chapter 2 Big Mamas Deal

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"That turtle! Killed my main show!" Bug mama screeched pacing in her office. "Little dimbly doo broke our deal." Big mama sheathed with anger.

"Bunny woo, my men tell me you where there with the turtle. You two close?" Big mama asked transforming into her human form.

"I- uh- I'm not sure. We only met yesterday." Usagi admitted not wanting to make his boss even more angry.

"Very well." Big mama hummed thinking. "Maybe... Bunny woo I want you to get closer to that blue one. Yess.. this could be great!" Big mama smiled gleefully clapping.

"What about all that happened? Shouldn't we not want anything to do with them?" Usagi asked carefully choosing his words.

"Mmm not right now. I have a better idea. Just do as you where told bunny boo."

"Yes ma'am." The white rabbit nodded before being dismissed from Big Mama's office.


"Come on Mickey! Just a bit more!" What sounded like Cassie cheered.

"Come one just a bit more!" That was Raph.

"According to my calculations if you open it a little more to the right it should be able to hold." That was most definitely Donnie. Leo walked into the training deck to see his brothers and the time traveler cheering on the youngest brother.

Mickey had a yellow sparking portal Infront of him. Cracks where traveling up his arms and his face was scrunched up in pain and focus.

"Mickey! Stop!" Leo shouted rushing over to his little brother. The portal closed violently and Mickey stumbled backwards falling into Leo's arms. "What did I say about opening portals!?" Leo shouted looking at everyone around the two as Leonardo helped Mickey back up to his feet.

"Mickey started doing it on his own we just cheered him on." Donnie shrugged cording his arms irritated.

"No. More. Portals. You've seen what is dose to him. I thought we all agreed to not let him make portals until his body is strong enough to handle it." Leo huffed at his brothers annoyed.

"Sorry Leo." Mickey apologized rubbing his arms.

"Just no more portals. Okay?" Leo told him placing a arm on his shoulder. Mickey nodded in return. Leo sent a disappointed glare at the others causing Cassie to look down sorry.

"Sorry master Leonardo." Cassie spoke up.

Leon left the training deck walking back to his room.

"What was that all about?" Raph asked leaning against Leo's "door" frame.

"What do you mean?" Leo asked cooly.

"You now... That. Your normally the one to cheer him on the most. But this time you stopped it." Raph shrugged.

"Just... I don't know Raph. Seeing the pain in his face and how hard he was pushing himself.... I just... I don't want him to turn into me." Leo rambled waving his hands around.

"Hey relax." Raph chuckled softly placing a hand on Leo's shoulder. "If Mickey wasn't positive he could handle it he wouldn't have done it. Exspecually Infront of you. Now stop sounding like me and start sounding like yourself again." Raph chuckled poking Leo in the chest, really hard.

Leo laughed along with his older brother before he fell silent in thought.

"Hey Raph?" Leo nearly whispered.


"Don't you want to be the leader again?"

Raph went quite.

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