big Mama grinned as she transformed into her pinkish human disguise.

"Why did he come in? Wasn't the deal with the rat?" Usagi asked wanting to dig deeper on why his reptilian friend came in to see Big Mama.

"It was, however your turtle friend convinced me to transfer the deal onto him." Big Mama shrugged less enthusiastic.

"Dose this mean he'll be fighting in the Battle Nexus?" Usagi asked, slight panic rising in him.


Usagi was not to happy about this, he would most definitely talk to Leo about it. Usagi has watched Leo fight plenty of times before to know he would quickly reach the top. Usagi knew Leo have to battle him eventually. Usagi liked the turtle, maybe a little to much; but nevertheless Usagi didn't think he would be able to raise his sword twords the mutant. He would have to figure something out in the meantime.


Leo knew it wouldn't be to much of a challenge to get in and out of the lair, however he knew it was still risky. If his brothers realize he's gone, he's as good as dead. Leo was also afraid of Donnie's tracker on him. He didn't know where it was or how Donnie got it on him, but he knew Donnie could find him no matter where he was.

Maybe he could make up excuses like he's watching to Battle Nexus for ideas in new moves or something. Once ready Leo opened his portal and slipped into the mystic hole. Leo was instantly greeted by Big Mama as she grabbed him by the shoulder and led him down the building so he could be ready when it was his turn to fight in the ring.

Once Big Mama got Leo to the place Leo instantly locked eyes with a white rabbit yokai.

"Usagi!?" Leo jumped.

"Leo!" Usagi didn't move from his pace and just stood awkwardly facing Leonardo.

"What are you doing here?" Leo asked practically running up to the rabbit.

"Have to pay rent somehow?" Usagi chuckled making it almost sound like a question.

"But you work for Hueso!"

"So do you."

"This isn't about me Usagi, why didn't you tell me?"

"Same reason I didn't tell you I was the blue samurai." Usagi chuckled softly.




"I don't see the problem here Leo." Usagi huffed getting slightly frustrated.

"I don't want you getting hurt!" Leo told Usagi grabbing the rabbits paws. "I don't want to see you hurt." Leo repeated.

"Don't worry about me Leo, I'm stronger than you think." Usagi smiled.

"Okay..." Leo sighed, reassuring himself. "Just, please. Be careful."

"Leo, I'm a rabbit, I'm always careful." Usagi joked smiling at his friend.


A short chapter but I felt like I needed to get something out for y'all 😅

I've been extremely burnt out with everything lately so I apologize for my absence. I am trying to jump back into my daily routine, but due to the fact that I had to switch to some honors halfway through the year, with the already changing schedule has just been stressing me out. I'm doing my best to bounce back and seeing your comments always make me happy and gives me some motivation. I have been having TMNT movie marathons, so I keep accsadently mixing up the personality of ROTTMNT Leonardo with all his ancestors', meaning I keep having to have to go over my writing before I publish so I make sure it still fits ROTTMNT Leonardo 🤣

I have also been adding my personal touches to Usagi as the only show he has in the Samurai rabbit, and I keep wanting to mix him with Miyamoto Usagi, when he doesn't share the personality of his grandfather. I also keep meaning to change the Cover as it looks like Miyamoto Usagi and Leonard Hamato, instead of Yuichi Usagi and Leonard Hamato(in my opinion). So that'll be happening soon, I'll either draw it myself or hope to find someone else drawing, as like I said I am burnt out in LITTRALLY everything so drawing has been a pain in my ASS. Anyways, that's it. Enjoy reading!

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