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"You ready for the big game" I asked wiggling my eyebrows after hooking my hands around his neck.
He didn't waste time to wrap his hands around my waist pulling me closer to him.
I felt sparks which I will never entirely get used to. I was wearing his jersey again with some denim shorts pairing it up with the sneakers he bought me. "Babe, this is hardly a game. We are going to win this as usual" he tilt his head back to give me that smug look.
"Good because I always support the winning team" I smiled and he chuckled.
"And you chose wisely. Now my good luck kiss" he smirked leaning forward but I put my hand on his lips.
"Don't think you will be needing that" I smirked and withdraw my hand after he kissed it. "I told you I will always need it" he leaned again but I don't stop him this time. I kissed him briefly not wanting my lipstick to stain his lips.
He doesn't seem to mind.
Well I do. He just grinned after I pulled away. "Will you be going to the after party?" he asked and I shake my head at his confidence.
"So eager to show me off"
"I will always be happy to show you off. Have you seen you?" My heart fluttered and I smiled.
I like this guy so much.
"Asher" a voice called behind me making me unwrap my hand from his neck. He still has one hand around my waist.
"You ready for the game?"his coach's voice came up. I tried not to squirm under his gaze as he stared at me.
"Always ready coach. Meet my girlfriend, Stephanie" Asher said and I smiled politely at the coach.
"I see. Don't disappoint me and never forget your priorities" he said and walked out.
'Never forget your priorities'.
Was he referring to me? Did he just imply I might be Asher's distraction and maybe weakness.
"That's coach for you cupcake" Asher said as if sensing the change in my mood.
"I have a game to win. See you later babe" he pecked my lips quickly and walked out.
I walked out after fiddling with my fingers and tried to find my seat.
I was surprised when I saw the seats he got my friends and I.
The fucking VIP seat. I can see literally everything from here with no disruptions. "This is one of the perks of dating the captain of our basketball team" Amanda squealed as she took some selfies.
"Freaking VIP seat and it is free"Angela squealed facing me then turned to her boyfriend. He smiled at her and turned back to the field where the Katrina and her group were performing. I looked at Katrina and watched for mistakes, but of course there were none to be seen. She did every choreographed move like she'd created it, her smile never wavering as she kicked, spun, and cheered in perfect unison with the other girls.
Disappointing. I hate that she is really good.How can someone like her be good at something? She had tried to ruin a lot of people's high school year.
I glanced around and noticed Asher's family well just his mom, Delaney and Sydney. Sydney spotted me and whispered something to Delaney.
They all turned to me and waved with a big smile. I turned back to the field to watch my boyfriend play.
Funny the last time I watched his match, I wasn't even sure what I was to him. Now I am his girl.
Life is so unpredictable. I want my life to be a bed of roses and no thorns.
The place was teeming with energy, like every single person in that gym was about to explode with their uncontrollable excitement. The team was warming up, and it felt like something big was about to happen.
Balls bounced, people climbed the steps of the bleachers looking for their seat number,minutes ticked down on the giant scoreboard.
The guy I suspected was the key player from the other team made some shots, but he was overshadowed by Asher who seemed really really good at basketball. More than I liked to admit so as not to inflate his ego more than it has already been.
This was going to be fun to watch.
I watched Asher dribble down the court. He bounced the ball with the confidence of one who knew the ball wouldn't be stolen from him. He shoot the ball into the net with that smirk of his and the place erupted with details.The place was noisy. It was a cacophony of voices, grunts, sneaker squeaks, and bounces.
Daniel smirked as he juked around the key player of the other team,he stepped back and let go of a shot that arced high into the air before swishing into the basket. Nothing but net.
Asher patted him on the back and they shared a smile.
Mike passed the ball to Matthew, who was fast and sprinted down to the corner, but one of the players from the opposite team was already there with his hands up. Matthew bounced it over to Asher, who dribbled underneath the basket and just put it in, like it was easy.
The other team managed to shoot the ball into the net a lot of times to level the scores. I checked the time remaining and realized we have only one more move to make. Asher better win this as he promised. This team is also good if they managed to level the scores.
Asher shoot the ball right at the crowd's middle scream, and the suspense was really high. I held my breath as we watched as the ball moved in the air.
The ball entered the net and popped a three-pointer to win the game, I totally sat up and yelled. I wasn't embarrassed because almost everyone was doing the same. He won as usual.
Well I never doubted him.
I never did too.
Everyone instantly relaxed once the game was over, talking and casually taking shots at the basket.
The boys went over to coach after he gestured them over.
Asher scanned the field as if looking for something. His eyes met mine and he smiled. He walked over and I waited for him to get to me.
"You_" my words got stuck as his lips met mine. There were lot of gasps and murmurs probably from people who didn't attend our school. I was sure everyone in our school knows we are dating at this point.
He pulled me closer to him, our bodies now pressed together. I can feel the heat of his skin through my clothes. He used one hand to caress my cheek. I stay still, my breath threading through me in the smallest of movements, my body on fire, every nerve hyper-alert.
He buried his hand in my hair and the other hand is wrapped around my waist.
His family are watching. You are so sucking his mouth like you both are in a private place. I didn't know you had it in you.
With that thought, I pulled away and he just smirked. I scanned the place with my peripheral view to see everyone staring at us. "Why did you do this?" I whispered and I am sure my cheeks are crimson red.
"Just wanted to let everyone know you are mine" he replied. "Let's go greet my mom and sister" he added and looked around.
"Looks like we are known for giving people a show"he chuckled lightly while my insides twisted. The butterflies in my stomach were uncontrollable.
He tugged me along to where his mom and Delaney were staring at us.
Gosh Sydney! We have probably scarred the little girl for life. "You hormonal teenagers, how dare you do that in front of kids? Thank goodness I was quick to cover Sydney's eyes. How will I answer if a three year old ask me why you both were busy sucking each faces off" his mom blurted out and I fiddled with my fingers. She playfully hit Asher's arm.
"I am sure it is all your idea. I feel bad for this innocent girlfriend of yours" she gave me a small smile. I turned to Delaney who just winked at me making me blush more. "That was a nice game" Delaney commented making Sydney look up from her iPad. "Em, Ste" she squealed as Asher picked her up. He isn't so embarrassed to share his affections with her outside.
"Did you enjoy watching the game?" he asked grinning at her.
"That was gweat"she said with a toothy grin and thumbs up.
"Glad you think so" he pulled her cheeks lightly making her giggle.
"We want to celebrate your victory by treating you both to dinner" his mom said. I am going to eat with my boyfriend's family.
"What about the after party?" he did his lip like something that looks like a pout.
I can't help but imagine how that lips mold with mine every single time. It was definitely made for me if there is something like that. Every kiss ignites something in me.
Someone nudged me and I turned to see four pair of eyes staring at me.
Shit! I zoned out in front of his family.
I glanced at Asher to see him smirking as if he knew what I was thinking about.
Just one look and he knows everything going through my mind. I don't know how he does it, I wish I can read him like that.
"Are you okay hun?" his mother asked scanning my face and I nodded with a smile. "I said you guys can go to the after party after the dinner. Is that okay by you?" she asked and I smiled inwardly that she is asking my opinion on this.
This is my second meeting with her but I love her already. She isn't a snobby rich lady like I imagined.
"That is fine" I replied and she smiled.
"I just have to tell my friends about the change in plans" I added.
"Go ahead" she said and I walked to my friends. "Damn that was hot. Ashnie is on fire" Angela squealed and I raised an eyebrow at the Ashnie.
"Ashnie?" I asked making sure I heard her right. "Your relationship name duh" she rolled her eyes and I hummed.
"Really Ashnie?" I asked.
"So you want Stesher? Aste? Sasher? Aphanie? Stepher?" she blurted out and I blinked multiple times to be sure I am not dreaming about names.
She is literally trying to help you dummy.
"That is a lot" I managed to say still shocked. "I think I like Ashnie" Amanda chimed in and I bit my lips not deciding on one yet.
"Mine is Elar" she squealed squeezing Rob's bicep and I thought about the name,Angela and Rob. That is nice.
"What about you Lily?"
"Haven't thought on one yet" she replied.
"His mom seems pretty nice and he is really good with his niece" Rose said gesturing to where Asher was laughing to what someone probably said .
Daniel and Matthew are also there with them smiling.
Sydney was still in his arms tapping her hands on his biceps.
"Yes" I replied with a smile. "I will meet you guys at the after party. His mom wants us to celebrate his victory together" I said and they smiled.
"That is good. Bye girl" Angela said and the rest chorused.
I walked back to them but stopped watching the sportsmanship in front of me. Some people were arguing loudly, some were laughing and some were doing some terrible dance move beside them, also laughing. The two teams were interacting with one another like they were just playing against each other.
There was something sweet in the way they moved from foes to friends, from athletic rivals to simple teenage boys, the minute that the metaphorical whistle blew the game over.
"Whatcha smiling at?" a voice said behind me and I jumped lightly not processing the voice. I turned to a smiling face and glared at the person.
"You scared me!" I wasn't expecting him to just jump right in front of me when I saw him laughing over there. Where I am heading to.
"Sorry." He gave me a little smile, and my stomach flipped all the way upside down.
I stared at him and glad he is all mine. His dark hair was wet on the outer fringes, but it was like the wetness worked as a gel and held its parts in place.
I noticed he already changed from his jersey and probably had a shower. Which explains his wet hair.
"They are waiting by the car"he told me and lazily put a hand on my shoulder.
I glanced to where I saw them and was shocked. Damn! How many minutes did I use to watch this boys.
"What were you thinking about?" he said as we walked out of the court.
"The way you guys change from foes to friends" I replied.
"It's confusing right?"he asked and I nodded. I spotted his family in a distance and we walked towards them.
"Asher, take her with you in your car. We are just going to that restaurant" she said and he nodded. I was confused about which restaurant as we settled in his car.
He started the car and maneuvered out of this place.
I just stared out of the window and glad I have a black crop sweater in my bag. I can't be the one wearing a jersey for the whole night.
He pulled up in a high class restaurant like I imagined. We are not exactly dressed for it but who cares.
"I want to change" I told him and he stared at me confused.
"You get down from the car" I rolled my eyes and he smirked.
"It's not like I wouldn't see it soon" his smirk widened and I hit his arm playfully.
"We'll see. Now get down" I grumbled but he got down from the car.
Thank goodness the window are tinted. I removed the jersey leaving me in just my bra and quickly put on the sweater.
I just applied lipgloss and noticed my hair was sticking out of the ponytail.
I removed the scrunchies and put it back in a ponytail.
I got down from the car satisfied with my look. They were all leaning on Delaney's car definitely waiting for me. "Sorry for taking long" I smiled and fiddled with my fingers. "No problem hun" his mom said and starts walking towards the restaurant.
"You just wanted to change out of my jersey" he said with a sad look which looks fake. "I am not wearing a jersey into this place. Besides you already changed out of your jersey" I crossed my hand over my chest as we walked.
"I am joking" he said and moved close.
"You look hot by the way" he whispered next to my earlobe and maybe kissed it. I felt my entire nerves on fire and had to pause to collect myself. He just chuckled lightly and entered the restaurant.
He is so going to be the death of me.
I took a deep breath and entered the restaurant. We followed a waitress to a private corner which was just by the window. "Good day to you all, what can I get you?"the waitress said with a wide smile. "We will get the chef's special" his mom ordered after scanning through the menu. I clamped my mouth shut to hide my surprise.
It is good to be rich.
You can trade families.
I will stick with my life free of threats.
The girl walked off to get our order and I just stared around.
This place screams money. The interior decoration was top notch. The people here are dressed in rich elegant clothes.
There was a soft hum playing from somewhere which gives this place a nice vibe. "When is your next game son?"his mom's voice broke through the silence.
"Next week. It will be the end of the playoffs then the championship qualifier will begin" he explained.
"Nice" she replied and tapped her finger continuously on the table.
The waitress wheeled a cart of food to our table. There were so many dishes and I didn't even recognize some.
Coq au vin,fried rice, grilled tofu,kibbeh,a whole chicken,guacamole,sour cream and cheese.
"Treat yourself to what you want" his mom said as she grabbed a plate and filled it with the unknown things.
I just grabbed a plate and filled it with grilled tofu with a sweet chili sauce.
Ashanti and Delaney poured themselves a cup of ravishing red wine.
Asher also poured himself a cup and gave me a look as if to ask if I want the wine.
I shook my head and stick with orange juice just like Sydney.
We ate in silence. "Do you want dessert?" the waitress asked after packing the dishes. "I will have the cheesecake" his mom said and I scanned through the menu to choose something.
"The berry smoothie bowl will be nice" I said and watched as she jotted it down.
Delaney helped Sydney order a chocolate cake since she couldn't really understand the menu. "Are you planning on going to college Stephanie?" his mom asked.
"Yes" I replied.
"Which do you have your eyes on?"
"Stanford and I already got a full scholarship to study there"
"That is huge. Congratulations"
"Thank you" I smiled.
"I also went to Stanford. I studied to be an author" she said as our desserts were brought. "Wow" I replied with hint of surprise not expecting that.
"I wrote a couple of books under the name Ashanti Lopez" she said and my eyes widened. I have read her romance books and really love them.
"I have read your books" I stated and she smiled. "For fuck sake, this is not a dinner to talk about your achievements" Asher groaned looking frustrated but I can see hint of his smirk.
"Language son. What do you want us to talk about instead?"his mom asked.
"I don't know but not that" he grumbled and his mom shake her head at him.
"I don't know how you are coping with this son of mine" his mom laughed slightly. "He is everything I ever wanted" I blurted out before I could stop myself.
His mom's eyes twinkled with delight and she smiled. I didn't spare him a glance and chatted with the females for the rest of the dinner.
"It was nice having dinner with you, we should try it again someday" his mom said standing beside her car.
"Gladly" I replied.
"You guys should drink wisely" she said and I nodded.
"Bye Ste" Sydney hugged my legs and I crouched down to her level.
"See you again cutie" I kissed her cheeks making her giggle.
"Bye Delaney" I said and she replied the same. "Bye Em for now" Sydney said and he ruffled her hair. They all got into the car and we watched the driver zoom off.
"I am everything you ever wanted huh?" he smirked and I groaned.
I knew that was going to come bite me in the ass. "I was joking"I tried to play it cool and he scoffed.
"Wow! I am honored to be everything you have ever wanted" he chuckled and I massaged my temples.
"I.was.joking" I emphasized every word and he did an eye roll.
"You.are.lying" he mimicked my tone and I groaned.
"Can you stop saying that?" I pouted.
"Only if you admit you think I am everything you ever wanted" he crossed his hands over his chest flashing some muscles.
"It's true. Happy?" I gritted out through my teeth.
"Very" he smirked and unlocked the car.
To the After party even though I am already missing my bed.
"I think your brother is the better looking" I smirked and he stopped walking. He turned to me and gave me a look as if to say are you serious?
"Have you seen me cupcake?"he leaned against a locker.
"I see you everyday but your brother is super hot" I said and gasped to have effect. I am just messing with him. This is what he gets for almost distracting me during the English test. He ran his hand through my hair till the end of the class almost making me sleepy during a TEST.

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