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"So this is how you solve a simultaneous equation" the teacher explained with me giving him my optimum attention.
I can't afford to fail math.
The bell rings. "There is going to be a math quiz next class which is part of your grade. I urge you guys to read. Until next class" he said loudly and I packed my things up. Looks like I have a test to study for. It is lunchtime and I don't feel hungry.
I texted my friends that I was going to miss lunch and headed to the library.
I want to catch up on some subjects. "Hello Mrs. Pika" I greeted immediately I entered the library.
"Stephanie, how you doing?" she said smiling like she didn't see me two days ago. "I'm good" I replied and turned to a random section to look for the textbook that will interest me.
"Isn't it lunch? Give yourself a break" she shouted breaking the first library rule. No talking!
"I don't feel hungry" I shouted back grabbing a math textbook and walking to the back of the library. I settled in the plush cushions which is super comfy.
I settled my books on my lap before putting my AirPods in my ear.
I read anyhow so today I need some music to give me energy.

I checked my phone and realized I have about five minutes left. I removed my AirPods and packed my books.
Some girls were gushing about something in shelf close to me. "They have finally resume and looking so fucking hot" the redhead squealed.
Who are the they?
"Did you see Asher? Like Jesus that guy is so damn perfect" the another one said loudly and my heart skipped a beat.
Why am I just getting to know now?
You were the one who decided to miss lunch.
I haven't seen him in three months and three days, ninety three days,two thousand and eighty eight hours,one hundred and twenty five thousand two hundred and eighty minutes, seven million;five hundred and sixteen thousand;eight hundred seconds.
Hearing that he is in school right now is making me feel things I badly don't want to. I thought I don't like him anymore but I am a mess thinking about him.
What are you doing to me?
I put my hand on my chest in an attempt to calm my heart.
Quit being a fool Stephanie. The guy will never be yours so why are you feeling this fucked shit?
I facepalmed myself and return the books quickly. I need to get out of here. Mrs Pika was saying to me on my way out but I wasn't listening to her.
The bell rang minutes ago so I scurried down the hall to get to class.
I have got English and the teacher is strict. He is a pain in my beautiful ass.
Not now idiot!
Luck on my side, the teacher isn't in yet.
I settled in my chair and sighed.
Why do I like him?
I wanted a simple life free of drama but I brought this upon myself.
My first rule when I started school was to avoid boys.
Boys' are a bit handful with all the feelings.
'You broke that when you started crushing on Asher'.
You think I don't know that but I am invisible to him so that means no drama.
That doesn't stop my heart from skipping a beat anytime I think of him or someone says anything about him.
'Don't you want him to feel the same way?' my heart whispered.
I don't know but that would never happen.
Like how will that happen when there are likes of Katrina are around him?
So how will he like simple me?
I felt my heart twitch but it is the truth.
It is better I start accepting it and let the feelings die.
I didn't even realize the teacher was in class until the teacher started talking .
I tried to focus on the teacher rather than the thoughts flooding my mind.

"Good morning students. We would be talking about Romeo and Juliet. Later on, we are gonna act out the play and it is going to be magnificent.
But right now let's focus on discussing the book" the teacher explained.
The door creaks open but I didn't bother looking up from the book I was reading.
I heard a few gasp and squeals. I decided to look up and understand what the fuss is all about.
I scanned through the class and didn't get what the fuss is all about. Until my eyes landed on a certain person standing in the front. My heart skipped a beat for the nth time today.
Why is this happening to me?
I didn't even know they were in this class because this is definitely the first time I am seeing them in this class.
By them I mean Daniel, Matthew and Asher. The guy that has flooded my thoughts in the past year. The guy I have tried so much to forget about.
Seeing him standing there looking devilish handsome with a smug look on his face is really doing things to my poor heart. How can someone dress so simple but look so good?
In that moment I knew I was officially a goner. I really like this guy who doesn't even know I exist.
I closed my eyes to blink back the unshed tears. I will not cry over a guy.
The teacher glared at them for interrupting the class but they seem unfazed at the teacher's reaction.
Just dressed in a simple V-neck shirt matching up with blazer jacket and black jeans with Nike converse. His hair with the I just woke up look.
The others are looking good too no wonder why they are the school sweethearts.
Matthew is just like Asher always breaking hearts but Daniel is more reserved. Never seen him with any gal and never heard he broke a girl's heart.
"Would you three explain to me why you are coming to class at this hour?" the teacher asked angrily and I can practically see steam blowing out of his ears.
"Sorry Mr. Lance, we were practicing and didn't realize time was far spent" Daniel being the responsible one spoke up.
"Are you sure you three are in this class because I have never seen your faces since this year started" the teacher asked voicing out my thoughts.
"You think we had waste our time to attend a class we aren't in" a deep, husky and masculine voice said which sent shivers down my spine.
Gasps erupted in the class.
Mr. Lance is one of the strict teacher and no one dares to disrespect him but Asher is just being Asher.
It has been so long since I have heard his voice.
The teacher scowled but went to check a list probably the register. "Go and take your seats and let this be the last time you would disturb my class. Or the next time, I wouldn't be so gentle" the teacher warned pointing a finger at them.
They went to the back seats and I wondered why I didn't choose the back seats.
The teacher after calming himself got back to teaching.
I look back over my shoulder and saw him talking or should I say flirting with a girl wearing the skimpiest clothes and a makeup caked face.
Uh Asher! I hate you!
I can't even focus on my studies because of you. I wonder how many more class we are in together.
This is bad for my mental health.
The bell rang and I was the first one out.
I leaned against the wall and sighed.
I watched as everyone came out of the class and lastly Asher came out with the girl putting one hand on her shoulder.
She was giggling about something he said.
I just headed to my next class which is the same way they are going.
Can life be more fair?
'Why did you wait?'.
Seriously I have no idea.
Maybe I thought:
As I leaned against the wall, I felt a presence in front of me and I opened my eyes coming face to face with Asher.
"Hey I am always noticed you around. What is your name?" he asked resting his hand lazily on my shoulder.
"Stephanie" I breathed out and he smirked liking the way my body responded to him.
"Nice name for such a beauty. Your digits so we could get to know each other more" he said and handed me his phone.
I didn't even hesitate before typing in my number.
He kissed me on the cheek, waved and just left.
What in the world just happened?
Okay I would have liked it if that was what happened but that was far from what actually happened.
Why do I even like you?
You are a bad guy and I am suppose to hate you but I am doing the complete opposite. I am just like other girls but the only difference is that I am not throwing myself at him. That is a cheap move.
I am just gonna be me and hope he notices me.
'What happened to I don't like boys and the drama that comes with them'.
You are right that changed the moment I broke the rule.
I entered my next class and thought, you had better be interesting.
PE was actually good, the teacher told us to train around with a basketball and show a few moves so he could grade us.
Yeah he didn't tell us what our grade was but I knew I did well.

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