Chapter 13- Lectures Left and Right

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As Leo returned to the lair he was instantly met with a very puffed up Raph.

"Where have you been!?" Raph growled. Leo could swear he could see steam coming out of Raph's ears like in the cartoons you'd see on the TV.

"I was out patrolling." Leo shrugged.

"The hell you were!" Raph barked. "Donnie said you were at Bib Mama's Arena!"

Damnit Donnie. Leo cursed his brother in his head.

"I was just checking it out! You never know I find some new moves to use!" Leo shrugged.

"If you were 'just checking it out' then why are you all beat up?" Raph hissed.

"Well the best way to learn is by first hand experience." Leo shrugged rocking on his feet.

"You better nock, what ever you're up to, off!" Raph hissed.

"Why do you care what I do so much? You guys have already been leaving me out of patrols and training." Leo hissed back. "I'm the leader here now, you said it yourself! I'm trying to help out the team by doing what I am doing!"

"You're helping no one but yourself." Raph spat before walking off.

Leo felt as if he was just stabbed by a dagger straight into his gut. How could Raph say that! Leo is helping the team! Hell he's helping the whole god damn family! Raph had no right to say such things.

Dispite Leos rage sorrow bubbled up into his throat. Leon headed off to his room unable to talk with anyone else at the moment. As Leo laid down his thoughts got the best of him. He kept thinking back to when he was being self absorbed when they key to the Kraangs dimension slipped through the turtles fingers.

The next thing Leo knew, he was sobbing quitely into his pillow. Raph was never like this before. Not until Leo became leader. Maybe Raph was jealous. Leo had no idea what to do.


"Leo! Leo! Wake up!" Mikey's voice filled Leo's ears as he slowly opened his eyes. "Come on get up!" Mikey grinned pulling Leo off his bed and dragged him up to Donnie's lab.

As Leo's eyes adjusted to the new found light there was something, no, someone who cought his eyes.

"Usagi?" Leo gasped quietly.

The whit rabbit turned the blue turtles way. Usagi was sitting up on his own and had the biggest smile on his face when he saw Leo.

"Usagi!" Leo practically cried as he ran to the rabbit and wrapped his arms around the woken Yokai. "I can't believe you're awake!" Leo began sobbing into the rabbits neck.

"Of course I'm alive! I'm a rabbit! I always bounce back!" Usagi grinned puffing out his chest. "Oh and Leo.."

"Yeah?" Leo asked concerned as he pulled away from the rabbit to look him in his eyes.

"I heard everything you said about me to Donnie." Usagi smirked.

It took a second for Leo to recall what he said to Donnie before he froze and turned a new shade of red. "Oh! Uh-"

Before Leo could make up some excuse Usagi pressed his muzzle against Leo's. Leo practically melted in Usagi's touch.

"You're so oblivious some times." Usagi chuckled as he pulled away.

"And you're not?" Donnie piped in.

"He has a point, Leo's been drooling over you since the beginning." Mikey grinned. "But congratulations! I've been waiting ages for this to finally happen." Mikey sighed.

Leo chuckled softly not removing his eyes off of Usagi once.

Usagi's eyes grazed Leo's body before Usagi went fridged. "Leo. Where did you get these cuts from?" Usagi asked locking eyes with Leo once more.

"Well, Big Mama kind of offered me something..." Leo whispered uncomfortably.

"Leo!" Usagi shouted. "Did you take my spot?"

Leo just nodded. Usagi's face dropped. "Leo do you have any idea how dangerous that is!?"

"I do."

"Then why did you do it?"

"For my family." Leo's expression went sturn to show he was being 100 percent serious.

"Oh Leo.."


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