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I went into the locker room after the talk with her. I wasn't going to think about that right now.
This game is more important.
I put my band sleeve on my arm and
a headband on my head to tame my hair from distracting me during the match.
"It's time boys. Our time to win this.
Every minute counts guys so put in your best. Let's make history!"I said and the boys cheered.
I smiled glad they still respect me even though I haven't been the best lately.
We walked out and I felt the adrenaline coursing through my veins.
After so many years of basketball, I am close to achieving my high school dream.
I waited for this day with so much enthusiasm and anxiety. Not doing well for the past few days is enough to make me feel nervous about this.
I said a quick prayer and walked out.
There were people in the hall wishing us good luck. The gym doors were open, it was like walking into heaven with the music pounding out loud and lights flashing in different colors.
The moment I entered into the gym, I looked up to the crowd. My heart pounded at the number of people present.
Camera kept flashing in my eyes and I realized this was going to be aired.
Everyone from all over the world could be watching this giving me more reason to not screw this up.
I felt my body get the chills and I took deep breaths.
We got into position. The game started with a jump ball and the opponent teammates made the first move.
Within seconds, they managed to make a hit. I groaned and took deep breaths.
Don't screw this!
Don't be a disgrace to the Bianchi.
Everyone is watching!
Scouts are watching!
Scholarship is on the line!
Your whole basketball career is on the line!
I managed to collect the ball and bounced. I shoot and sighed as the ball deflected to the side.
The ball got into the hands of the opponent again and we tried to steal the ball from them.
I groaned as they managed to make a hit again. They celebrated as I stared at the scoreboard. We are so far behind and haven't managed to make a hit.
I can feel the boys' frustration and anxiety as the first half of the match was coming to an end.
I haven't proved myself worthy to coach.
He is going to bench me!
The scholarship!
Oh My God!
My head was blowing up with so many thoughts and I felt my head was going to explode.
I got hold of the ball and moved so fast.
I was about to shoot the ball but I was pushed making me lose my balance and fall to the sidelines.
I groaned and stayed on the floor.
I closed my eyes as my whole basketball moments flashed in front of my eyes.
I love you idiot..
I don't care what people think. I will be out cheering for you and I want you to kick their butts hard. Show 'em what it's done.
I opened my eyes and felt different.
You have gotta pull yourself together bro. This game is really important to you and you can't slack off now. Look at how far you have come. You shouldn't let this hinder your breakthrough.
You are a Bianchi man and we don't FAIL.
Got it?
I got up and took deep breaths.
I tried to focus on my brother words and let it guide me.
Your opponent can overpower you but don't let that get you frustrated. That would make the matter ten times worse. You should learn to block your feelings and emotions when playing.
That will enable you calculate with your head and think of a way to beat your opponent. Try to watch closely for a weakness"
I churned away all negative thoughts and tried to stay optimistic.
I glanced at the bleacher and smiled as I saw the stupid poster she made me.
Show the who boss is!
Oh I am going to.
I glanced at coach and he gave me a look. I nodded at him and he glanced at his watch. I understood him perfectly.
I blocked off all thoughts about everything and focused on the game.
I glanced at the boys and made sure to get their attention.
'Don't let your frustration overpower you.
Let's show them who the boss is' I mouthed and hoped they heard that
They all gave me a nod and I breathed a sigh of relief. I moved to the center of the court because I was given a penalty for the push.
I took a deep breath as I was passed the ball. I focused only on the basket and shot the ball. I smiled as it entered the basket.
The crowd cheered and I didn't let that small victory get to me.
The opponent got the ball again but this time we knew what we were doing. They were taller than us and we would try o use that to our advantage.
Jason stole the ball and passed it to Ian. The ball got to me and I bounced. I moved past their defenders quickly. I shoot the ball and made a three pointer.
I fist pumped and watched the guys smile.
This is the flicker of hope that we can still win this.
With seamless ball movement and communication, we effortlessly found each other on the court, leading to a well-executed alley-oop.
Daniel made a fast lightning drive to the basket weaving through the defenders and passed the ball to me.
A 6'5 guy stood in front of me towering over me and I knew he was ready to block my shoot. I glanced at Nick and gave him a knowing look. He nodded and I smirked.
I feigned to shoot and passed the ball to Nick. His movement was quick and he managed to make a hit as the buzzer went off for the first half time.
We headed back to the locker room with coach. The boys patted me on the shoulder as we settled on the bench.
We were handed water bottles and I gulped it down quickly.
I grabbed a towel from my locker and wiped the sweat off.
"Okay boys. You are three points ahead of them. I don't know how you boys changed the fate of the game within fifteen minutes. I want you to keep up the teamwork and win this cup. They are quick and have good defenders. You guys worked around that and saw the turnout"Coach said and we nodded . He looked at me and nodded at me. "I am not going to be bench you Asher. Make sure I don't regret that"he said and the boys cheered.
Coach walked out and I moved to the center to address them. "Play your best. Whatever you do, keep pushing and stay positive" I said and they cheered.
We heard the commentators as we were called in.
The opposing team were more agile and sent shots into our basket.
They were leading again but this time I didn't get frustrated.
I looked for a weak point, something we could use to our advantage.
As the opposing team's forward drove to the basket, our team's center deftly executed a perfectly-timed block, sending the shot ricocheting off-course. This crucial defensive play re-energized the team and served as the catalyst for a thrilling offensive run.
Ian got hold of the ball and moved forward. The ball moved through my teammates before getting to me.
I sent it into the basket before any defender can approach me.
I fist pumped into the air and we did a little celebration.

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