chapter 10 Turtle & the Hare

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Leo watched Usagi on the small television as the rabbit fought his opponent. The entrance for the Battle Nexus crackled, seemingly making everything more and more unsettling. Leo refused to pull his eyes away from the screen, even if the white bunny was doing perfectly fine.

However, every champion has his downfall. And for Usagi, today was that day. Leo froze as he saw the blade of the enemy sneak it's way into Usagi's lower abdomen. Leo couldn't move, at least that's what he thought. Truth was he jumped up right away and ran into the ring.

Leo portaled his way closer to Usagi not wanting to wait another second before he knocked the opponent back. Unfortunately for both of the boys, the sword went with the opponent, meaning Usagi needed professional help immediately. Leo cursed at himself as he quickly took up the rabbit in his hands and disappeared into his blue portal.

"DONNIE!" Leo cried out as he stumbled back into the lair. "DONNIE PLEASE!" Leo yelled again. Leo dropped to his knees and pressed a hand against Usagi's wound, making the slightly unconscious rabbit groan in response. After what seemed like forever Donnie came running down from his lab and examined Usagi before urging Leo forward into the softshells lab.

In the end Donnie had to kick Leo out of the lab due to Leo's nervous talking. Leo was pacing the whole downstairs area, he was to worried to settle down. Even when his purple masked brother came down to reassure him that his crush would be just fine and just needed rest, he couldn't sit still. Leo couldn't stop thinking about the white rabbit Yokai. He couldn't stop thinking about what he could have done to prevent this kind of injury.

Usagi didn't have a strong shell to protect him like Leo did. It should have been him instead of the rabbit. That way it wouldn't have been as bad. Dispite Donatello's best efforts Leo ended up sitting next to Usagi impatiently. The turtle stared at the rabbit as he bounced his leg. Leo was so out of it he didn't realize he had fallen asleep until he was woken from his quite slumber.

However Leo wasn't mad, as it came with a delightful surprise. The rabbits white paw was on Leo's hand as the rabbit stared at the ceiling blankly. "Usagi! You're okay!" Leo practically sobbed as he jumped up from his seat. Usagi snapped towards Leo's direction, obviously shocked by the sudden loudness.

"Leo, I told you I'm a rabbit! I'm always okay." Usagi joked making Leo frown in disappointment.

"You littrally got stabbed in the stomach." Leo groaned. The blue brother was the one who normally joked in these circumstances, however Leo didn't think this was a time to kid around.

"Eh, so what. I always bounce back." Usagi grinned at his own growing crush. "Thank you Leo." Usagi added in.

"For what?" Leo was genuinely confused. Not many people, or well turtles, showed appreciation to him.

"For what?" Usagi laughed lightly, "for getting me out of there dumby!" Usagi grinned once again, showing his rabbit buck teeth. Leo couldn't help but smile back. Everything this rabbit seemed to do gave the turtle butterflies.

To bad for Leo however, it wasn't real. It was just what his mind wanted him to see, instead Leo was woken up by Donatello.

"If you sleep like this you won't be able to stand straight up anymore." Donnie scoffed staring that the turtle. Leo looked up disappointed. It was in fact a dream. Usagi still laid unconscious. "Don't worry Leo, he's not going anywhere." Donnie reassured his brother before ushering him up. Leo very sluggishly walked down to his room before falling onto his bed, face first. This was all his fault. Or so he thought. He knew more trouble was going to come.

This was the second time Big Mama had been stood up by the Hamato family, and she wouldn't be happy to see the turtle once again. But Leo didn't care about that. All he cared about was the rabbit. Leo cared deeply for the rabbit, even if his feelings weren't returned he knew he would protect Usagi with his life.

Again a short chapter, sorry about that. I've been having lots of burnout phases lately, and I've also started a new TMNT comic with my personal designs. I would appreciate it if y'all could give me some ideas on where to go with this novel, to be honest I only wrote the plot out to just a chapter or two after this point. So any suggestions would be great. I have one idea, but uh ha I don't think y'all would be happy with me🤣. Any suggestions is welcome!

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