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"Why can't Mike join us?"Lily pouted as I finally put the tasty croissant in my mouth. This really does hit the spot.
"If he joins, Asher is going to join then our new friends will also wanna tag along" Angela grumbled.
"The more the merrier" I said and she scoffed. "Besides your boyfriend is here" Amanda said sipping her coffee.
"That is because he is part of our first friend tree" Angela grumbled and adjusted herself on the said person's lap.
"Friend tree?"Rose asked.
"Yeah! It started with the seven of us then it expanded with Mike and Asher then the entire populars"Angela said and I smiled. I really did bring that upon us. "And that is because Stephanie is dating the Golden boy of the school" Rose said and we nodded agreeing with her.
"We have to get going now because we are going on a road trip to Texas" Angela squealed and my eyes widened.
We have been trying to get our destination out of her since the beginning of the week but she didn't spill the deets. She only told us to pack for two days because we would be gone for the whole weekend. There was a public holiday today which is Friday. My parents were ecstatic to let me go to have fun.
"To the Farmhouse?" Amanda asked with a glee in her eyes.
"My grandparents are happy to teach us what we need to know about farming"she replied. "This is what I called a fun weekend" Lily squealed and I smiled.
I took out my phone to text my favorite person.
Morning babe,we are going on a road trip to Texas Ash- S
"Let's get going because of New York traffic and all so we can get there early" Angela said and called the waitress.
Rob paid our bill and we got up.
It was 8am so Asher must still be sleeping.
We entered Rob's jeep and I got into the back with Lily who was typing away on her phone. She must be informing Mike about the trip and I checked my phone.
Still no response!
Angela turned up the radio singing aloud to Sênorita by Camilla Cabello and Shawn Mendes.
Oh you keep me coming for you!
I love you when you call me Sênorita
I wish I could pretend I couldn't didn't hear it yah but every touch is oh la la la.

I rested my head on the headrest to take a quick nap because I woke up very early all thanks to Angela. She blasted my phone and I wasn't able to get it to shut up like my alarm.
I covered my mouth as I let out a yawn and looked out. "You slept for three hour and thirty minutes" Lily informed me without looking up from her phone.
"Why thank you?"I said not sure why she told me that.
"Meaning you missed the games we played during that time"she added and my mouth went in the shape of 'oh'.
"That is because somebody thought it was nice to wake somebody up at 5:30am to go shopping early in the morning. We could have done that yesterday" I grumbled meeting the culprit's eyes the rearview mirror.
"You are very much welcome my lady" she smirked and I snorted.
"It's your turn to drive man"Rob said and pulled up to the side getting down from the car.Thomas did the same and entered the driver's seat. Angela moved to the back and Rob took the seat she was occupying before.
I checked my phone and smiled when I saw unread message from Asher fifteen minutes ago.
Just woke up an hour ago. Did you sleep well? You going to Texas, that is huge babe. Lucky you, I am busy working my ass off here-:)A
I didn't sleep well because Angela thought it was cool to wake someone up very early. Then we went shopping and now I think we have left New York. What do you mean by working your ass of? - S
You must be grumpy?The boys and I are training personally to get better - A
That is dope! You are a good captain- S
I know- A
I can imagine him smirking right now.
Aren't you suppose to be training right now? - S
We are taking a break - A
Cool! I will FaceTime you when I get to the farmhouse - S
Farmhouse? - A
Oh sorry! I forgot to mention we are going to Angela grandparents' farmhouse. I am going to be a farmer for two days - S
Wow! Wishing I am with you right now- A
I also want that but I will keep in touch every minute- S
Haha - A
... - S
That is almost impossible-A
I know - S
New York to Texas is a 34 hour trip - A
What?! - S
Didn't you google it? - A
Why couldn't we just board a plane instead? - S
A road trip is more fun than that. I went for a road trip to Miami in the first week of senior year - A
I remembered that trip - S
So you were stalking me then huh? - A
I had a crush on you then so it was nice to check up on you on social media- S
More like stalking. I like you my number one stalker - A
I pressed a hand to my mouth to stifle a giggle. I love talking with this guy, it so easy to and I am always myself around him. He is my boyfriend.
And you think we don't know that already.
I can say whatever I want subconscious.
Stalker doesn't suit me because I am sure some people stalk you more than me on a daily basis- S
You are my favorite stalker- A
My heart fluttered and I blushed. He is so good with words and I managed to get the best guy.
Hmmm - S
I have gotta get back to practice but I will text you in my free time- A
Okay- S
I placed my phone on my laps and looked loving the scenery. Different from what I am used to in New York.
"I should have seized your phones. This trip is to make up for lost times not to chat with people that are not here with us"Angela mumbled and I giggled lightly.
"Let's play a game" she clapped her hands turning to the back. Lily finally put her phone down for the first time in the car.
You slept for a while so you can't assume that.
Let me rephrase that: the first time she put her phone down in front of me.
"What game are you implying?"Amanda asked removing her headphone.
"We all have to say something that we did in secret. For example, I took up a dance class after realizing my passion for it" she said smiling.
"That is nice" I said and she smiled.
"I got a septum piercing" Lily announced and tapped her nose revealing a silver ring. "Wow"Amanda said staring at it.
"Did it hurt?" I asked looking at it closely.
"It did but I wanted to get it so bad. Mike held my hand during the process"she smiled as if remembering the whole thing.
"I put two girls in their place for trying to bully someone. By bullying the bullies" I smirked and they gasped.
"What did you do?"Rose asked.
"I told them to get me a drink from outside school knowing they were going to get in trouble. I thought that was going to make them back off but they are always following me around like a lost puppy. I made them pick up the litters in the hallway to embarrass them. I think they badly want to be popular that they will do anything" I said.
"Didn't know you can do that"Amanda said. "That will make them stop bullying people but I don't think they will stop following your orders. You are like the second popular person in that school because of Asher"Angela said and I smiled. "I am going to tell them to back off and I hope it actually works out" I said fiddling with my fingers.
"Well you did it for a good cause. Now they would think twice before bullying someone else" Rose said and I smiled at her. "Now I feel good about what I did because I was starting to feel like I approached the matter wrongly" I replied.
"It is just like giving them a taste of their own medicine. They will understand what the people they bully are going through and how they hurt their feelings" Lily smirked and I nodded taking a deep breath. "Enough about me. Amanda?" I said turning to face her.
"Well I have been hooking up with someone on the basketball team"she smirked and my eyes widened. "Who is it?"Angela beat me to it turning to face her.
"I am not going to tell you guys easily. You have gotta guess"she smirked and I tapped my chin to think.
"Nick?"I asked and she shook her head.
"Ian?"Angela asked and she did the same.
"Jay?"Lily asked and she shook her head.
"Daniel?"Rose said and she shook her head.
"Matthew" Angela suggested and she smirked. "Finally, you guys are bad at guessing"she grumbled and I gasped.
"Hooking as in more than once?" I asked shocked because she only hooks up with a guy once.
"He is good so I can't get enough of him"
"Ew" Rose said.
"TMI!"Angela mumbled.
"That means something is blossoming between you guys" I wiggled my eyebrow at her and she frowned.
"We are simply friends with benefits"she replied and her face light up as her phone buzzed.
"Matthew?"I asked and she nodded.
"He just texted me on how your boyfriend is making them practice so hard"she giggled and I smirked.
"Why would he text you that?"Angela asked mirroring my expression.
"I dunno! He sometimes text me randomly about things and I really enjoy talking to him"she replied smiling.
"And that my friend is you developing a crush on Matthew" I replied crossing my hands over my chest and she scoffed.
"You guys are reading much meaning into nothing. We are just hooking up and that is all. The least we can do is to be friendly with each other. Besides, Rose it is your turn"Amanda said turning to Rose determined to change the topic.
"We will let you off the hook now but girl you are developing a crush"Lily said and she rolled her eyes.
"Let's listen to what Rose have to say" she grumbled and I giggled at her.
The first step is denial because you don't want to believe you actually like the person.
The next step is understanding by trying to make sense of your feelings.
Then you finally accept it and make peace with it.
I know this because I was once like this.
"I have been volunteering at a children's orphanage. You have to see this children, they are so loving and likable"she said smiling and I smiled.
"Why didn't you tell us? I would love to go with you someday" I squealed and she chuckled. "I will too because children are sweethearts"Amanda said.
"I am in this with you guys"Lily said and I smiled. "We can visit someday"Rose said.
"Boys what about you?"Amanda said making us talk to the boys in the front seat. "I got a tattoo"Rob said and Angela blushed lightly.
I raised an eyebrow and she shrugged.
"What is the tattoo about?"Amanda said eyeing both of them.
"He got a tattoo of my name on his chest"Angela almost whispered and my eyes widened.
"OMG! That is huge"Lily squealed.
"Damn people! You guys are so cute" I said and they smiled.
"Aww" Rose said smiling.
"Thomas it is your turn" Amanda said.
"I just got an acceptance to study computer science at Duke" he said and there was a lot of cheers that followed afterward. "Congratulations"I said and he flashed me a smile through the rearview mirror. "That is great news. Three down, four of us to go" Angela groaned out.
"Don't worry guys, you will get your acceptance soon"I said trying to lighten the mood again.
"We still have months to graduation and all so let's just live the moment. We still have about 25hrs before we get to Texas" Angela said and Thomas pulled the car to the side.
"Who is driving next?"he said turning to face us. "I will"Amanda said and I felt kinda useless. Asher has got to teach me how to drive soon.
She got down and Thomas changed with Rob. Rob got into the back with Angela and they started talking in hushed voice.
They are so fortunate to have each other on this trip.
I was watching Friends this time last week with Asher cuddled up on his bed.
I miss my boyfriend!
You saw him yesterday.
That was 24hrs ago.
Suck it up!
My sweet sub.
I am not sweet.
Isn't it a good thing that I have you on this trip and not the person I actually want?
Sarcasm doesn't fit you!
Your problem!
You have got to teach me how to drive soon - S.
I didn't get a reply so I just browsed through my phone.
"We we stopping at gas station which is 15miles away to fill up the tank and get something to eat"Amanda announced looking at the GPS.
My stomach rumbled lightly making them laugh at me. Amanda turned up the radio and a soft song started playing.
Lily was busy on her phone again while Angela and Rob were doing lovey dovey.
I took out my phone and decided to watch a movie on Netflix to keep myself busy.
To all the boys always and forever.
I plugged in my AirPods and focused on the movie.
Amanda pulled up into the gas station and got down. We also got down eager to stretch our legs. I paused the movie and stretched my body. "You guys should get us lots of snack in the store to last us for the next couple of hours" Amanda said.
Angela and I went into the store. We bought lots of snacks and drinks even the not looking good sandwich.
A grumpy old man was at the counter. He just bagged the things without saying a word. We got out as Amanda finished filling the tank.
We got into the car and shared the snacks. I grabbed a bag of Doritos and soda. We kept the other things for the rest of the journey. I started the movie again munching on my chips. This trip is so long and I am starting to regret this. We are doing it on a school week. We can't get there today and I don't think it is safe to drive after midnight.
I haven't texted my parents about this.
I quickly texted my parents on where we are heading to.
"We can't get to Texas today so we are going to crash at an hotel still tomorrow" Angela said glancing at her phone. "I found this 3-star hotel so it is suitable to stay there for tonight. I am happy to inform you guys that we are flying back to New York on Sunday. Someone is going to help us bring the car back to New York so we can get rid of the jet lag before Monday.
"That is great news. I was starting to think this 34hrs trip was a bad idea" I stated.
"It is more fun than boarding a plane" Angela said and I nodded somehow agreeing with her.
"How far is the hotel?"Amanda asked not removing her eyes from the road.
It was getting late and the sun is starting to set. The number of cars on the road has decreased. Thank goodness we would be retiring at an hotel soon.
"We should get there in like three hours"she said looking at her phone.
Three hours more means 10pm.
My phone pinged and I smiled mouthing finally.
Why did you say that? - A
We are taking turns driving but I can't drive. So I feel useless just sitting and not helping - S
When you get back, I will teach you. Are you guys still on the road? - A
Yh but we are crashing in an hotel which is three hours away- S
Good because it isn't really safe to be driving so late at night - A
I am starting to regret coming - S
Don't worry you would see it worth the hours you spent when you get to Texas - A
Good thing that we are flying back to New York- S
Nice! Should I pick you up? - A
I think my friends have already made arrangement for that- S
Then I will see you when you get back - A
Definitely!- S
Call me when you get to the hotel. My mom is calling me down for dinner - A
Okay - S
I clicked Netflix to watch another movie since everyone is busy with their own thing. Settling on a random one, I grabbed a jar of skittles.
This trip would have been more fun if Asher was here with him. There is no dulling moment with him and I never get bored of spending time with him.
You were living without him.
It is hard to do so when he is present in my life now.
Try to enjoy your movie marathon.
Settling for the movie marathon is the best option I have now.
We got down from the car and stared at the hotel. It looked nice and safe so that is all that matters right now. I can't wait to get on the bed.
I grabbed my duffel bag and we made our way inside. We headed to the receptionist who was looking at us with a bored look.
"Welcome to Royale Hotel, how can I help you?"she said in a monotone like she has been saying this all day.
"We would like a suite" Rob said and I raised an eyebrow.
"It's best to stay together in an unknown place" Amanda whispered to me and I nodded in understanding.
"The suite has two rooms and a small living room room"she said.
"We will take it"Rob said and gave her his card. I looked around but there wasn't much to look at. There were just few people moving around.
"He is going to take you to your room"the receptionist said making me turn back to them. I glanced at the said person to see a guy who looked to be in his early twenties. "Come with me" he said and we followed him into the elevator. He pressed the third floor and I drummed my hands on my leg waiting for the elevator to open.
We got out and stepped into an hallway. We passed a few rooms before the guy stopped in front of a door. "This is your suite, enjoy your time at Royale"he said not smiling and handed Amanda the key.
"This people are strange"Angela mumbled as Amanda opened the door.
"They can't even fake a smile"Lily scoffed as we entered the room.
Amanda locked the door and we take in the room. The living room has just a couch and a small television. There were two rooms at the side. "We will be taking this one"Amanda said pointing to a door and I followed. The guys took the other room.
We walked into the room. "I am taking a shower first" I announced grabbing Asher's hoodie and joggers.
I entered the bathroom and took a shower. The water was cold and there is no tap for warm or hot water. There is no tub just a toilet, a small sink and mirror taking a bit of space on the wall.
Thank goodness we are staying here for the night. I quickly wore my clothes not bothering with my hair.
Lily entered after me and I settled on the small sofa in the room. I grabbed my laptop and AirPods ready to FaceTime Asher. I hope he isn't busy at the moment.
Hey - A
He said immediately he answered the call.
So you are at the hotel right?
That is good
How was your day?
It was bad. We weren't expecting coach to show up at the court today but he did. We thought he was going to praise us for taking time to practice but he did the opposite. He said and I quote : 'It is good that you boys know you aren't good enough for the nationals yet. Since you guys train during the holidays so I might as well make you practice on weekends. No more slacking, we train every day because you boys must not disappoint me at the big game'
Wow! He said that.
I am starting to regret telling the boys to allow us practice. If I haven't done that, we wouldn't have gotten practice on weekends now.
You were just trying to make you guys better and the boys adore you
Look at my girl trying to be a smartass to cheer me up.
I am always a smartass
Hmmm. Have you had dinner?
If you are talking about junks then I have.
Can't you guys get something to eat at the hotel? - A
The people working here are strange and I can't wait for morning- S
You are just being paranoid - A
You think that because you are not here with me
So you are admitting that you miss me?
I don't miss you because you are always troubling me.
Your face says otherwise cupcake.
So when are you planning on going to bed?
Now that I seen you are okay.
It is my responsibility so don't read too much meaning into it.
I am going to because you said that.
I am going to bed now. Goodnight.
I am missing you badly.
I quickly cut the call and blushed. I can't believe I told him that and hang up on him.
"Look at you guys having people to talk to. Why am I so unfortunate?"Rose groaned out making me turn to her.
Lily was also on her laptop and Amanda was typing away on her phone.
"There is someone for you Rose" I said and she glared at me.
"And when am I going to meet this person?"she huffed with a childish face making me stifle a giggle.
"Soon girl" I said and she snorted.
"Psstttt" she replied and I chuckled lightly. It is nice to have someone to talk to and I hope she gets that also.
She is better than you so she will.

Have you ever gone on a road trip before?
I have but the longest is just 3hrs. I don't think I can sit for like 10hrs.
Who is your favorite character so far?

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