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"Why were you so sure that Katrina made all that up?"Amanda asked looking baffled making me chuckle.
"I trust him and his words. Katrina always resort to dirty tricks. She said something to me during the evening party which confirmed my suspicion. If it was any other girl, I would have still sided with him"I replied staring at the field watching Rob practice. I keep forgetting that he is the captain of the volleyball team and they have their championship coming up.
"Wow girl! That is a very bold step"Lily said and I nodded agreeing with her.
"You are trending on the school group. #The brave girlfriend that put the queen bee in her place. People are saying a lot of things"Angela said looking up from her phone after being glued to it all day.
"You definitely made the queen fall from grace to grass"Lily said and I chuckled.
Someone managed to take a video which captured everything that happened on Saturday night. It has been posted everywhere on the school platform. Katrina has been getting cold treatment since the video leaked. She didn't even eat at the populars table during lunch.
I couldn't forget the cold look she shot me in the hallway when I saw her after lunch. For the first time,she didn't have her minions with her. She wore an hat and sunglasses. People insulted her in hushed voice as she took out books from her locker. I almost felt sad for her but I remembered what she did. She tried to break us apart and that is something I would never forget. "The way you kissed Asher all over us sexy"Amanda said and we laughed. I blushed a bit not believing I did that. Why did I even do that?
"You always had this side in you waiting to be unlocked"Rose said and I sighed. "I taught her a lesson. I am sure I don't have to worry about any girl hitting on Asher" I said smiling and my friends shook their head at me.
The bell rang and we dispersed to our different classes.
"!"Olive said making me smile. "I am happy to be your friend too" I replied and continue working on my math homework. " female.that. Ian..have?"Olive asked making me look up from my books.
I smiled internally loving what this is all about. "I have never seen him talk much with any girl other than us. Why do you ask?"
pretty.sad.because.he.would.never.get.the.person.he.liked"she gasped and I resisted the urge to snort. "You are also on the list so why do you think he can't like you?" I asked and she looked sad.
""she whispered and I watched her wipe a lone tear.
"The first step into loving yourself is to not lose value of yourself. You must always think you are worthy. Why can't he like you? You are smart,beautiful,sweet and other nice qualities. He had been dumb to not see all that qualities in you. You also don't need a person to tell you who you are. You must be beautiful in your own eyes. You must like what stares back at you in the mirror.Not waiting for someone to tell you that" I lectured and she hugged me tight.
""she mumbled into my shoulder and I sighed patting her back. Who made her this way?
Who made her feel so low about herself that she can't see what I am seeing. I am determined to help this girl.
"I am not telling you anything false neither am I sugarcoating things for you. I am only telling you what you need to see and what you should know" I replied and she pulled away.
She wiped her tears giggling. "What did I do to deserve a good friend like you?"she asked and I sighed.
"You are a good friend too" I replied and she smiled.
"If it isn't my two favorite girls in the world"Ian's voice came up behind me. I noticed the way Olive's cheeked turned crimson red. He sling one hand around our shoulder and smiled at us. We are in an empty class working on the math homework. "How did you find us?"I asked packing my books slowly.
"Instinct"he replied and settled beside Olive who got her stuck in her book.
I slung my backpack over my shoulder standing up. "Ian, I would like if you can put us both out of this misery. Olive is really really interested in knowing who you like. You should try tell her to stop her mind from overthinking things"I said and Olive looked embarrassed.
Ian's ear was slightly pink and I chuckled at the duo. "I need to meet up with Asher. Ian, you know the rules,keep her company and don't make her feel sad"I said and he nodded.
"Good"I smiled and walked out.
He should tell her about his feelings because that would make her believe my words more. I can feel the little doubt in her head.
I was thinking of ways to help her and stumbled into a wall. I wasn't about to lose my balance but a pair of arms wrapped around my waist pulling me back to them. I smiled at the person and wrapped my hands around his neck. I placed my head on his chest. "What were you thinking about?"he asked as I pulled away. "Ways to help Ian and Olive" I replied. I didn't need to lie to him because he already figured it all out without me saying anything to him.
"You have been helping them enough"he says and I nodded agreeing with him.
"I can see she really likes him but she is scared of admitting it to him. She thinks she is not good enough for him. He clearly likes her but not sure about her feelings. He doesn't want to tell her because he is scared to lose her friendship. It's pretty complicated" I said massaging my temples. "Things will work out between them"he said and I smiled at him.
"Where are you going?" I asked knowing he has a class right now.
"I am going to practice alone. Do you want to come with?"he asked and I nodded. I laced our fingers together as we walked to the basketball court. "How has your day been ?"he asked.
"My day started with a kiss from a special person which definitely made my day" I smiled and he chuckled. "Then the usual drills" I replied as he opened the door.
I finally noticed he was holding a ball in his hand.
"You?"I asked and settled on the front bleachers.
"The usual stuffs"he replied and I nodded.
He bounced the ball and shoot it into the net without missing.
He did that four more times and turned to me with a smug look. "Can you do that?"he asked and I scoffed.
"I can but I don't like proving myself to cocky boys like you" I said crossing one leg over the other.
He walked towards me and crouched in front of me. "If you are able to do that, I will do what you want for the rest of the day"he smirked and I pouted.
"You know that is somehow impossible for me to do" I grumbled and he smirked. "Three shot into the net without missing"he said and extended his hand.
"What if I lose?" I asked wanting to know the pros and cons.
"Nothing happens because it will be fun to rub your loss in your face" he said and I sighed. Worst boyfriend ever!
Do you really think so?
That is a tough one because I really like this guy if not even more than that.
Let me just give this a try, I have nothing to lose. I am used to him mocking me.
I placed a hand into his and got up. I put my backpack down and strode to the center of the court. I bounced the ball and tried not to smile as I made the first shot.
Not smiling to not lose focus that I still have two more to go.
"Good start cupcake"he commented and I didn't face him. I don't need his bad vibe right now. I bounced and made the second shot which almost missed the net. I inhaled deeply and exhaled.
"Can you actually win this?"his voice came up again while I had my focus on the net.
I bounced and released the ball into the air. I held my breath as it moved in the air before landing into the net with a thud.
I squealed jumping and heard a groan. I turn to him smirking glad to have won this. What should I do to him?
"Now you are my puppet for a day" I smiled and he massaged his temples.
"What can I do for you your Highness?"he said in a fake British accent which sounded bad. He should really stick to his Italian accent.
"I will think about it my humble slave" I grinned and settled back down on the bleachers. "You can continue practicing while I think of my reward"I smiled and he rolled his eyes. I watched him play and thought of something.
Carry my bag all day? Nope. That is pretty easy because my bag isn't heavy.
I have him at my beck and call for the rest of the day.
We can take a walk round. I don't want to make him suffer but rather enjoy this moment with him.
The bell rang and he headed towards me. "What do you want me to do?"he asked and I stood up. I smirked and stepped close to him. I kissed him briefly and he looked confused. "I am content with having you around me" I replied and he smiled. "I have the best girlfriend"he said and I grinned.
"And I have the best boyfriend"
"And now we are starting to sound cheesy"
"Yeah" I replied giggling.
"Don't you have a class right now?"he asked and I quickly snapped out of the moment. "I have got AP history" I said and grabbed my backpack.
I rushed out after shouting a quick 'I will see you later'.
I walked into my class thankful the teacher wasn't there. "Coming late to class, I see"Daniel said as I settled in front of him. "I am just ten minutes late" I grumbled taking out my books.
"Where were you?"
"With Asher"
"Shut up" I mumbled blushing. He couldn't say more because the teacher entered the class immediately.
I turned to the front and listened to the teacher's explanation.
I munched on my popcorn not taking my eyes of the tv. "This show is really nice" I said not facing him and rested my head on his shoulder.
"I know" he replied and I looked up at him to see him focusing on the tv.
We are currently in my house in the living room sitting on the couch watching Friends.
"We will be three months in two weeks"he said and I removed my head from his shoulder shocked he remembered.
"You remembered" I said gasping and he gave me a pointed look.
"I am not suppose to remember the day we started dating?"he asked or more like stated.
"I thought guys don't remember those stuffs"
"Well I do"
"That's cute"I said and he scrunched his nose.
"Do you have anything in mind?"he asked and I pursed my lips to think.
"Anything is fine as long as you are by my side" I said holding onto his arm and he smiled. He leaned down and pecked my forehead.
"I will think of something"
"You are not going to be tell me right?"
"You guessed right"
I pouted and he smirked. "You can get me to spill anything"
"Obviously" I replied rolling my eyes. I turned back to the movie and fight back a yawn. It's Saturday and my parents are working overnight. This week was a lot. Katrina had the best week of her life, she was thrown a lot of judgmental look and insult. Her so called 'friends' have deserted her and she walks around alone now. Deep down inside of me, I feel bad for her even though she got what she deserved. I didn't expect the whole school population to find out about what happened. The video spread like wild fire. I got more popular and respected. Girlfriends wanna be like me and protect their bae from girls like Katrina. I am like a role model now. It is not good to conclude without hearing the full story. I don't regret not running off that day and siding with my boyfriend.
"The best part is starting"he said and I turned back to the movie. I rested my head on his laps and he ran his hands through my hair. I smiled in content and focused back on the movie.
I wish nothing breaks us apart.

Have a blessed and fulfilled week!!

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