chapter 15- The Battle of a Lifetime

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Pounding, Screaming, Cheering, all for one man, or in this case, turtle. Blood stained the sand in the pit. A mixture of all fighters spill. However this time it was Leo's that stained the ground the most. Leo had blood running down from his scalp and onto his nose and where his eyebrows would be of he had any. It was nearly impossible to see with the blur of adrenaline and blood.

A very large ape Yokai had a grin with a axe in one of her hands. She knew Leo was weak. Afterall he had been weakend for the fight specifically.

Big Mama wanted him to lose. Afterall this is what the Turtle deserved, it was Splinter, the rat who was once human, deserved.

No one cheated Big Mama and got away with it. Leo had quickly brought more views to the Nexus, but Big Mama knew how much more she'd get if the champion died.

But there was one more main event after this. She needed Leo to survive one last time.

And that is exactly what Leo did, but he couldn't do it without losing a arm in the process.

Leo was stubborn though, he knew he only had one more fight. Even if he had just lost a limb and was about to faint, he needed to prove himself.

The opposite door opened only to slowly reveal a white rabbit Yokai.

Leo's last challenge was the ex-Champion, Yuichi Usagi.

At first Usagi seemed to stagger as he came out into the light, but after looking around and then landing his eyes on the turtle his chest puffed out. His body showed strength, but his eyes showed mercy and worry.

Leo felt betrayed once again. The rabbit looked afraid to Leo, his nose wouldn't stop twitching and he couldn't keep his eyes on Leo for longer then a second.

Leo drew his katana and stepped towards the rabbit, his head was spinning and he couldn't seem to walk in a straight line.

Leo was losing blood and fast. Just as the bell for the fight to begin ring Leo fell to the ground. The crowd seemed quite, they wanted to see what would happen next to the hero turtle.

Usagi sprinted to Leo sliding up next to him. Leo managed to push himself up enough to sit on his knees.

"Leo!! We have to get you out of here!" Usagi panicked as he took a second examining Leo's wounds before pressing a paw against the open wound.

Leo clenched his jaw, the pain came numb, but his rage did not. Leos knuckles turned white as he gripped even harder onto his single katana.

Leo bashed Usagi in the chest with the hilt.

"I don't need you. I don't need your help." Leo hissed forcing himself up. Usagi was still on the ground staring at Leo in surprise.

"Leo please!" Usagi practically cried. ",If you don't get out of here you will die!"

"So be it. I'd rather die a slow death then die by a traitors hand." Leos blood bubbles with rage.

"Then don't! Die with your brothers by your side!" Usagi pleaded not standing up. Usagi's eyes did start to water but he tried to hold it together the best he could. He didn't want his last day in the Nexus to go like this. He wanted to have a good battle then just seemingly disappear in thin air.

Now he was sitting with the one person he felt like he had someone who truly cared about him fade away from his grasp.

"Leo, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Just please come home with me." Usagi begged as he lowered his head and looked at his bloody paws.

Leo felt a pit in his stomach drop. Usagi was right. He was going to die alone if he doesn't make a move. Leo fell to his knees next to usagi before focusing all little energy he had left into one last portal.

Leo couldn't leave his brothers, not yet.


Should I post the next part or leave y'all hanging?🤔

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