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"Hi Mike" Lily replied sheepishly and I just smirked at her reaction.
At least her own love life is on the right path.
Mike is 6,2 ;blonde hair; piercing dark eyes; pink lips. Has nose and ear piercing. He is handsome. He plays basketball and he hangs out with Asher all the time because they are both popular.
He is reserved and doesn't break girls heart. Lily's sweetheart!
He likes her and made that known to her a couple of days before the last school year ended. Things are a bit awkward between them. Lily likes him back but she is scared. You know jocks are not to be trusted. When lily falls, she falls deep. She takes a lot of time to recover from heartbreak. I am talking from experience with her past relationships.
Maybe now that him and Lily will start dating, I can get a chance to finally talk to Asher.
What happened to 'No boys rule'.
It.. I messed up and broke the rule when I started crushing on that Adonis.
Lily glanced at us shyly and I immediately get the message she was trying to pass across.
"Lily, I have got to show Amanda something so I will leave you two to it" I said quickly pulling Amanda after sending a wink to Lily.
It sucks being the third wheel. I am really happy for her. I will break his bones if he as much hurt a strand of hair not to talk of making her cry. She deserves love after so much heartbreak. It will hurt to see her suffer another heartbreak. I just hope his love for her is real.
I don't expect you to be thrilled with this news suppose your...You are suppose to cry your eyes out not doing the complete opposite.
I know my love life is dead and buried six feet under the ground. It doesn't mean I don't have to be happy when another person's relationship is working just fine.
My smile flattered a bit hearing my subconscious. Why can't we just agree together since we practically share the same body?
Never! I am here to taunt you. You can never get rid of me so baby girl we are stuck together for life.
"I can't wait for them to start dating. They look so cute together" Amanda said grinning like a Cheshire cat.
"I know right" I replied walking to my locker. I got my books out and waited for Amanda to do the same.
The three of us have first period together. Calculus!
"I am happy for her. That is why we also need to get a partner ASAP. So we can go on triple dates. Our boyfriend will become friends then we will live in the same house. Go to the same college" I blabbered out as the bulb was going off in my head. She looked at me like I was crazy. I will obviously do the same thing but crazy Stephanie is out. Watch out !
"I don't know what to say to that but all I know is that I don't want any unnecessary drama in my life right now. I love my single life tasting all 'em not bothering with commitments. Maybe after college then I might think about settling down" Amanda replied and I huffed silently.
"Life is short so enjoy it while you can. Guys are a bit handful and I don't need that in my life right now. I want a soft life"she added and I rolled my eyes.
Typical Amanda. A playgirl. Doesn't date but does just one nightstand.
So I think I am the only one that actually thinks about things like that.
I was planning on adding getting married together and having babies at the same time then they also grow up to be besties like us. I already warned you that this is Stephanie's crazy time.
That is never gonna happen because no guy has never shown interest to me.
Or maybe I was too busy thinking about Asher all the time.
"Enough talk about that. Have you started applying to college" I asked changing the topic. Since there is no reason to continue that conversation. They don't know about my crush so she can't understand my feelings. If you like a person and the person likes you back then you are indeed lucky. One sided crush leads to heartbreak. I feel like I am such a bad friend. I can't even tell my friends about my long lasting crush. I can't just bring myself to tell them. Anytime I try to, the words just gets stuck in my throat and I wouldn't be able to get them out.
Maybe I don't want them to view me like the other girls.
Or I don't want them to make fun of me.
Or I don't want them to think I am silly.
Or I don't want them to think I am stupid for liking someone that would never glance at me.
I must find a way to tell them because my heart is heavy;clouded with guilt.
They tell me everything and I tell them nothing. We had a couple of sleepovers at their house but never at mine. All they know is I am a scholarship student but I still feel inferior to them. They have got everything and I have absolutely nothing.  I am really grateful for them in my life.
"I have not started thinking about college. What about you?" she asked making me snap out of my trance as we walked to our class. Mike will probably walk Lily to class. "I have a few options but I think I still need to meet with the counselor for advice" I replied. I am thinking of meeting her today because I really need to get a scholarship. There is no way my parents will afford the tuition of an ivy school. I can't imagine myself going to a community college. I am destined for something great.
Yeah right!

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