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A hand snaked around my waist as my bed dipped. "You were ignoring me"the familiar voice said making turn to face the person. "Sorry"I replied with a small smile. "I told you that we have gotta share things with each other. That's what going to make this work. Your friends were worried about you and I wasn't an exception. I kept calling you but you didn't pick up. You_" I silenced him with a peck on his lips.
"That isn't going to get me to shut up girl"he gave me a pointed look and I somehow wrapped my hands around his waist pushing myself closer to him.
"I am so sorry. Everything just got to me and I didn't want to feel anything. I was going to come straight but my dad just bought a new truck. We had to go out and celebrate it. I was so caught up in all that and completely forgot about my phone" I said and he sighed.
"Understood and congratulations to him. Next time, you don't run off like that, we talk first"he pointed a finger and poked my nose with it. I rolled my eyes at his childishness but nodded anyways.
"Good"he added. "Are you going home tonight?" I asked and laid my head on his chest hearing his heartbeat. It was calming and soothing. "Do you want me to?"he threw back and I fought the urge to groan at that.
"Do you want to stay?"I decided to reply with that enjoying this back and forth.
"Do you want me to?"he replied and I frowned.
"If you want to" I shrugged a bit.
"If you want me to?"
"Fine I want you to stay. Happy?" I grumbled and raised my head staring at his face which held a smug grin.
"Yes. You lost"he replied smirking and I inhaled deeply.
"So you staying?"I couldn't but ask that because he hasn't given me an answer.
"You want me to so how could I say no?"he replied and I rolled my eyes.
I moved away from him and let out a yawn.
I turned my back to him and he scooted closer.
He wrapped his hands around me again and I relaxed into it. "Everything will be fine so don't think much"he whispered and kissed my forehead. I nodded and closed my eyes.
Hearing a small goodnight before I fell into a deep slumber.
A loud bang on my door jolted me awake and I didn't need to be told twice who the person was. I yawned and turned expecting to find Asher behind me.
I was surprised to see the space empty but warm meaning he slept here. I got up and found a small note on my dresser.
Good morning cupcake, I had to leave early to avoid meeting your dad. He is going to have my head for coming into your room late at night. And the fact that I didn't use the main door is going to make matters worse. I also have an early practice because of our game tomorrow. See you in school!

I smiled and walked to my wardrobe. I picked out a simple T-shirt and denim jeans which I am going to pair with my black converse.
I got out and headed to the bathroom. I took a shower after brushing my teeth.
Putting on the clothes, I headed back to my room. I put my hair into a messy bun and covered it with a beanie. I kept my face bare and put the necessary things in my backpack. I sauntered off to the kitchen to get something to eat. I was kinda shocked to see my mom and dad cooking breakfast together. They would have made out right in front of me if I hadn't cleared my throat. My mom blushed furiously and stirred the content on the stove with full concentration. "Morning parent" I greeted with a grin.
"Morning hun"my mom greeted not looking at me. My dad looked unfazed and greeted me normally.
Asher did predict this. It's rare to see my dad at this time so I am guessing it's his day off. My mom slid over a plate of bacon and eggs.
"Your dad was thinking about dropping you at school today"my mom paused and finally met my eyes. She gave me a look I could decipher well and I know what she was thinking. "That's cool. I don't have to board the bus with bunch of people I don't know" I replied and I heard gasps afterward. I smiled inwardly and raised an eyebrow at my mom.
"I..We.You..know"my mom rambled out but stopped when my dad placed a hand on her shoulder.
"We thought you wouldn't want people to see you in a car like that not to talk of driving you to school. The rich people and fancy cars"my dad voiced out what my mom was trying to say.
I sighed tired of hearing this constantly. I got up and held both their hands. "Both of you should listen to me attentively. I have never been embarrassed of you and never will. I know you don't possess so much luxury but you really try your best for me. You are the best parents any child can ever ask for. Don't you ever think less of yourselves. If it was possible, I would have instructed you to drop me everyday but your job demands a lot. I love you guys so much" I ended and was pulled into a family hug.
"And you are the best daughter any parent could wish for"my mom mumbled and I smiled.
I pulled out and pouted looking at my food. "It's all cold now" I huffed but took small bites. It tasted good so I finished it in a bit. My parents chuckled at that and I ignored them. I washed my dishes and waited for them to get ready.
"Your dad and I are going to have today to ourselves. We are spending the whole day at a secluded place"my mom announced as we got into the car.
"That's great. You both deserve it after working so much" I replied smiling and they mirrored my expression.
My dad started the car and started the drive to my school.
I stared out tuning in and out of my parent's conversation.
I was eager to meet my friends and apologize for yesterday. I didn't think it was right to do that over the phone.
"Should we drop you off here?"my mom asked and I gave her a we already talked about this look. She mumbled a sorry and I smiled as my dad drove towards the school gate. He drove in and pulled up at a spot. I got out and walked to my mom's side. "Enjoy your day out" I said smiling.
"Have a nice day my little munchkin"my dad said and I smiled.
I moved back allowing them to drive out. I headed towards the entrance and wasn't surprised to see some people giving me skeptical look. I glared at them and they quickly averted their eyes. They are obviously wondering how Asher is dating someone like me. My dad's car clearly shows how much we worth but I give no single fuck about that.
People would always talk and there is absolutely nothing that can be done to stop them.
I walked in and put the needed books in my bag. I strode off to my next class and wasn't surprised to see anyone there.
I got out my books and decided to do an early morning reading.
"Are you sure you are okay?"Amanda asked for the nth time making me sigh.
"Just stressed out, my grades have been failing so" I paused hoping they got what I was trying to explain.
"Wow. That's unbelievable"Angela said and I huffed entering the chemistry class.
We weren't doing any practical today, just a normal class.
"You will be back to normal in no time"Lily said and I chuckled at her words.
Back to normal in no time.
We settled down and I smiled at the person behind me.
"Hey"he said whispering because the teacher was already in front.
"Hi, how was practice?"I replied matching his tone.
"Strenuous"he grumbled and I smiled. I turned back and focused on what the teacher was saying. I felt his hands in the ends of my hair making me shake my head. Some things would never change.
The class finally ended after awhile with the teacher briefing us about our final exam. And we have a final test the last period,this week.
I packed my things and turned to Asher. "I would see you during lunchtime"he stated and I nodded.
"Don't push yourself too hard"he said and walked out with his friends.
I rolled my eyes already tired of hearing that. I walked out and almost stumbled into a girl. "You are Stephanie Walker right?"the girl and I nodded with a skeptic look. "I just finished meeting with the counselor and she asked me to call you. She said to tell you that it's urgent"she said and I replied with a thanks.
I hurried out and walked in the direction of her office. I fiddled with my fingers nervously.
What does she want to tell me?
Have I done something wrong?
What is so urgent?
I have been on my best behavior so what could possibly go wrong?
I stopped in front of her office anticipating what is going to happen in there. Oh God!
I inhaled and exhaled deeply before folding my hand to knock the door. I heard a little 'come in' and turned the doorknob.
I opened the door and she gave me a small smile. "Morning Mrs Rogers"I greeted and she gestured for me to sit down. "Morning"she replied and I settled down in one of the two chairs.
"How are you?"she asked and I mumbled a small 'fine'. I just want her to get to the point because the suspense is killing.
"I am sure you must be wondering why I called you"she said and I nodded.
"I am sorry but I don't have good news to share with you today"she said and I fiddled with my fingers on my laps.
"I am sad to announce to you that Stanford is having a second thought about offering you that scholarship"she said and my heart dropped.
Second thoughts?!
"What?!" I didn't even recognize my own voice. "It's true. You haven't been on your best behavior lately. You have been failing your classes. On top of that, you have been missing a lot of your classes and teachers have been saying a lot of bad things about you"she said and I didn't even flinch when the first wave of tears left my eyes.
"You don't need to feel bad about it. You still have a second chance. Your final exam is in one week so you have to prove you are still the Stephanie Walker they accepted. I want you to know there are lots of people wanting this kind of opportunity so I hope you wouldn't jinx this for yourself"she said and I wiped my face. "I don't even know what is happening to me. For the classes, I don't know what I have been doing wrong. I still follow my reading schedule so I don't know what has gone wrong"I voiced out and sniffed.
"I am going to help you with that. I am going to ask you a few questions and I would want you to answer me truthfully. I hope at the end of it, you will be able to figure it all out"she said and gave me a look. "I will cooperate"I said and she mumbled a good.
I entered the cafeteria feeling numb but I forced myself here. The conversation with her kept ringing in my head as I finally figured it all.
I got an apple only and headed to my table. I settled beside Asher and gave him a small forced smile. He raised an eyebrow but I ignored focusing on my apple. He didn't ask me any questions and I was glad. He was more engrossed in discussing about the upcoming match with his teammates. I kept looking at him and fight back the tears. Everyone was talking but I wasn't listening to any.
This is so bad.
The rest of the day passed by in a blur.
I laid on my bed feeling bad that I am going to have to do this.
One thing I know is that I wouldn't let anything jeopardize my future.
Not even...

Not really sorry for the Cliffhanger but don't hate me people.
I will hasten up the update.
More drama to unfold in the next chapter.
The book is ending soon!!!!!

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