Chapter 8 Making Amends

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"USAGI!!" Leo shouted from the buildings edge. The white rabbit jumped slightly as he instantly turned his attention towards the turtle. Leo bolted towards Usagi grabbing him into a strong hug.

"Uh Leo?" Usagi laughed slightly uncomfortable.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Leo asked Usagi pulling away so he could look at Usagi straight in the face.

"Tell ya what?" Usagi chuckled.

"That you're that samurai that me and my brothers keep running into?"

"I didn't think it was a big deal."

"OF COURSE IT IS!! You know how much cooler that makes you seem!?" Leo asked shaking Usagi slightly. Usagi began letting out a uncontrollable laughter unable to hold himself back.

"Leo!" Usagi laughed, "I thought you hated me as a samurai!"

"I didn't hate you! I was jealous!" Leo admitted beginning to laugh along with the Yokai.

"Why?" Usagi asked calming his laughter.

"Because you looked so cool! And I don't."

"Says who? You look great! You don't have to hide your identity! You get to beat ass without a single worry in the world!" Usagi argued.

"I always worry Usagi." Leo smiled softly at the rabbit, some how making the air become slightly uncomfortable. "I worry about my brothers. I worry about my whole family Usagi. ALL THE TIME! Its weird man!" Leo chuckled slightly.

"It's not weird. It just means you fight for what's right!" Usagi assured his mutant friend.

"Okay, okay. Quit flirting we still have a whole city to see!" Kitsune called out suddenly. The two boys snapped to her sending her silent daggers. The fox just shrugged it off before she joined her friends side, Chizu.

"She is right. The tour isn't over." Leo chuckled nudging Usagi softly with his shoulder. "Let's finish this up sha'll we?"



"Dad?" Leo questioned himself as he made his way to the living room. Sure enough there was splinter trying to get on his blue suit. However Splinters stitches along his side made it painful to do. "Splinter!" Leo barked storming into the room. Splinter froze before slowly turning to face his son.

"Blue! Wanna lend your old man a hand?" Splinter asked smiling innocently.

"NO!" Leo yelled getting furious. "What did I say!? I am WORKING, FULL FUCKING TIME! What more do you need!?" Leo yelled.

"Nardo! Watch that reptilian mouth of yours!" Splinter snapped at his son.

"I have the money. We are fine. We can pay for food and even more. It's not like we pay rent! I don't see why you need the money so damn badly!" Leo shouted waving his hands around.

"ITS NOT ABOUT THE MONEY!" The turtles father yelled back.

The two boys stood in uncomfortable silence for a long few moments before being interrupted by a concerned snapping turtle,

"Everything alright?"

"No. Everything is not alright." Leo snapped not even moving a muscle; being locked in with his own silent conversation with Splinter.

"Is there anything I can do?" Raph asked carefully.

"No. Back off. You're not need here." Leo snapped at his older brother unintentionally.

Raph stood still for a second. He couldn't believe he was dismissed that easily and that unkindly. In the end however Raph nodded and left the two alone. 

"You're not going." Leo told his father turning his back on the rat.

"Yes I am!"

"No you're not!" Leo drew a single blade blindly and held the tip against his father's throat. Splinter looked up at his son horrified. Leos chest was heaving, he wasn't thinking straight. He was mad! He was upset! He had every right! Did he?

Leo pulled back from his father sliding his blade back into it's scabbard placed on the back of his shell. The two held a heated stare for a few more seconds before Leonard left.

"DONNIE! LOCK DOWN EVERYTHING! I DONT WANT ANYONE LEAVING!" Leo yelled hitting his breaking point. Donnie poked his head out of his lab a very confused look on his face, but instantly obeyed once he saw the look on Leo's face. Right as the Lair went down into lockdown Leo exited using his swords, taking himself to Big Mama's.

"BIG MAMA!" Leo shouted storming into her office. Big mama sat at her desk in her human form examining her nails. Due to the disruption Big Mama looked up unimpressed.

"Ooohhhhh Turtle!! Where is your father hunny boo?" Big mama grinned leaning forward looking around curiously.

"I want to take splinters place!" Leo told her, getting straight to the point.

"Oh." Big Mama huffed sitting back into her chair.

"I don't care about the money, I just want the alliance." Leo told her.

"Why would I put you in the ring?"

"I am Lu Jitsu's son, I am a ninja, and I can put on one hell of a show. I'll be able to bring in more customers then you've been getting over the past few months." Leo told her listing out the things he believed she would like.

"Trueee." Big Mama grinned tapping her fingers away at the desk. "Okay! You're in! I'll just need you to sign this contract, basically saying you just take your father's place in the ring."

Leo took the contract which Big Mama pulled out of her drawer and red it carefully making sure not to miss a single detail.

"Worried?" Big mama asked.

"When it comes to you? Yes." After reading it all and finding out it did not in fact have any strings attached Leo signed the contract.

"Perfect. See you tonight!" Big mama grinned winking towards the turtle. Leo took his leave instantly disappearing into his blue mystic portal.


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