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I groaned as sunlights streamed through the window blinding me.
How can I forget to close the window?
I pressed my face into my pillow in an attempt to sleep more.
A loud groan make me open my eyes slowly squinting to adjust to the light. "Fuck! I am never drinking again" the voice groaned out making me giggle.
"Good morning to you" I mocked and ducked just in time before a pillow hits me straight in the face. "Don't you dare make fun of me. I am having the best time of my life right now" her voice dripping with sarcasm as she massaged her temples.
I sit up and stared at her. "How much did you drink?" I asked.
"I lost count at ten"she mumbled and I shake my head at her disappointed.
"Now you have got to deal with it. I am going for a run" I stand up from the bed and let out a loud yawn.
"You are such a friend" she glared at me and I smirked at her.
I wasn't going to leave her to suffer obviously. I walked into the bathroom and spotted the first aid kit.
I take out a pack of Advil and headed back outside. I tossed her a chocolate bar, the drug and a bottle of water. "I love you so much" she said before chugging down the chocolate bar and swallowing the drug.
I headed back to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.
I put on a sport bra and leggings. I wear a black T-shirt over my sport bra before finishing the look with my black trainers.
I put my hair in a ponytail. "When you get back, we are definitely having that talk" she shouted at me and I sighed as I walked out.
I was hoping she was going to forget everything. Looks like she isn't the one to not recollect things after drowning herself in alcohol.
I plugged in my AirPods as I made it outside. I decided to jog round the hotel since it is pretty huge.
I can explore this place while I am at it.
I can't even recollect the name of some buildings except the common ones.
This place is amazing. There is a golf court, tennis court. Just every good thing you can think of.
I stopped to catch my breath in front of the gym and smiled when I spotted the person coming out.
This morning just got more interesting.
I quickly started jogging back pretending I didn't just see him. "Wait up" he called but I pretended I couldn't hear him.
I am using AirPods so it was easy to pretend. A hand touched my shoulder pulling me to a halt. "Hey" I said with a small smile and unconsciously cleaned my face. I tried to make myself a little presentable. "Morning. Fancy seeing you here" he said smirking and I raised an eyebrow as if to say what do you mean.
"I didn't know you jog" he added.
"I do in my free time" I mumbled.
"I wanna show you something" he said and gestured for me to follow him.
I walked beside me and I am really anxious to find out where we are heading to. "What do you wanna show me?" I asked. "Patience" he replied and I groaned inwardly.
We walked for about five minutes before I realized what we are doing.
A basketball court, is there anything this hotel doesn't possess?
He passed a ball to me and I bounced it round like a pro.
Of course.
I passed it back to him and he bounced it round. I snorted in annoyance when he did a few awesome skill.
No need for show off and make my skill esteem low if there is something like that.
"The first person to score a basket five times wins" he explained and I nodded in understanding. "Let's see what you have got" he said with a smug look and I know I literally don't stand any chance of winning. It is so not fair.
I dribble round the ball and breath a sigh of relief when I got close to the net.
I was about to throw the ball but all of a sudden he takes the ball from me. He throws that ball into the net effortlessly making me groan. "That is one baby" he whistled with a huge grin making me pout.
Then he did it the second time.
Remind me never to go against an A star player. I prefer the honor that comes with being a local champion. Playing with him makes all my skills worthless.
He passed me the ball and I quickly throw the ball into the net. I jumped happily even though I know he made me score intentionally. Let me have this small moment of victory. I passed him a grateful smile before continuing the game.
I pouted when he scored the last one from a far distance.
"I already know you were going go beat me" I admitted as I take a seat on the floor. "It was obvious but you tried your best" he said with a smile making me scoff. Tried my best my foot!
"Can you teach me some of those tricks?" I asked turning to him as he settled beside me. "Why would I wanna share my tricks with you?" he retorted.
"I dunno know. It's not like I play for another male team. I am definitely not a spy. I just want to be as good as you" I replied fiddling with my fingers. So I can spend more time with you obviously.
I couldn't possibly add that.
"Hmmm" He pursed his lips and I tried to smoothen my hair. I seriously can't start to imagine how I look like right now.
I am definitely reeking of sweat making my hair stick to every corner of my face.
Should that really be your number one priority right now?
"I guess I can train you a bit. Why though? Do you have a secret team? If I teach you, it's not like you are going to showcase it anywhere" he asked staring at me intently like he can read me.
" about everything related to basketball" I replied fiddling with my fingers.
"Nice. So let's get started. Run round the field three times. I was able to collect the ball easily because you are slow. Get jogging" he barked and I stared at him dumbfounded. "Why are you staring at me. Start" he replied and I stand up.
I jogged round three times and waited for the next order from my very nice trainer.
"Let me see what you can do with the ball" he said passing me the ball.
I bounced round the court and I stopped feeling proud with myself. "Nice but I am talking about more action from you" he commented and I glared at him.
I didn't know he can be such an intense teacher. "I am done for today" I concluded and lied on the floor exhausted.
"I tell you when to stop but don't worry it is your first day so I am going to let you off the hook"he said smirking and I glared daggers at him . "You are such a mean teacher. You made me do a lot just on our first day" I muttered and he chuckled. "I never said I was going to go easy on you" he replied with a proud smile making me scoff. I stand up and dusted my butt.
I started walking back the same way we came here. I plugged in my AirPods and began playing a random playlist.
I hummed to Ghost by Justin Bieber.
This song is really emotional and gets me every time. I felt a hand take out one of my AirPods and I stopped to face the intruder. "Justin Bieber really?"he asked and I gasped. "I am a huge fan" I narrowed my eyes at him.
You are acting like he just told you he hates Justin Bieber.
The Really and his tone says so.
"I also love his songs" he replied and my eyes widened.
"Wow. Never knew you are part of the family".
"Which song do you like most?" he asked.
"Ghost actually. You?"
We walked into the hotel lobby and up into the elevator.
It opens and some of our class mates gave us a weird look as we passed them.
I suddenly feel self conscious under their gaze. Spending time with him alone has made me forgotten how popular he is around here. The girls are definitely glaring daggers at me because they will kill to be in my place right now. "If looks can kill then I will be dead by now" I mumbled and he stared at me confused. "Your fans" I groaned out and he looked around finally understanding me.
He lets out a chuckle and I clearly didn't like his response. "It's isn't my fault people are crazy for me" he replied with a smirk like he is clearly enjoying this.
A girl suddenly appeared in front of us and was giving Asher gooey eyes.
"Hey Asher"she drawled out with a sexy smirk or I thought . That is definitely what she is aiming for. "Hi"he replied and I glanced at him shocked that he is going to do this while I am standing right here.
I thought we were getting somewhere.
I warned you to stop hoping.
"I want to show you something" she said twirling her hand through her hair.
Not wanting to hear more of this, I excused myself quietly. "You leaving?" a voice called out to me making me turn back. Forcing a smile onto my face. "Yeah. I have to go take a shower. I am all sweaty and I think you should too" I let out a small throaty chuckle and the girl narrowed her eyes at me clearly not liking that he is talking to me. "Okay so I will see you later then"he said with a smile and I nodded with a smile.
I turned back and headed to my room not caring to find out if he left with her.
So early in the morning and she is thinking dirty.
My morning was going fine until she came along.
Is he really going to go with her?
I opened the door to my room and caught a pair of four eyes staring at me. "Look who is here" Lily said in a chirpy voice making me groan.
"Are you guys not suppose to be nursing an hungover?" I asked surprised.
"We are but that was before we found out what happened yesterday. You know"Angela replied wiggling her eyebrow at me.
"I am just going to go take a shower" I grumbled and picked a random clothing from my box wanting to escape these girls thirsty for gists. "We will be waiting" Amanda said with a weird smile and they all wore the same look.
I ran into the bathroom because they are acting really creeping.
I am already exhausted and they are stressing me out.
I take a long, relaxing shower hoping they would be gone by the time I am done.
I washed my hair.
I put on the clothes. A Hoodie and pair of joggers. I put my hair in a messy bun using my scrunchie.
I took a deep breath before walking out.
They were still the same way I left them.
"Come sit" Amanda smiled coming towards me. "I am hungry so why don't we have breakfast first then we can talk" I said. "We already ordered breakfast" Angela said and as if on cue, the doorbell rings making me sigh.
A tray of food was wheeled in and I take a plate. There were so many food. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, waffles, hash browns, toast. I am sure going to taste everything,
I take my time in savoring the food before turning to my awesome curious friends.
"Tell us everything already. I am dying of suspense" Amanda groaned out and I sighed not knowing where to start from.
"We didn't have sex. Seriously Amanda, how can you think something like that?" I asked as heat creeped onto my cheeks thinking about it.
"That is what certainly happens when a guy and a girl leaves club together. I am surprised he didn't pop your cheery" she teased and I smacked on her arm.
"I hate you" I scowled and she stuck her tongue at me like a child.
"So what happened?" Lily asked impatiently.
I narrated everything that happened yesterday up to this morning to them. "We had a few encounter at the camping trip" I confessed and was met with lots of gasps. "And we are just getting to know about it now" Amanda pouted.
"I didn't want to read too much meaning into it since it wasn't anything special" I said even though every meeting with him is damn special to me.
"Wow. Tell us everything" Angela said.
I tell them everything from the first day of the camping trip he snapped at me and till the plane meeting.
I ended and drank a glass of water. I am suddenly thirsty from talking too much.
"Oh my god. He took you out on a date" Angela squealed and I groaned.
"It wasn't a date. We just ate and talked. Nothing special" I said and my heart clenched at the truth.
It is the truth! It definitely means nothing to me. I am just some girl but to me it holds a lot.
"He gave you his jacket and told you to keep it" Rose squealed and I groaned.
"The sad part is when that girl came along. Why did she have to come?" Lily groaned out making me frown remembering the whole thing.
"Can we stop talking about this?How are we spending today?" I asked desperately in need for a change of topic.
"No need to go all grumpy" Amanda started but stop talking when I gave her the don't push it look. I am already annoyed as it is and I don't want to snap at any of them. It is not their fault that I like a player.
"The Grad Bash starts at four so we are free to do anything we like until then. Why don't we go shopping and do some sightseeing?" Angela asked.
"That is a nice way to spend a day. Why don't we get ready now and leave. It is just 9am but we need to visit lots of places" Amanda asked and we nodded agreeing with her.
That will really take my mind off things.
I can't stop thinking about him. Did he go with her? The question keeps ringing in my hair.
"We meet back here in thirty?"Amanda asked and we nodded.
The others rushed back to their room leaving me with Amanda.
She comes over to my bed and gives me a hug. "How do you feel?" she asked and I fought the urge to snort.
"I am fine. He is not mine so he can do anything he wants. I knew what I was getting into when I started liking him. It just hurts a bit when I see him with other girls" I confessed and she patted my back.
"My poor girl. I just wished you liked somebody with a lot less drama. It would have made all this like thing nice"she grumbled and I chuckled.
"I know right" I groaned.
"We are going to have so much fun that you are going to forget about him" she cheered and I gave her a grateful smile.
I can't forget about him forever.
Just some minutes or hours or days.
He will always be on my mind.
"Get dressed" Amanda said pulling me up from the bed. "This is fine" I replied staring down at my outfit.
"Please change the whole outfit. You look like an heartbroken girl whose boyfriend just broke up with" she said and I snickered.
"Of course" I pouted but went to my box to get a new outfit.
I picked up a green top and denim jacket pairing it up with denim skirt. I put on my sneakers and applied just lipgloss. I don't have the strength to apply any makeup.
I am good to go!
"Better" Amanda commented and I gave her a once over.
She is wearing a off shoulder top and denim shorts with ankle boots.
"You look good too"I said with a small smile. "I always do" she replied with a smug look making me shake my head at her. I watched as she applied a simple natural makeup. "All done! We can leave now" she announced leading the way out of the room.
Just in time and the others met with us at the doors. "Are the boys joining us?" I asked. "Nope, it is our girls' day" Amanda replied and turned to her phone.
"Our ride is already waiting for us" she announced and we headed out.
We entered the taxi and I looked out through the window as it moves.
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
I smiled as I recollect yesterday's event.
His Italian accent! His smile! His eyes!
They are things that will always haunt me.
I wish it was so easy to un-like someone.
It's so easy to like someone but seems impossible to undo it.
This life is not balance!
I don't know until when I will be stuck with this dilemma.
Why must he hurt every time I see him with someone else.
Why can't my life just fall into place.
He should have the same feelings for me.
Then we should start dating and go to college together.
Then get married after two years.
Then give birth to just three kids.
That sounds like a life plan.
I am totally screwed, aren't I?

I don't know Stephanie!
That is sure a way to start a day.
Are your friends like this?
Have you ever been in a type of scenario?
Poor Stephanie! It will get better I guess.
Are you excited for the next chapter?
Who already has clue on their next destination?

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