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I really want to appreciate you guys for the 100 reads. Thank you very much. I love you all.

We are still meeting after school today right?" Lily asked.
"Of course, we are definitely going shopping. I can't believe the week is coming to an end. It's already Friday" Angela gushed and I sighed.
Yes it's Friday. I am still alive and clearly used to Angela's cheeriness by now.
My mom managed to give me some money to buy things at the mall. Not that I am looking forward to buying something. I will just stall around.
We walked into our geography class.
Fortunately and Unfortunately I have got this class with Angela, Amanda, Lily and Rose. "I can't wait for the day to end. You guys remember our appointments tomorrow. 2pm sharp." Angela said. You know the reason why it's unfortunate.
The teacher entered and started teaching.
"We have PE last. I hate that subject. It is like the teacher just likes to punish us"Amanda whispered to me.
"He doesn't give us something we can't handle"I whispered back and she snorted.
"Why would you think otherwise?" she scoffed and I rolled my eyes at her.
I changed into my sporty clothes. Just a T-shirt and shorts with sneakers.
I put my hair in a ponytail.
"Let's us go find out what he has for us today"Amanda said with sarcasm dripping in her tone.
We walked to the field and stand waiting for the teacher's command.
The weather is a bit chilly today. "Welcome to today's class. We will be just be doing a few stretches. I want to see how fit you are so that I could grade you" the teacher announced and I smiled.
That sounds super easy! I aren't bluffing, this is the easiest class I take. "That sounds easy"Amanda mumbled beside me .
When it was my turn, I did the stretches perfectly and he gave me an A.
I am not Stephanie Walker for a reason.
Starlight's best student.
"That is all for today. Until next class" the teacher ended and we walked to the changing room.
I am curious to know what kind of mall we are going to. I hope it is not an high class store. Will it be okay to ask them?
I thought you weren't planning on buying anything.
Well never say never. I might decide to buy anything that interests me.
I changed back into my sweater and jeans. I put on my ankle boots and put my hair in a ponytail.
"The guys are already waiting for us" Angela said while retouching her makeup.
We headed to the parking lot. I slide into the backseat with the other girls.
The Mercedes was sleek and expensive.
The engine roared to live and he maneuvered out of the car park.
A soft jam was playing from the radio. I hummed slowly to the beat.
We arrived in the mall after half an hour.
The mall was huge and looks classy. Rob managed to find a space to park his car after some while.
We walked right in and I noticed how busy it is. There are so many stores that I can't to start to look at their names. A child can definitely get lost in here. "Guys, we meet here after a while" Angela said to the boys and they walked off.
Angela strolled into a random store and we followed her. I was met with rack of different types of casual clothes. Jeans, shirt, sweater, hoodie name it.
I couldn't even check their prices because I was overwhelmed. I don't even have a lot of money to begin with.
I fiddle with my fingers at the entrance not bothering to look around. "You aren't buying anything?"Lily asked and I shook my head. "I am not sure. I am just going to spend my money on what interests me" I replied. "Okay so I am just going to look around and I need your help" she said not bothering waiting for my response before pulling me off to a corner.
She picked lots of clothes and asked for my advice. "Looks childish " I commented as she picked up a rainbow sweater.
I just picked up a green sweater that reminds me of a certain person's eyes.
I guess that is what I am purchasing from this store. "This is all" the cashier asked skeptical as she glanced at me.
I nodded my head and waited for her to scan it. I guess she is not used to people not buying lot of things. I handed her the money and she bagged the sweater for me I waited for my friends to pay for their stuffs. "Thanks for shopping with us" she said with a big smile as she swipes their card. She didn't even say anything to me. The nerves of this girl . She bagged their things and we headed to the next store.
It was a shoe store, I picked up a few cheap shoes. My footwear were getting old. I pick up a sneakers, ankle and high boots, a pair of sandals.
Not buying anything my foot!
I said wasn't sure I was buying anything. Besides you don't expect me to just watch their shop and not buy anything for myself. I haven't overspend.
We entered a dress store next. I was met with lot of beautiful dresses. I can't stop myself from buying at least one.
We grabbed few clothings and headed to the changing room.
I really liked this one. The red off the shoulder starting with a plunge, showing off some cleavage. It clung to my body like a second skin showing off my curves. It also have a long slit running to my left thigh showing off my beautiful toned leg.
I really like it but it is more expensive than any clothing I have ever purchased in my entire life. It is not like I have an occasion I can wear it to. Why do I even want to buy it. I admired myself in the mirror but sighed as I closed my eyes to make a hard choice.
Just leave it not like you go to parties. It will just keep lying in your wardrobe. Besides it is wasting of the few dollar you own.
Don't leave it. It is not bad to want something good fit yourself. It makes you feel wonderful so don't think about negative. Don't think it as a waste of money which you will probably suffer for later. You don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Live a little.
That explains it all, I want this dress and I am going to buy it. I seem to be breaking a lot of rules recently.
First the no boys rule and now the no shopping rule. I can't control my feelings and there is no way I would come to a mall and leave empty handed. No amount of lies can be said to make them not believe I have the money to shop. I don't want them to give me the pity look and buy things for me like a charity case.
I head out of the changing room to ask about their opinion. "This looks really good on you girl"lily complimented first as she was the first to notice me.
"You should buy it" Amanda added and I nodded agreeing. Even though I already made my decision inside the changing room. I changed back into my clothes and waited for them to decide on what to buy. Our dresses got bagged and we walked out. That is definitely the last store I am buying from. I already bought enough.
We entered a couple more stores ranging from sporty clothes to accessories stores.
I didn't keep to my word and ended buying a beautiful pearl necklace.
It wasn't expensive and I just loved its simplicity.
My legs are killing me and I need a break. I am sure we have been shopping for hours now. "I think this is enough for a day" I voiced out my thoughts.
"Just this last store and we can head to the food court" Angela said walking towards a store.
Victoria's Secret I read.
"Why do we need to enter this store?" Lily mumbled.
"We need some sexy lingeries. We don't know what can happen on this trip. We have to go prepared" Angela explained and I scoffed.
I entered anyways was surrounded with lots of tons of underwear and lingeries.
I settled in the sofa placing my bags on the table. I massaged my temples as I close my eyes. I checked my phone for the time and realized we have been here for three hours. I glanced around and waited for them to finish their business.
I am really hungry right now. I am not used to shopping for hours. Someone throws a white lacy lingerie at me and I looked up. I sighed. "Try this on, it will look good on you" Angela smiled and I groaned.
"I don't need this. I don't have anyone to impress with it so why waste money?" I said and she pouted.
"I know it will look good on you so I am going to buy it for you"she replied and I shook my head. "I don't_" I started but she wasn't having it. "Think of it as a friendly gift"she smirked and sauntered off. I glared at her back and played with the ends of my sweater.
The four of them walked up to me after a while. Angela handed me the bag containing the lingerie and I huffed. "I told you I don't want that. It's not like I have a boyfriend or something. I think the only person that deserves this kind of gifts is Lily" I grumbled and Lily's cheek heat up. "You are right but I am sure Lily has already purchased a lot so I am gifting this to you" Angela deadpanned and I snorted. I accepted the bag since I have no choice. It will probably rot in my wardrobe.
"Can we head to the food court now?" Rose asked turning to Angela making me chuckle silently.
"We are done so yes we can"Angela replied smiling and I rolled my eyes at her. "The boys are already hanging out there. I wonder if they even bought anything" Angela told us.
We walked into the food court and scanned around for the familiar faces. Rob waved us over and I settled in the booth next to Thomas.
A waitress approached us and she looks a year or two older than us. "Hello I am Trina, what can I get you guys"she said taking out her notepad. "Should I get you started on drinks?" she asked and we nodded.
"Mango lemonade" I said first and she wrote down our order.
She sauntered off and came back few minutes with our drinks. I am surprised she didn't even flirt with the boys like a typical waitress. The boys are hot and I might even like them if we are not friends . And I am interested in you know who. She handed us a menu and I went with the salad. I dug in immediately she brought it.

The boys paid for the food and we headed out of the mall with our hands full.
I told them to drop me at the bus stop since my house was in the opposite direction. They insisted but I managed to convince them. I don't live in a rich neighborhood like theirs . I know they don't care about my status but I always think of about it sometimes. Like today, they were been so carefree while I was uptight because I didn't want to spend all my money.
I said my goodbyes and waited for the bus. This is the last time today that the bus will be going my route and it's four hours away from the normal time I go home. I hope you get why I walk home when I miss the bus.
It arrived after a while and I settled close to the window seat as usual.

I walked home slowly exhausted from the whole shopping. I unlocked the doors and headed straight to my room.
I set the bags on my dressing table. I threw on some random outfits after taking a shower. I lay face flat on my bed and waited until sleep engulfed me.

"Auntie" Angela squealed immediately we entered into the beauty home. It was high class and there were so many staffs. It smells wonderful and I know I can't afford a place like this on my own.
"If it isn't my favorite niece" the beautiful blonde hair woman said hugging Angela.
She released her after a while and finally noticed us. "Hey girls" she said and we greeted her back . "This is my Aunt Clara"Angela introduced.
"You guys should head to the back. I will get some staffs to attend to you shortly" her aunt said and Angela led the way.
I settled on a plush sofa and noticed the little food table at a corner. This is going to be one of my best experience.
Some girls came to us after a while. They handed us some robes which were super comfy. We got massage and a face treatment then we did manicure and pedicure. We sang our heart loud to the song playing in the background. We messed around and I felt so happy.
I felt more lightweight and excited.
I can't wait for the trip to start.
I know it is gonna be the best week of my entire life.
I feel deep down in my heart that it is going to be a start to something.
"Cheers to a new beginnings" someone cheered and we toasted to it.
It is going to be a new beginning after all.
Let us get the show started!

That's all for this chapter. I am sorry for the delay. I will try to update the next chapter later this week.

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