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"Let us go watch them play since we have nothing to do" Amanda said and I groaned inwardly.
Not this again. The first time I went to a basketball match in this school, I ended up liking the star player.
"I am going to head to the library" I said and turned to leave. I was pulled by the collar of my shirt. "We are all going to watch this. This is for Mike"Lily pouted and I snorted silently.
"You are his girlfriend so I don't get why we have to be there" I tried reasoning with her. "I want you guys there" Lily said shaking me making me sigh.
"I am going to miss the bus" I stated the obvious and Amanda rolled her eyes at me. "I will drop you off" she replied and I gave her a tight smile.
Do any of them not actually understand my reasons for refusing to go? Or they choose to ignore it? They are such mean friends.
They are trying to let you get over your fear.
You make me laugh my dear subconscious.
"Fine"I huffed leading the way to the basketball court. "You are going to enjoy it" Lily said smiling and I scoffed.
Good thing for her that her boyfriend is on the team unlike me trying to avoid someone.
We settled on the bleachers and waited for the game to start. "It's us against Newville High" Lily filled us in.
The cheerleaders entered and started their dance. "I need to head to the bathroom" I said excusing myself from my friends.
I walked out and was about to turn in the direction of the bathroom. "Hey, wait up" a voice called making me turn. My insides turned a bit as I settled my eyes on the person but I plastered a small frown on my face instead. "What do you want?" I said a little coldly and folded my hands on my chest.
"You can be more nicer you know" he said with a smile which flattered a bit at me being unfazed at his words. I still had a frown as he run his hands through his hair. "Don't you have a match to get to?" I said. "Are you here to watch me play? Bet you will be rooting for me all night" he said smiling at me and butterflies flutter in my stomach.
Trust me I want that to but you had to go and ruin everything.
"Oh please I have got better things to do. I am here for my friend's boyfriend" I retorted and he stared at me with a look I couldn't decipher.
"Why are you being so cold to me?" he asked me moving close and I stepped back a bit.
Just draw him close already.
I have got to make him feel the same way he made me feel. He can't just decide when to come and go out of my life living me sad and hurt.
"You are seriously asking me that. I can't believe you right now" I snapped.
He was about to reply. "Asher, What are you doing over there? The match is about to start" a voice called and I sighed.
I thought I was finally going to get the answers from him. He kissed me then ghosted me. "We will continue this after the match" he said and blew a kiss to me. "Watch me kick their asses" he smirked and I shook my head at him.
He jogged back into the court and I went to the bathroom.
"What took you so long?"Angela whispered as I settled back beside her.
I stared at her confused at why she was whispering but my gaze was set on the players coming out. "Nothing" I replied not wanting to talk about it now.
"They are all super hot. Hope I get to land one of their numbers tonight" Amanda squealed a bit and I rolled my eyes at her dumbness.
Dumbness you say.
The match started and I couldn't keep my eyes off him no matter how hard I tried.
I watched hard as one of his team players deflected the ball to Asher. He dribbled and passed among teammates. He eventually made a goal making the whole crowd erupt into cheers.
Asher flashed his signature smirk at us while the cheerleaders did an happy dance at the side.
"We are so winning this. Mike will be so happy about this"Lily said clapping her hands together as Asher scored another basket. He kept scoring with a smug look on his face so confident about his skills. Our team won effortlessly and the crowds went wild.
Asher removed his jersey and threw it.
Girls fought each other for an ordinary jersey as usual.
"I am going to go look for Mike" Lily said smiling before running off.
"I am going to go look for a potential guy" Amanda said and I rolled my eyes at her again.
A hand tapped me and I turned to my right side. A guy who looked to be a freshman stood looking at me. "Someone said I should give you this" he said quickly and thrusted the paper in my hands. He walked off because I can understand what was happening.
I unfolded the note :
Did you enjoy watching me play? Meet me up at rooftop if you really want to talk. You better come or I will come find you
~ A.B
I didn't need to think deep to know who it was from. I smiled a little clutching the note to my hand. His handwriting is fine and cursive.
I put the note in my back pocket and turned back to my friends.
I wanted answers so I can't ignore this.
Or you like the idea of you two being alone on the rooftop?
I couldn't see any of them so I just headed to the rooftop. I have never been there but I know the route to the place.
I climbed the last stairs and saw him looking out. His back was facing me and I walked towards him. He turned at the sound of my footsteps and gave me a small smile. "Did I play well?" he asked and I couldn't resist the urge to give him a nod with a small smile. "You are master at it so no need for you to act modest" I huffed and giggled a bit. He laughed along  and I stopped myself. "What are we doing?" I asked out of nowhere and he stared at me confused.
"Why are we acting like we are friends?" I said and covered my face with my hair not wanting to see how this is affecting me.
I turned to the side and wiped my face. "I don't get you"he replied and I scoffed.
Of course he doesn't. "You don't understand me?" I asked with a little snort. "We were close during our senior year trip. You kissed me on the last day and ghosted me for a month. I was left thinking something was wrong with me. I am not just any girl you can kiss and just abandon. You didn't say anything to me for a month. You now decided to come back into my life and want me to pretend that everything is fine. Life doesn't work that way" I let it all out and felt an heavy weight lifted off my chest. I felt lighter but the first time in weeks. I have always wanted to confront him about all this and I finally get to do it.
"I am sorry you felt that way. I had some shit going on in my life and decided not to include you in it. The kiss was actually one of my best" he said and my heart fluttered. I wanted to jump at him and hold him so tight to never let him leave me again.
I am suppose to be angry at him. What kind of problems was he going to that he didn't want to include me in?
"You good now?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Yeah. So will you forgive me? I miss my cupcake" he replied and I fiddled with my fingers trying to ignore what I was feeling inside.
"I forgive you but we can't go back to how we used to immediately"I huffed.
He just stared at me and I raised an eyebrow at him. "Why_" I paused when he put his hands around me trapping me in a hug.
I inhaled his cologne loving how close he is to me after so long.
He patted my back and I held my hands at my side awkwardly.
Just do the same idiot!
I raised my hands slowly and placed it on his hard rock back.
I sighed in content as I rubbed my hands through his back. "I will do anything to win back your friendship cupcake" he mumbled before pulling away. He really needs to stop saying deep words so casually.
Keep putting much meaning to everything and you will get hurt again.
"We have an after party, would you like to come with me?" he asked and I shook my head. "You sure?" he replied and I stood firm on my answer.
"No problem so I will see you later" he said but it came out more like a question.
I nodded with a small smile and watched as he walked away.
After some minutes, I screamed out a little bit loud with a huge grin. I have been waiting for this for a while now. Him and I getting back together.
I think you mean continuing your friendship. Getting back together is implying something else and I am not sure we are on the same page.
I didn't mean it like lovers of course.
My phone pinged and I took it out to check.
Where are you? -  Amanda.
I will be with you in a sec- Stephanie.
I jogged down and headed outside the school. I saw her standing outside the school speaking with an unknown guy. I waited for him to leave before approaching her. "I finally got that number" she grinned out and I shake my head at her. "Where were you?" she asked after a while. "It's a long story. I will tell you girls later. Where are the others?" I asked looking around.
"They are going for the afterparty. I would have gone but I got a family dinner to attend" she grumbled as we walked to her car. "You all would have abandoned me here after forcing me to watch the match" I gasped unable to believe.
"Nope, we would have dragged you along with us" she replied as we got into her car.
She put the key into ignition and started the car. She maneuvered the car out of the carpark. A soft tune was playing in the background and I tapped my hand on my knee. I am in a good mood due to the turns of event. Anytime they force me to watch a match, something good always come out of it.
"Why are you smiling like an idiot?" Amanda asked and I blushed a bit.
You really are an idiot.
"It is part of my long story. Tomorrow is Saturday so I would call you girl to discuss" I informed.
"I can't wait for it but I have a feeling it is about Asher" she said and I tried not to show any emotion on my face.
"Wait until tomorrow" I said and she glared at me with a look. As if to say you really a good friend for putting me in suspense. "Get your butt off my car" she said with a mean look and I rolled my eyes at her. "I will be waiting for that call" she said before zooming off.
I can't wait to let it all out.

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