chapter 7 The Samurai

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"Good morning." Usagi greeted his coworker as the turtle entered the restaurant already dressed.

Leo mumbled something back Usagi couldn't understand or hear so he just shrugged it off and continued on serving tables. The whole day Usagi and Leo didn't talk. Usagi tired but Leo just escaped it quickly.

By the time both their shifts where over and they locked up they still hadn't had a single conversation.

"Hey Leo, uh I-I don't know as much about New York... And uh I was wondering if you can help me give them a tour and explain the uh Yokai?" The samurai rabbit stuttered trying to make some kind of conversation with Leo as they stood Infront of the restaurant.

"Yeah? And why would you want help from a ninja?" Leo spat beginning to walk away. Usagi grabbed onto Leo's shoulder making him stop.

"Leo I don't hate ninjas! A-at least not anymore. I used to- but they weren't like you." Usagi tried.

"Oh so what you're saying is I'm not a real ninja?" Leo hissed Turing around in a flurry.

"No! That's not what I'm saying! Why won't you listen!?" Usagi cried throwing his hands up.

"I guess us ninjas aren't good at listening either huh?"

"Oh come on Leo!"

"No! You come on Usagi! Being a ninja is the only thing I have! It what makes me me! My father is a Ninja! My grandparents where ninjas! My whole bloodline are ninjas!-" Leo spat out waving his hands all around. "I like you Usagi! And finding out from some random dude that you hate them- it hurt Usagi. You made me feel bad about myself and my family even if you didn't do it directly. You made me embarrassed of my blood."

"Leo.." Usagi grabbed Leo's hands making Leo freeze. "The ninjas back home tried to kill me. Multiple times. That's why I hate those ninjas. I don't hate you. You're a great guy Leo and I'm so glad I met you."

Leo didn't reply. Usagis words where still spinning through his mind. "Okay." Leo finally stuttered out before disappearing as quickly as he could. Once he was back at the lair he found himself alone, not even pops was around. Leo took this chance and went into Donnie's lab to snoop around.

In the end Leo didn't find anything good and eventually ended up on his bed reading comic books.

"Hey Leo! We got some food while we where out! Come out here!" Mickey's voice called out suddenly. Leo pulled himself out of his comic and drug his feet out to the kitchen.

"Where the hell were you guys?" Leo asked upset that he wasn't invited.

"Don't worry Nardo we just went on the nightly patrol." Raoh told his younger brother.

"You guys couldn't wait for me?" Leo scoffed getting annoyed, "and how did you get pops to go with?" Leo huffed motioning towards the rat mutant who was waddling out of the kitchen. "He's lazier than a bear during the winter!"

"Hey! I heard that!" Splinter called out.

"Well you weren't around and pops offered to come with so... You know he came along." Mickey shrugged tapping the counter.

"What's the problem anyways Leo? You have a job now we can't always wait for you to respond." Raph added in.

"The problem is that you guys left me!" Leo spat crossing his arms. "What if something happened to you guys? I wasn't there to help because no one told me where you guys were!"

"Speaking of fights! We saw that samurai that you hold a unreasonable grudge against." Donnie spoke up grabbing a piece of homemade pizza, most likely from April.

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