chapter 12- Red Sand

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Thunder seemed to roar in Leo's reptilian ears as his sweat and blood hit the sandy ground. His vision was slightly blurred by the water his eyes made. It was unusual for Leo to cry, but this time his body was screaming at him, but not only that, he still worried about his Yokai friend.

Leo still hadn't gotten any news from Donnie on the rabbit Yokai. If Donnie was here he'd be able to tell Leo that his emotions are overflowing which was causing his eyes to water the way the were. Mikey would tell Leo to take a deep breath then find 4 things to name and name 4 things about those objects, while Raph tried to comfort Leo the best he possibly could.

But his brothers weren't here. He was on his own. He wasn't a honorable ninja anymore, he was a participant in a horrid fighting arena. The Battle Nexus wasn't anything like the wrestling championships the brothers would go to see. No, it had no rules. It was like a dog fighting arena for Yokai and Mutants.

Leon had been fighting for hours, fights after fights. Leo could barely get a breather in-between the short breaks he did get. He was the new Champion, and he needed to uphold that title if he were to keep Big Mama pleased.

If Leo had hair, it would be standing on end. A group of frog mutants entered the ring. Leo had fought Dues before, but a whole group? He didn't know if he could do it. He was so sore and tired. He had no idea how Usagi could have handled this amount of struggle on his shoulders.

Despite Leo's temptation he raised his katanas. He wasn't going to lose to a bunch of lowlife thugs. The frogs were the first to place a attack, however thanks to Leo's mystical powers he was able to avoid most hits.

As the battle drew on, swords clashing constantly, blood seemed to fill Leo's ears. He couldn't hear the rumble from the crowd anymore, he couldn't even hear his own swords slamming against the Frogs rusty ones.

Leo tried to go on but it was so hard. The frogs knew he was weak, they were tiering him out so they can be sure to land a critical blow. They already kept Leo moving, they hopped all around him, over him, besides him, and even below him on occasions.

Leo was panting within the first five minutes of the match. His body felt like giving up the same way it felt when Leo was stuck in the prison dimension, with no hope left. After all, how could he have known Mikey was able to open portals to different dimensions?

The war flash backs filled Leo's vision. The look of Raph's face as Mikey and Donnie got wiped off the alien ship. The large mech storming towards him as Leo struggling to stand up. A surge of anger pulsed through Leo. If he could beat all odds, he could beat some crooks.

This time it was Leos turn to attack. Leo spun around slashing a frogs stomach open while ducking down and avoiding a flying blade that quickly met another frogs shoulder. Leo used his two blades to his advantage as he spun around kicking up the crusted sand up in the process. It was hard to not think about all the blood and diseases filling the sand.

Leo manged to nock back another frog in the process of his attack. He quickly gathered the frogs up before creating a portal big enough to suck them all in. Leo made a exit portal on the side of the arena where the sand stopped and the room plunged into deep water.

The frogs fell into the water after falling for a quick second. A large splash followed close behind. Once the threat was disengage the crowds cheering did eventually come back. Leo treaded his way to the metal bridge and back into the underside of the stadiums. Leo passed the spot were he witnessed Usagi get stabbed and headed straight for the doors to the outside world. He was done for tonight.

If he could, he would've just portaled home, however he lacked the mental and physical energy to do so. So Leo took the most familiar rute home, the sewers.

Leo prayed to any and all gods that Usagi would be awake when he got back to the lair, though he doubted it anyways. Donnie had said the Usagi would most likely be out of at least three days due to the treatment the purple brother gave the rabbit.

Leo just wished to see his friends smile one last time before he possibly met his last battle in the ring.

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