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"That is all for today, we will be having a test next class" the teacher ended after the bell rang.
I packed my things into my bag and walked out of the class. It is lunchtime so I headed to the cafeteria. I haven't seen any of my friends today.
I walked into the cafeteria and collected my lunch food. I scanned through to spot my friends.
"Hello guys"I said immediately I got to the table and settled down beside Amanda. They replied with hello of their own version. I glanced around the room looking for a certain person. "Don't bother looking around, the basketball team have a friendly match with a nearby school today. They took the cheerleading team with" Angela informed me and ended with a wink. "I wasn't..." she cut me off by raising a hand.
I focused my attention back on what Rose was discussing.
I was looking forward to seeing him today. I thought about him a lot yesterday but managed to get some reading done.
The bell rang and I headed to my next class. I have math now.
I settled in my perfect seat and waited for the teacher to arrive. "Hey" a voice said from behind making me turn. I smile a little as my eyes landed on the person. "Hi" I replied with a smile.
"It's nice to be back right?" Jones asked and I nodded. "I am happy too, I don't miss the assignments and tests obviously" he groaned out making me chuckle lightly.
"Good day class, today we will be learning about area of a segment and chord" the teacher said making me turn back to face the board.
I listened attentively and jotted a lot down. "I will be distributing some papers now. It is an impromptu test, I want to know how the trip has affected your intelligence. So I will know how to begin my teaching now" the teacher explained and there was a lot of groans as he ended.
"We should have been informed at the beginning of the test" a voice said.
"Yeah it would have given us little time to learn something"
"This is so unfair"
"This is why I didn't want the trip to end"
"I hate school so much"
"The test is going to hold regardless of what you guys say" the teacher said with a scowl as he handed out the test papers.
"Good luck" Jones said from behind me making me turn back.
"To you too" I replied and turned back.
"You have got thirty minutes. Your time starts now" the teacher announced and I glanced through the questions.
Easy peasy!
No tests is hard for Stephanie Walker, she is the best.
Keep praising yourself, the thirty minutes will soon be over. You will know you are the Best.
I actually listened to my sub and started solving the questions.
I was the first to finish and cross checked what I did. It is always good to do that.
I waited for some people to submit before submitting mine.
We were to leave the class immediately we submit. I headed to my English class and settled down in the class alone. As there was still some time before the class started. I took my phone from my bag to see some IG post.
We know you mean Asher's post by some. We got you idiot!
I was not going to check his posts. There are other people on Instagram.
I checked Amanda's post first before checking his post.
Of course.
He posted a picture of him wearing his jersey and his signature smirk.
I screenshot the picture because he looks so good. I clicked on the picture we took at the Eiffel Tower smiling at the memory.
People started entering the class and I put my phone back in my bag waiting for the teacher. I giggled a little remembering what happened in this class the last time. What I had to endure!!
"So we are going to continue reading Romeo and Juliet today" the teacher announced and I took out my copy.

"That is all for today, we will continue next class" the teacher ended and I walked out of the class.
"Bye guys" I said with a wave before heading to bus station.

I entered the bus taking the window seat as usual.
I got out of the bus and walked to my house. Unlocking my door, I headed to my room. I had a quick shower and put on fresh clothes.
I settled on the couch and decided to watch a movie. I flipped through Netflix to get a movie to watch. Clicking on a random movie and laying down on the couch to watch.
I decided to make dinner after the movie ended. Going with lasagna.
After preparing, I put it in the microwave.
I wrote a short note :
Hey dad and mom, I made dinner and it's in the microwave. Sorry I couldn't wait for you guys to arrive. School and all.
Love you guys so much
~ Your lovely daughter Stephanie.
I put it on the fridge and headed for my room.
I settled in my reading chair and took out my books.
I did that for a while before deciding to call it a day.
Pulling my cover over me, I head to the dreamland.
I can't stop thinking about what is going to happen tomorrow.
"Wake up right now Annabelle" a voice shouted making me throw a tantrum on my bed. Realizing that was my mom's voice, I quickly sit up on the bed turning to face her. "Do I really have to do this every morning?" she asked and I gave a sheepish smile unsure of what to say.
"You are going to be going to college soon and I wouldn't be there with you. Even your alarm doesn't wake you up so what will" she grumbled and I just run my hand through my hair.
I stand up from my bed and tidied it up. "Morning mom" I said and proceeded to kiss her cheek.
"Nope, don't kiss me with that smelly mouth of yours and you my dear stinks" she said making me gasp in shock.
My own mother.
She is saying the truth, you stink girl.
Go take a shower and save your poor mother from inhaling bad smell.
Not you too! "Wow mom" I said dramatically placing a hand on my chest to add more effect.
"You have a short time to get ready or you will miss the bus" she informed and my eyes widened. I quickly grabbed everything I need in my room and ran to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower.
I put a camisole top with jacket and denim jeans pairing it up with my white vans. I let my hair down and applied my body spray. I went back to my room and picked up my bag.
I quickly prepared cereals for myself and chugged it down quickly.
I washed the bowl. "Bye mom" I said and kissed her cheek as she handed me a few dollars. I walked out and ran to the bus station. I caught my breath when I got there. I was lucky because there was only a passenger seat left. I entered and sad it is not a window seat.
Don't manage what you got. Or you could just get out and start your walk to school. I am sure you prefer that right.
You don't have to be so bitchy.

Walking into the school hall and headed for my first class.
The first four class before lunch ended in a blur. I picked up a sandwich from the cafeteria before heading to the library. "Hello Mrs Pika" I greeted as I entered the library.
"How are you doing? How was your trip? I have missed you coming here" she blabbered out.
"I am fine. The trip was amazing. I missed the library too" I replied with a small smile. "I heard the places you guys visited so you obviously had fun" she said and I nodded in response.
"I am going to head to the back now" I said with a tight smile not wanting to continue the conversation. I have little time to spend here and I am definitely not spending it on talking about the trip.
"Okay" she replied. I walked to the chemistry section and picked up a textbook. I settled in the soft comfy couch and proceeded to get some reading done.
The bell rang and I returned the textbook. "Bye Mrs Pika" I said and she waved at me. I headed to my next class but stopped when I saw the person approaching.
Our last time together kept replaying in my head making me blush a little.
Can you stop making a fool out of yourself by blushing like an idiot?How do you want him to think of you?
He is with his usual crew and I stand at the side waiting for him to get to me.
His eyes landed on me for a second.
I raise up my hand to wave at him but my jaw dropped when he just walked past me. I immediately put my hand on my hair to stop myself from looking weird.
But seriously did he just ignore me?
I told you to stop reading too much meanings into things. Maybe he didn't see you.
He definitely saw me but chose to ignore me.
Why the fuck will he do that?

Why Asher?
First chapter of the new month October.
Happy New Month to you all.
Wishing you a happy and fulfilled month.
Decided to update on the first day.

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