'Break it? How?' you like where Henry is coming from, but you needed more information. 'Yes, change the script, but for good. The Keepers and Wilson want to change the script for Wilson to rule over the Ink Demon, but we already know how that will turn out... The Ink Demon is the studio. He is one with it, and if he dies, this place dies. But Wilson doesn't know that.'
'But you, you don't want to rule this hellish monstrosity of a place. You just want to go home, to help the souls down here... to free everyone. Somehow, I know you can do just that. I believe in you. While I don't know how, and I don't know if you are ready for it, but I know you can do it.'
Even though you had only just met this guy, he was already starting to grow on you. He was quiet and attentive, yet insightful and trustworthy... reminded you of your mother a little.
'...I don't know how, but I'll figure it out.' You finally say back, grabbing Bendy in a half-hug. 'We'll figure it out. And once we do, we'll stop at nothing to free everyone.' Henry nodded silently in agreement and recognition, knowing your words were true. 'Good luck... there may be some events that may happen however... some you might need to know.' He rested his hand on the glass and furrowed his brow, trying to remember. 'Sammy... Sammy Lawrence, the music department head... you've met him, right? He ends up dying. It's necessary to reset the Cycle.'
You turn your head to where Sammy was, not hearing his words over the off notes he was producing. '...Do I have to kill him?' Henry shakes his head. 'For me, he died by the Ink Demon, and then Tom.' Two questions came to mind. 'Who's Tom?' you ask, and Henry chuckled. 'Oh, that's Alice's friend. She has a pet wolf, you could say. A protector.' You nod, imagining it. 'That reminds me... Alice needs to die as well.' You froze and stared at him, surprised by how nonchalantly he said those words. 'Alice has to-' He snapped his fingers in realisation. 'Sorry! No, not that Alice. There is another Alice... you ever heard of Susie Campbell?'
You nod, remembering the voice-actress's name. 'She was the original voice for Alice. She got replaced by a lady named Allison Pendle. They both did the job very well...' Henry seemed to remember this time very well, having a perplexed and saddened face. 'She got lured here by a promise, a promise to be beautiful. She already was, don't get me wrong... but she wanted to be Alice, a part of her. And she got mutated into a clone of her. Except...'
He closed his eyes, remembering her. 'Her intentions were corrupt, and it affected her mutation. Her face is...' he couldn't finish the sentence, but Bendy pointed at Henry eagerly for what he said. A thought came to mind as to why. 'Is... did she take people's... insides?' you ask, and Henry nods. 'She believed it would make her beautiful.' Bendy nods at his words. 'That makes so much more sense now... and I see why my friend Alice hates her name...' Henry looked away. 'She doesn't know it, but she is an amalgamation of Allison Pendle, so I'd always call her Allison to make it easier.'
'Joey had said that!' you say loudly, remembering Joey's monologue. 'This makes so much more sense now... but I have another question...' You quieten your voice and peer over at Sammy once more. 'How did he die twice in the one Cycle? Does he have to die twice?' Henry smiled weakly before replying. 'In the Cycle, he died very close to the beginning of my journey, giving him ample time to come back through the Dark Puddles. The only thing was that he needed to be killed before the Cycle resets, he doesn't have to die twice.'
'Why do I need to know these things if I'm not resetting the Cycle?' He stares at you and thinks for a moment. '...Because that is when the Cycle is at its weakest. I believe you should play out these things to allow the Cycle to get to the point of resetting, and then find out that way to break it. You'll have the best chance to break something when it's at its weakest point, right?'
'Right. Okay...' You glance over at Bendy, who understood as well. 'But... I have one more question... why am I special? Joey said it's because of having an innocence to this place, I didn't have a clue of what happened, so that made me have this ability to free people. Is that true?' Henry laughed at your words, understanding why you didn't trust Joey's judgement. 'While he is a disturbing good liar, I believe those words are true. You only know of the little good things this company has done...'
'...Brought happiness to children. And no one, no one who knows about what happened here thinks of that. So that's what makes you special. Because no matter how much bad stuff happens down here, your child-like mind and purity will remember how much laughter and happiness those old cartoons brought to everyone. And that's why... that's why I can feel an aura of freedom and joy from you. You're perfect for this role, to free everyone... because that is who you are.'
All of this knowledge... all of this makes so much more sense to you now. 'I won't let you down, Henry.' you mumble under your breath as the gears in your mind churned, they churned to know what to do. How to help. 'I know you won't.' At his words, he went back over to his seat and sat down. 'If you're lost, you know where to find me.'
An Inkwell's Stain //BATDR Fanfiction\\ [Female Reader]
FanfictionMy Co-Author: Psycho_Bacon31 You are a young girl whose mother is working late at Arch Gate Studios on a tight deadline. While your mother is distracted with getting this strict schedule finished, you decide to take a wander to explore this big and...