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"Okay guys, today we are going to be doing some basketball skills. First we start with a throw. Everyone of you try to hit the ball into the net. You stand at a far distance to the net. As you are unable to make a positive throw, you move forward which reduces your scores" the PE teacher paused scanning through our face to see if we understand.
I just breath in deep. Time flies so fast, it has already been three weeks since we resume. The Sunday with my dad went well. When I said I wanted to tell him everything, I didn't mean everything.
I just mean stuffs about my college choice not the whole school thing.
We played some board games and my dad managed to reactivate our Netflix account.
My mom joined halfway because she couldn't get a leave. It was a real bonding night for my family. And now they have busied themselves in work again.
We are borrowing the basketball court and the boys are taking a break watching us. I mean all the Boys so ASHER is here. More reason not to flop this up.
"This is super hard. I don't even know anything about basketball. I am going to jinx this thing" Amanda grumbled and I chuckled silently.
"You will do great" I patted her shoulder and she scoffed.
"Yeah right"she huffed.
"It doesn't look hard"Angela chimed in and Amanda glared at her.
No one was able to score a basket in the first trial. They had to move and move.
It was Katrina's turn. She made sure to sway her hips more than usual.
She winked at the boys. "Easy peasy, I watch the boys do it all the time so it can't be hard" she said and I snorted.
Let us see how well she does. This is going to be so much fun.
Why are you so sure she will embarrass herself?
Just watch!
I looked at her ready to throw the ball.
I laughed not too loud as the ball didn't even go close to the net.
Everybody started laughing even the basketball players. I knew she was going to jinx it. "The ball was slippery. Can I get a change of ball?"she whined and the teacher shook his head clearly aware of her antics. "Everyone before you used that same ball and there was no complain. Just throw and allow others to do the same" the teacher replied angrily and I giggled at her misery.
She didn't get it the next time then the next. The ball still did not enter the net as she got very close.
She stomped her foot back to her friends or her minions in anger.
I chuckled softly. Stupid girl!
Amanda managed to get it to enter after the third trial, Lily;fourth, Angela;third, Rose; fifth.
The teacher didn't allow the boys to participate so that it would be fair.
Nobody managed to get a throw on the first trial. I am the last person to try.
I get in position and my mind went back to my training.
'Focus Stephanie, no distractions' the voice said and I allowed my mind to be blank.
"If I couldn't do it. I am sure she is gonna be_" Katrina was cut off when she realized I made the first hit.
The ball bounced back to me and I held it. I turned to Katrina with a smug look. "You were saying?" I smirked and everyone started clapping for me.
The teacher was also shocked probably discouraged that nobody was going to get it right. "That's the first phase. Now divide yourself into two teams. Let us see how you play" the teacher announced again and many people groaned.
"Nice throw Steph. You are the captain of our team" Amanda gushed and I just smiled along.
The game started and Katrina's team didn't really understand what they were doing giving my team an advantage.
Even people from my team, I was the only one who has got the hang of it.
It was a super amateurish game. I still understand why the teacher will make us do this. Maybe he just wanted to see use embarrass ourselves.
Or the coach paid him to make you girls entertain the boys because this is so funny.
I don't know how to reply to that.

The game finished 10-60. The girls in my team appreciated my effort. "Good play girls. That is all for today. See you next class" the teacher ended and Katrina stomped out angrily.
I was about to leave with my friends. "Stephanie" The teacher called and motion for me to call over.
I told my friends I would see them later and headed towards the teacher. "You were really good Stephanie. Where had you learn to play like that?"the teacher asked amused.
"I used to train with the local team in my community" I replied and he nodded.
"That is nice! See you next class" he dismissed and I walked off.
"Hey, wait up" a voice called out behind me and I froze.
It can't be! It does sound like his voice.
Just turn around already.
I slowly turn around and I froze again.
My heart pounded in my chest.
Holy molly! It is him! The guy I have been crushing on for a year is talking to me.
He looked handsome from afar but here standing so close to me reeking of sweat from practice. He looked super hot which is doing things to my poor heart.
Act cool Stephanie! Don't you dare embarrass yourself!
Seriously he couldn't think of another day to talk to me, it has to be on the day I looked bad. My hair was sticking to my face and my T-shirt was slightly damped. I bet I am smelling really bad. I ran my hand through my hair in an attempt to make it look presentable.
Not everyone looks like a model when reeking of sweat.
I am meeting the school Golden boy and here I am looking like the school loser.
"Hi" I replied softly.
"I have never seen a girl play like that. You were really awesome out there"he complimented with deep masculine voice and butterflies flutter in my stomach.
Did he just Compliment me?
I glanced sideways to avoid him from seeing my blush. Stupid hormones.
"Where had you learn to play like that?" he asked curiously and my legs started to wobble a bit hearing his voice over and over again. "I used to train with the local team in my community since I always liked it" I developed a interest when I realized you like it a lot. I used to imagine what kind of a girlfriend wouldn't know anything about her boyfriend's whole life. It came naturally to me . I realized I like it but I like it more because you loved it. I couldn't possibly add that because he is going to think I am a weirdo. It took everything in my willpower not to stutter.
I was feeling whirlwind of emotions.
Shock, in a million years I would never believe this will happen. Okay I have planned our meeting in my head but it was always in the back of my mind. I never thought he would actually talk to me. I am amazed.

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