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"All this shit for a party"a girl grumbled behind me and I turned to her for a second. "The security here is really tight"Amanda mumbled behind me and sighed. "Are this men always here anytime you come to visit?"Angela whispered to me shuddering at the number of guards positioned at every place.
Yes" I replied and her mouth opened wide.
"Damn! And you don't feel scared?"Rose asked me and I shook my head.
"Weren't they here the last time you came for the party here?" I asked curious to know whether they just hired this guards.
"I saw some guards but they weren't this much. We only went through the metal detector test by the gate"Lily replied and I nodded in understanding.
There was this full body scan test that showed our bio data and criminal record. Then we moved to a metal detector test. After that, a lady or a man checked our belongings.
"I am really sorry for the inconvenience guys but this is unavoidable"Asher's voice boomed from the front after he finished his test. He partake in the test to make everyone feel like an equal. This party is totally different from the one I have been to. I asked Asher several times why the party is starting by 3pm but he told to wait patiently for the surprise. All I knew was that it was three themes. We were to bring a casual outfit, swimwear and a evening dress. I can tell a little on what we would be doing judging by the outfits. My boyfriend is the master planner and I can see everyone is really curious to know what is going to happen. Now I get why it is called the party of the year in school. Why everyone does anything to get an invite. I wouldn't miss this even if I wasn't his girlfriend.
A hand snaked around my waist and I didn't need to turn around to know who that is. "Hey"he whispered into my hair and turned me around.
"You ready for the surprise?"he asked cocking an eyebrow at me.
"I don't get why you kept it away . My friends have been pestering all week about the plans. They are sure I know something" I pouted and he chuckled. Like he was finding my misery funny when it is all his damn fault.
"So glad you are finding this funny"I said with a sarcastic smile and he looked more amused. "You are the host so aren't you suppose to be at the front explaining what your party is all about"
"My girl is more important"he smirked and my heart fluttered.
"I really envy this girl of yours"I said matching his tone.
"Oh you should because she is the best" he whispered with a wink and walked away. He walked away after making my heart rate go overboard.
Jeez! This boy and his way with words.
I wish I was half like him. It would be fun to send his heart racing over simple words.
"Welcome guys to my humble abode" Asher said making me turn to the front.
"The party is three themes as it has been listed in the invite. There are small lockers to put your things at the side which can only be opened with your specific combinations"he said pointed to the small lockers at the side.
"Now I don't have to worry about my things getting stolen"Amanda mumbled next to me making me jump a little. She smirked and I glared at her.
I turned sideways to see them standing beside me. How did they get here so fast?
"We are going to be spending a couple of hours in the game room before we move to the next part of the party. You guys are going to have the best time of your lives today"he said with a smug look and I rolled my eyes at him. Idiot!
He is not one. You are the idiot in this relationship.
"There are rules. No one is allowed to fuck in my house. The cabin over there is provided for stuffs like that. It has ten bedroom so I hope it should be enough for that"he said and I giggled in my head.
"Since all of you are already in your casual outfit, put your bags in the lockers and follow me to the game room"he said and
people headed for the lockers.
"You know you get special treatment because you are my girl"Asher said as I was about to put my things in a locker.
"It's fine actually" I replied and closed the locker. "Where do the rest of your family members stay during this period?"I asked as we made our way inside the house.
"We have got another house here in New York so they go there sometimes or travel out of the city"he explained as we climbed the stairs. I turned around to see everyone staring in awe at the interior of the house.
"The elevator can only take five people at a time so you guys know what to do"he said as he held my hand from stopping to go with my friends. "We are the host"he said and I smiled liking the sound of that.
We watched people enter the elevator and I waved at some familiar faces. I winked at Ian as I saw him stepping into the elevator with Olive. I convinced her to come to the party and I am happy that she agreed. I saw the way they are staring at each other so I wouldn't be surprised if they start dating soon.
I am the perfect Cupid people. "Come on or do you want to stand here all day?"Asher asked and I shook my head.
We entered the elevator and he pressed the button. I tucked my hands in my jeans pocket which I matched with a lace top. Finishing the look with my ankle boots.
"You look good"Asher commented as he leaned in to put a stray hair behind my ear. Our lips were about to meet before the elevator dings open. "About time you damn elevator"Asher cussed and I laughed at him.
People were standing in the hallway staring at numerous doors.
Asher walked to the game room and opened it. He gestured for people to enter and they obliged. We entered last and my eyes widened at the changes. The game room look the same except for the slight changes. There was a speaker playing a soft jam. I couldn't ignore the ice cream booth with different flavors. There is the snacks table with so many kinds of snacks you can think of. "Do you like the first surprise?"his voice came up beside my ear and I nodded.
"Do you want to try the basketball game again? Maybe you would pass 49 this time"he said with a mocking tone and I glared at him. My wound about me losing is still tender and now he has opened it again. I just hope someone beats him if I can't do it. I ignored and went to sit beside my friends not before grabbing an ice cream cone filled with my favorite flavor. "Your boyfriend is really loaded"Amanda said with food in her mouth and I stared at her shocked.
"Aren't you also like rich?" I asked as I licked my ice cream cone.
"Have you ever heard of rich!Rich!Rich?"she replied after swallowing the food in her mouth. I chuckled at that.
If she can say that even though her dad is a famous architect and her mom a famous model. What about a nobody like me?
"I am going to join Mike at the car race game"Lily said standing up.
"I think I am going to_"Angela was interrupted by Amanda.
"You are going to go join Rob wherever he is. We get it"Amanda grumbled and I giggled. Angela blushed and walked to wherever Rob was.
"Aren't you going to go meet Asher?"Rose asked and I sighed.
"I will chill with you single ladies" I said and Amanda smacked my hand playfully.
"You bitch"Amanda fake gasped. "Mind we have also got secret baes"Rose whispered and I raised an eyebrow.
"Mind giving me their names?" I asked crossing my hands over my chest.
"We will reveal them on the D-day"Amanda smirked and I chuckled.
"Hey girls, enjoying the party?"Asher's voice came up beside me and I snorted.
"Yes,thanks for having us"Amanda said standing up and Rose followed suit.
I raised an eyebrow and Amanda winked at me. She pulled Rose to the ice cream booth talking in hush tones.
"Let's go try the basketball game"Asher said turning me around to face him.
"Nah"I pouted and he took my hands to place it on his laps.
"Maybe you can beat me this time and enjoy rubbing your victory in my face"he smirked and I pondered over it.
He knows I can't do that but I can ask someone on the team. "Let's do it" I smirked standing up making him look shocked. I took his hand and pulled him to where Daniel and Matthew were standing. I let go of his hand and moved closer to the boys. "Can you guys help me beat Asher at the basketball game?"I whispered to them with pleading eyes.
"I am not sure I can beat him but I would try"Daniel said whispering and I smiled.
"What are you guys whispering about?"Asher said giving us a suspicious look and I smirked.
"You have nothing to worry about Ash"I said in a sweet voice and he looked unsure. "Let's go boys" I smiled and walked towards the basketball game.
I pressed the screen to set the game. "Who is going first?"I turned to them grinning and Asher nodded finally understanding what this is about.
"Let me" Daniel said and Asher had a smug look on. "Let's see if you can beat that"he jeered and I held my hands together as he started the game.
"Come on, you can do it" I cheered and some people came to see what was happening. I informed Amanda about what was going on and she passed the information to the other people standing.
"Come on Daniel"someone cheered in the crowd. I held my breath as the time remained just ten more seconds.
The buzzer went off and I groaned lightly. He managed to get to 80 but people applauded him. I didn't bother sparing Asher a glance knowing the look he was going to plaster on his face.
"I guess it is my turn"Matthew said setting up the game.
He is my last hope.
There are more guys that play the game at your school.
These are the best two after Asher so you get what I am implying here.
He kept shooting and I silently wished he was going to pass the score. "Have faith in my guy"Amanda whispered to me and I raised an eyebrow at the tag she used.
She shrugged and gestured to the game.
"No one can pass that"Asher mumbled and I scoffed.
I squealed as Matthew managed to shoot 105 and watched Asher's eyes narrowed at him. "You were saying" I smirked and he grunted.
I gave Matthew a side hug. "You helped me hurt this guy's ego" I said and he chuckled. Asher moves to the front and prepared to play another round. "Trust me boyfriend, you can't beat that" I smirked and he chuckled lightly.
"Oh you will see"he smirked and turned to the game with full concentration.
Show them what you have got Ash.
You are the only one supporting him.
I will always be his number one fan.
His invisible number one fan.
I don't care what you think girl.
I rolled my eyes and turned to see everyone was actually focused on what was happening here.
I was craving some chips but I want to wait for Asher to lose to rub his loss in.
"Wow"someone cheered making me turn back to the game.
"You were saying"Asher said smirking as he crossed his hands over his chest,
I checked the score and couldn't help the gasp that escaped from my mouth.
150, I expected better but that would put you losers in your place.
You are suppose to be on my side.
Everyone applauded him making his ego ten times bigger and I groaned.
People started walking away to do their living me and Asher. "Always have faith in me cupcake"he said with a look that looks like a pout.
"I don't know what to say but I need another ice cream" I grumbled and strode off to the ice cream booth.
I licked the ice cream and moaned lightly. That hits the spot and now I don't feel sad that I couldn't rub his loss in his face.
I was already imagining that. How good it was going to feel but he had to go ruin my plans. Dumbasshole!
You are becoming more stupid each day.
"You don't need to feel sad girlfriend instead you should be proud"Asher said as he made his ice cream.
I sighed and watched people grind against each other as the song became loud.
"Should we dance?"Asher wiggled his eyebrow and I smiled.
"Why don't we watch and make fun of people. Let's save it for the last part of this"I said and he smirked.
"Looking forward to that"he grinned and I mirrored his expression.
I leaned against the wall and watched. "Gosh what are those two doing?"I groaned pointing at the duo.
"Amanda and Matthew"he said and I nodded. They were making out on the couch and I think they will be needing a room in the cabin very soon.
"Still can't place what is going on with those two. Are they developing feelings or just FWB"he said shaking his head and I was confused about the last part.
"FWB?"I asked and he stared at me like I have grown two horns in a minute.
"Friends.With.Benefit"he said the words slowly smiling and I puffed.
"And you couldn't just say that" I said and he rolled his eyes at me.
"When will this segment be ending?"I asked glancing at the time on my phone.
We have been here for just one hour thirty minutes
"I planned three hours for this"he said and I nodded in understanding.
"Let's play golf" I suggested and he nodded.
I held my golf club and sent the ball almost flying into hole.
Keyword, almost!
He chuckled and took position. He hit the ball softly preparing himself before sending the ball flying few meters away from the hole. "That was amazing" I said sarcastically and he gave me a fake smile.
I tried again and squealed as the ball entered the hole.
We played five more times and I actually beat him in golf. "Do you need me to teach you how to play?" I said and he scoffed. "I am good at it but today isn't my day"he replied and I giggled.
"Oh yeah" I replied with a mocking look.
"Do you want to check out the virtual 3D?"he asked trying to change the topic and I decided to let him off the hook.
"Let's do that" I replied and he let out a sigh of relief. He must have thought I wouldn't agree easily.
He helped me put the goggles on.
I got to fight a villain trying to destroy the city. "That was epic"I said as I removed the goggles. "Do you want to try?"I asked and he shook his head.
"I will go join those guys at the snooker table"he said and I decided to go with him for support.
Some guys were playing so he had to wait for them to finish. He went against the winner of the previous game. I don't really understand the game so I just watched them play instead.
I smiled as he managed to get three balls into the hole at once. He ended up winning the game and pulled me away from there. "Which of the snacks do you want?"he asked.
"Doritos and skittles" I replied without thinking much about it.
"Sit on the couch and I will be back with your order"I thanked him and settled on the couch. I decided to play piano tiles in the meantime. "What you doing?" I heard his voice as the couch dipped.
I turned the screen to him and he gave me a thumbs up. I pouted when I couldn't get the three stars. "Let me play"he said and I handed him my phone.
I collected my bag of Doritos from him and munched on it. He was so engrossed in the game that I had to feed him the snacks.
"Would games be played?"I asked as he gave me back my phone.
"What do you mean?"
"Games like truth or dare, never have I ever"
"I thought it would be useless to play it here when there are so many games. We would be doing that at the pool party"
"The indoor pool?"I asked and he nodded.
"That is cool. What gave you this ideas? To not have a party like a normal teenager"
"Well I like to do my things different making it unique. This is going to be the talk in school for months"he said smiling and I nodded in understanding.
A buzzer went off.
"It's time for the pool party"he said standing up. "The casual party is completed so now it is time for the pool party. Just by the cabin, there are some stalls which are in place for changing outfit. Change your clothes and meet me back here in thirty minutes"he said and people trooped out.
"See you in thirty cupcake"he said as we walked out. He headed in the direction of his room and I headed outside.
I grabbed my swimwear from my locker.
There were ten stalls in total so we had to form a queue. I regretted not accepting his offer of special treatment.
"Why are you here?"Amanda asked .
"I thought this was going to be fun" I sighed and she giggled.
"Aren't you an humble girlfriend?"Angela asked making us giggle.
I sighed as I entered the stall. I changed into my two piece bikini. I wore a denim short and replaced my ankle boots with slippers.
I left my hair which still looked nice. I only used lipgloss for the casual party so I have got nothing to wipe off.
I walked out and headed back into the house. I couldn't focus on what Asher was saying at the front. Staring at his bare chest was the better thing to do at that time. He is ripped, I have seen it so many times but would never get used to it. Girls were gawking at him and I didn't need to worry because he is mine. That feels good to say each time. Claiming my mark on him. I am quite possessive over him. Crushing on him for a long time without him noticing me then he asked me out. I can't help but feel paranoid sometimes.
Asher led us to the pool and I didn't gawk at the whole place like the last time I was here. Songs were blaring out from the speakers and I settled on the lounge chair closest to the window. I can get rid of the see I feel anytime I stare at the garden.
There was a grill spot at the corner and a man who looked to be in his mid twenties was working on that. There was a fruit punch table.
Different party settings, different foods.
"Are you going to stay here all night?"Amanda asked and I shook my head. "Just for a while" I said and I watched them jump into the pool.
I giggled as Angela lost her balance and fell into the pool. She quickly got up recovered from it.
"Planning on staying here?"a voice whispered into my ear and shivers erupted through my spine at the slight contact. I turned around to see him sitting extremely close to me that I can feel the warmth radiating from his body.
What was the question he asked again?
Damn him and his illegal looking body!
"Illegal looking body, really? You are really weird"he chuckled and I blushed.
Way to go Stephanie.
"I asked if you are planning on sitting here throughout our time here"he rephrased and I shook my head.
"I just want to stare at the garden for some time" I said turning back to the window to keep myself undistracted from his body. "You can do that some other time. Let's get into the pool together"he said and I turned back to him.
I sighed and nodded making him smile.
I removed my denim short and heard him exhale loudly. I smirked and turned to him. He cleared his throat and I giggled.
Pleased that he also feels the same way.
"Let's go"I said and he nodded taking his eyes off my body.
I put my leg first inside the water to check the temperature before getting into it.
Water splashed on me and I smiled.
I splashed water back and giggled.
"I was just planning on staying here" I grumbled and he chuckled.
He moved closer and snaked his hands around my waist, correction BARE waist.
The contact is too much for my poor heart which was pounding in my chest.
Water trickled down from my hair to my face and I groaned. "Not my hair" I grumbled and he smirked. He shook his head getting water out which was splashing on my body. Also the hair I didn't want to get wet. "There is no point in coming into the pool if you don't get wet"he said and trailing his hands down my cheek. He ran his thumb over my lower lip and my breath hitches.
He pulled away and I knew he was teasing me. I quickly pulled him back to me and planted my lips on his. I started the kiss but he was fully in control. He placed both hands and lifted me up to sit at the pool side without detaching our lips. He buried a hand in my hair and caress it. I moaned and he took that as an opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. Fighting for dominance wasn't easy because he always ended up winning. The kiss got more sensual as I felt his hands caress my bare thigh. I felt an unknown sensation between my legs. I trailed my hands on his arm. "Fuck"he cussed and bit my lower lip. He pulled away running his hands through his hair.
I blushed still feeling the tingles on my body. Kissing in the pool made this more sensual. "I will go back to the lounge chair" I rushed out standing up which was a bit hard. My legs were wobbly so I had to walk around a bit to get used to it. "I will swim around to get rid_"he trailed off and I didn't need him to finish that sentence to understand what he was talking about.
I grabbed a towel from the rack and wrapped it around my body. I grabbed a fruit punch before heading back to my chair. I settled in my lounge chair and loosened my hair from the braids. I turned to my left and was surprised to see Olive sitting in the chair beside me. I couldn't see if she was wearing a bikini because she was wearing a kimono. "Hello"I said catching her attention.
"Hi" she said smiling.
"You don't know how to swim or you are scared of the water?" I asked.
"You are sitting down here when everyone is enjoying themselves in the pool"
""she said and I almost didn't hear her.
I grabbed her hands squeezing it making her turn to me. "You should be comfortable in your own skin. Be proud of your body. Don't let any bad comments make you think less of yourself. There will always be haters but you should learn to tell them to go fuck themselves. You must love your body and be proud of you. You shouldn't feel the need to change your body because you think you don't look good. You are unique in your own way so learn to appreciate yourself" I commented and observed as she digested my words.
"You are right"she said and removed her kimono. Some guys whistled next to us and I gasped. "I don't know how you don't like this body because you look damn hot" I complimented honestly and she blushed. She had a really nice shape which was evident in her one piece bikini.
""she said standing up. "Heck yeah" I said and she giggled. We walked to pool and jumped in. She swam around while I just stayed at the side watching her. At least, I got her to feel confident about her body. I saw Ian approached her and gave him a thumbs up. I headed out of the pool as I saw them having a water fight.
I headed back to my chair just in time for Matthew to announce that we are going to be playing truth or dare first.
I didn't want to join because I wasn't single. Asher was partaking in the game so I had to join. Almost everyone joined even Olive. I am sure Ian convinced her to join because it didn't look like her type of scene.
"Truth or dare"a girl asked Nick after the bottle was spun.
"Dare" he replied smiling.
"I dare you to sing a random song"
"I don't know how to sing"
"It is a dare"
He sang Beautiful mistakes by maroon 5 ft Megan the stallion.
I had to cover my ears because he sounded horrible.
"Truth or dare"Matthew asked Ian.
"Taking the easy way out I see. Do you like anyone in this room?"
"Yes"he replied and I observe as Olive's face reaction changed. She looked sad as if she can't imagine him liking another girl. That is good news because it means she might have a slight crush on him.
Truth or dare was interesting. I was invincible but my boyfriend got a lap dance. I wasn't jealous but had to repeat it in my head several times that it was just a game. To stop myself from getting up from my seat to separate them.
We played never have I ever with fruit punch. Asher said the last part has got alcohol drinks.
"Get dressed and join me here in thirty minutes"he announced.
I was about to walk out but was stopped by a hand on my wrist. "I hope you are not mad about the lap dance"Asher said making me laugh. It warmed my heart that he actually cared about my feelings.
"It was just a game" I replied and he smiled. "Good. I can't wait to see your dress"he replied and I smiled.
"Seeing you in a suit sounds amazing" I said and pecked his lips. "In thirty"I whispered and walked out.
We formed a queue again to use the stalls.
I put on the red off the shoulder starting with a plunge, showing off some cleavage. It clung to my body like a second skin showing off my curves. It also have a long slit running to my left thigh showing off my beautiful toned leg.
It was the same dress I purchased when we were shopping for the trip. Time flew fast, a lot of things have happened now.
I applied a bold red lipstick and eyeliner.
I let my hair down and put the hairpin at the side. I completed the Look with a five inch black high heels.
I looked hot!
I walked out and waited for my friends to get dressed.
Amanda was wearing a blue sleeveless knee dress which had slits at both sides. It showed a lot of cleavage but the dress really looked good on her.
Lily was spotting a black dress which was strapless with a sweetheart neckline to accent her chest.
Angela was wearing a knee length red dress which was backless and showed a bit of cleavage.
Rose was wearing a long wine dress with a slit going up to her left thigh. It was strapless and exposed skin around her stomach.
I was surprised to see what Olive was wearing. A knee length dress with floral print and a v-shaped neckline showing off a small amount of her cleavage. She paired it up with a white heels.
I thought she was going to wear a cover up cloth but I am glad she is starting to appreciate her body.
I approached her wanting to compliment her outfit but she talked first.
"Thanks for your kind words. I brought two outfits with me but was sure I wasn't going to wear this one. You advised me and told me to appreciate my body so I decided to go with this"
"And you look amazing"
"Thank you. Your dress really suits you"
she asked and I clamped my mouth shut to stop myself from giggling at her shyness. "Ian?"I asked and she blushed.
"You look amazing so you have got nothing to worry about"
"Thank you so much, you are a true friend"she said and wiped a lone tear.
"And you are a good person" I replied and she hugged me. I hugged her back and let her pull away first.
"Let's party" I grinned and she smiled.
We made our way into the house and followed the others to the ballroom.
It was decorated and I almost thought it was our prom night.
There was a dj set up at the front. There was a mini bar with a bartender. There were chairs pulled up at the side.
"You are making me feel some not so innocent things"a voice whispered in my ear as a hand wrapped around my waist.
"You look beautiful"he said and turned me around. My breath hitches as I stared at him. He was wearing a two piece suit but I pouted expecting to see him wearing a suit. He was wearing a white shirt with the few buttons undone giving me a sneak peek into his toned chest and I can see his silver chain resting in his shirt. He was wearing a black inner formal jacket His hair was messy and he was wearing shoes instead of sneakers or converse.
"You look amazing" I said and he smirked.
"I know"he said and I smacked his arm playfully. "Just take the compliment"
"Thank you beautiful"he said and trail his hands round my face. "You owe me a dance" he said and pulled me to the dance floor. The floor was a mass of moving bodies swaying to the deep slow song. He pulled me to the center and put his hands on my hip getting us to sway slowly.
I linked my arms around his neck and moved my hips to the beat. I stared into his eyes and he smiled at me. I smiled back wanting to stay in his embrace forever. I rested my head on his chest after a while as we swayed.
We danced to multiple songs before deciding to take a sit. "What do you want to drink?"he asked as he made me sit down. "A mocktail"I told him.
"You are not drinking tonight?"he asked and I nodded. He smiled and headed to the bar. "You have been enjoying all night so I think you need a break. I brought you a drink" I groaned inwardly as I saw Katrina standing in front of me.
Unfortunately, she was also invited and I have been able to avoid her all night.
My Luck has clearly ran out.
She was wearing a tight strapless dress which was ending mid thigh and showed lot of cleavage. She handed me a drink and I eyed it. I am definitely not taking out of this. God knows what she put in it.
"The drink isn't poisoned. I wouldn't stoop that low. I just want you to enjoy your time with Asher while it lasts"she said and walked away.
"What did she say to you?"Asher said as he handed me my drink.
"Her usual nonsense" I replied as he settled beside me.
"I know get why your party is famous" I said looking around.
"I plan the best"
"Cocky much"I grumbled and took a sip of my drink.
"I want to go talk with the guys about something"
"It's fine. I would just find someone to keep me company"he smiled at me and kissed my hair. I watched him walk away and smiled to myself.
He is going to be the death of me one day.
I just looked at people dancing as I sipped my drink but couldn't help take a few glance at where he was talking with friends.
You call that a few?
Fine! It was more than a few glance but he looked so sexy from the back. I had to keep myself from looking there to be able to murder some girl who can't keep her hands to herself.
You are unbelievable!
When you have got a boyfriend who looks like that then you have to look after him. Some girls aren't ashamed to go after guys that aren't single.
This is because you have been single most of your life.
Being Possessive is cute.
Just shut up!
I tuned my subconscious out and focused on you know who.
After a while, I smiled as I saw him approach me. A girl stumbled into him and poured her drink on his shirt.
I saw them exchanged words before he headed to me. "I need to go and change my outfit"he grumbled and I bit my lips to stop myself from laughing at him.
"Okay" I said looking at the red stain on his shirt.
The girls settled beside me and we talked about random things.
"Hey"a girl I don't recognize said to me.
"Asher told me to inform you to come to his room"
"Thank you"I said and she walked away.
Amanda fake coughed and winked.
"Make sure to use protection"Angela said and I blushed.
"You girls are dirty minded" I groaned standing up.
"Why else will he be calling you up to his room?"Lily said and I scoffed.
I strode upstairs and headed to his room.
I am sure he isn't calling me upstairs because of what does girls were suggesting. It was strange that he sent somebody to get me while he can just text me. I barely processed her words and dismissed her unconsciously. Maybe he had another surprise for me in the bathroom. I smiled at that thought and fiddled with my fingers.
I opened the door and my jaw dropped at the sight in front of me.
Him and HER!
Oh shit is about to go down!

Shit is about to go down!
Who has any idea on what this is about?
Sorry for the cliffhanger but it is necessary. I would try to hasten the update.

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