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"I was aiming to be your maid of honor on your wedding"Amanda grumbled and I sipped my milkshake acting like this was totally not happening.
"Long distance doesn't even feel like an option right now"Angela said and I nodded.
I would have suggested that but it would be a workload on us.
Our college are different making it difficult to even talk to each other.
"You should make every minute with him count"Rose added.
"He didn't even inform you where we are going after graduation"Lily pouted and I scowled. That is actually the least of my concern right now.
I adjusted my sunglasses to hide my bloodshot eyes. I actually cried all night sitting by the painting.
It didn't feel anything like the breakup.
I still saw him often even though it felt like we were worlds apart.
Just like it was suppose to be.
Olive squeezed my hand and I gave her a small smile.
I sipped my remaining milkshake in
one-go. I checked my phone realizing I still have about fifteen minutes before he picks me up.
We are really putting effort into making every moment count.
I tried to meet Amanda's eyes and gave her a look making her understand me.
She mouthed 'later' and I nodded at her.
I tuned out of their conversation and kept glancing outside.
I didn't knew to be told twice when I saw a black Audi park in front of the restaurant. He got out and fixed his hair which didn't look any different.
He strolled into the restaurant and scanned the whole place.
I raised an hand waving it in the head so he would identify me.
He gave me his signature smile and made his way over to us.
I put my hand in my hair in an attempt to fix it. I puckered my lips together hoping it didn't look dry.
How the fuck is wrong with me?
We are separating in just twelve days and this is what I care about.
"Hello girls"he smiled and my friends responded with a chorused 'hi'.
He stood behind my chair and placed his hand on my back.
"I have gotta leave girls" I said and got up.
"Duh! He is here so that is obvious"Lily said and I rolled my eyes at her.
"So sorry for disturbing this girls' thing you are having"Asher said and Amanda waved him off.
"Come on. I was even about leaving"Amanda called the waiter to ask for the bill.
She said today was her treat.
My friends are the best.
Because of the money in their purse?
Of course not. That is just one of the privilege.
I hugged the girls one by one letting Amanda slipped the package into my hands without anyone noticing.
I put on my bag and strolled out with Asher. "Why the Audi?" I asked as he unlocked the doors from the key.
"You are driving. Not on the main road, there is a field not too far from here"we entered the car.
He started the car and drove to the destination.
I leaned my back on the door to bask in his features not knowing when next I would have the chance.
"May I know why you are staring intently at me?"he asked sparing me a glance before focusing back on the road.
"Trying to memorize your face" I admitted and he shook his head.
"Is it?"
"I guess"
"You do this staring thing all the time like you can figure me all out without uttering a single word. Like you can see right through me"
"Do I?"I crossed my hands over my chest and he chuckled.
"I don't think that is weird" I scoffed and he chuckled.
I sit down appropriately fixing my eyes on the road.
"My dad told me I can take the driving test in few weeks since I have gotten better at it"
"That is awesome. What would you like your first car to be?"I paused to think about that.
I trailed my hands round the dashboard. "Not trying to think big here but I think I would prefer something like this"
He drove into the field and parked the car. We traded seat and I put the gear into drive again.
I moved at a 40km/hr. I can do a roundabout turn now and can also reverse.
I didn't know how he quickly put together some kind of training.
There were cones and stands to experience how it feels to drive on a normal road.

I drove round for a while and call it quit when we heard a lightning.
"It looks like it's going to rain today" I said to him as I settled back in the passenger seat.
"Your place or mine?"he asked as he drove out of the field.
"Mine?"It came out more like a question but he responded with a nod. I stared out through my window and rain has started drizzling.
Before long, it started pouring down and I glanced at him to see him focused on the road. I turned on the heater and wrapped my hands around myself.
It was a bad idea to wear a thin spaghetti strap top today.
"I think I have my clean jersey in my duffel bag in the back"I nodded and removed my seatbelt. I reached for his duffel bag and scanned for the jersey.
I found it and zipped the bag.
I settled back in my seat and buckled up the seat belt after putting on his jersey.
It smelled a lot like him.
The smell I have gotten really accustomed to. My comfort! My safe haven!
Damn him for moving away at this point of our lives.
He should have moved away before we met. That would have made this a lot more easier.
I laced my fingers on my laps and closed my eyes inhaling his scent.
"We would be fine"he muttered and I just nodded hoping he is right.
I am missing him already even though he is here with me.
So used to seeing him everyday and now I might not even get to see him in a year.
What if it is dangerous for him to come visit or me to go to him?
He parked the car and I looked up confused. I was surprised to see my house in front even though it's really dark.
"Should we run in?"
"Just like the last last time. Not the time you actually ignored him" I grumbled and he chuckled.
"Trust me, I was tempted to help you home but that would ruin my plan of pretending to not care about you"
"Yeah yeah" I pouted and he shrugged.
He moved in his seat and turned to back.
He settled back in his seat with his duffel bag on his lap.
"You ready?"he asked and I nodded.
He opened his door and I did the same.
We ran to my front porch drenched but we just stand there. We watched the rain pour down not caring about how cold we felt. Just enjoying this moment.
I wrapped my hand around his arm on his empty hand and rested my head on his shoulder.
He rubbed my back gently and I closed my eyes enjoying that.
The front door opened and I jumped a bit away from him.
"Do you two want to catch a cold?"my mom shouted and we quickly entered the house.
She glared at us as she threw towels at us.
"Go change"she deadpanned and I scurried off to my room to grab fresh clothes. I grabbed a hoodie and sweatpants courtesy of Asher.
I have his cloth collection in my wardrobe and it can be considered as my comfy house clothes now.
I headed out and tried the door knob to see it locked.
I groaned realizing he got here first.
Damn him!
I rubbed my hands to produce body heat to help me cope with this cold.
I leaned against the wall and tapped my right leg constantly on the floor.
I can still hear the shower running and I tried to resist the urge of imagining him in the shower right now.
Water trickling down his rock muscles then moving down south.
Why are you trying to punish yourself?
I closed my eyes shut and tried to think about something else completely different from that.
I tried to focus on the clanking pots sound coming from the kitchen.
The shower finally stopped running after so much agonizing minutes after.
The door opened and I tried to not focus on his wet hair falling on his forehead.
I moved around him and entered the bathroom. I heard his chuckle and bumped my head on the sink.
I slapped my cheek to focus on any other thing. I stripped down and lather soap all over my body. I squirted shampoo into my hair and massaged it in.
It felt really good and I turn on the shower.
I washed my face as if trying to get rid of the dirty thoughts coming to my mind right now.
I turned it off and dried myself with a towel. I put on his clothes and put my hair in a messy bun.
I took deep breaths and walked out to the kitchen. I saw my mom and Asher laughing about something as he helped her with the cooking.
"What are you making?"I made my presence known and they looked up at me. "My special lasagna"my mom replied and I smiled widely.
"Do you need help with anything?"
"Nope,Asher is capable of helping me"my mom answered and Asher smiled.
They continued their cooking and I headed to the living room.
The tv was already on and was displaying some fashion show.
I changed the channel to a talk show.
The host was James Corden. He invited Kevin Hart. The concept was tell the truth or eat some kind of disgusting food like creamy tuna pudding, spicy sinus cleanser skewer, lousy loaded fries, salty soyrizo and seaweed smoothie, flamin' hot wet cheese and so much more.
It was really interesting and disgusting at the same time.
"Food is ready"my mom called just in time as the show ended.
I settled beside Asher with my mom across me. She served the food and I quickly dug in.
"This is really amazing"Asher complimented and my mom beamed at him.
I had to tell my mom about him leaving when she saw dried tears stain on my face this morning. She comforted me but I still felt really sad deep down.
We ate in silence and I offered to wash the plates since they cooked.
"I will help you rinse"Asher said and followed me to the kitchen.
I didn't bother objecting because it would make my work lot more easier.
"What should we do after?"he asked.
"We should try to finish Friends before you leave"he hummed in response and I sighed.
"We are going to make effort into at least contacting each other once in a week right"he nodded and I gave a small smile.
"Who would manage your business here?"I asked as I gave him the last plate to rinse. I help put the plates back in their right place.
"It can be managed from Italy"he smiled and I pouted.
I was hoping he could escort his brother sometimes during breaks which I hope clashes with mine.
I dried my hands using the kitchen towel and headed to my room.
I grabbed a blanket from my room and headed back to the living room.
I wrapped it around us and cuddled up so close there weren't any space left between us. I laid my head on his shoulder and laced our fingers together.
I squeezed my hand which I reciprocated.
I stared at our intertwined fingers wishing things weren't so complicated.
"When are you making your boring speech?"he asked with a small groan and ran his fingers through my hair.
"I decided to not make a long speech for a change"I looked up at him to see him smiling at me. Our faces were so close so I covered the distance between us. I latched my lips onto his wrapping a hand around his neck pulling him closer.
I pecked his lips once more and pulled away. It will be very awkward if my mom walks in on us making out.
I rested my head back on his shoulder and focused on the show.
He played with the ends of my hair and I sighed in content.
Why do all good things usually come to an end?
I groaned and tossed the paper across the room. I stared at the numerous paper on the floor and stumped my feet on my bed.
I was trying to make a speech.
Nothing too long or too short.
Just medium!
It is proving so hard to do.
"Whoa"a voice said and I looked up.
"What is going on here"he asked and I sighed. "Speech making"
"How is it going?"
"Fine" I said with a sarcastic smile.
"That is good right"he smiled and I scoffed. "Who let you in anyways?"
"Your mom. She already left for work" I nodded at that and twisted the pen in my hands.
Prom is in just two days followed by graduation.
I stared at my suitcase at the side. I have been packing little by little for the unnamed trip. I am ecstatic about it and hope my plan goes well.
I watched him take off his jacket revealing the thin tank top he had underneath.
It clung to his body showing up his muscles. He was pretty lean but well build. He picked up one of the disposed paper and his biceps flexed in the process.
"Cupcake"he raised his voice and blinked so many times.
"What?"I replied and averted my eyes back to the suitcase.
"I said"he paused and I turned to him.
He smirked and crossed his hands over his chest. More muscles flexing at that simple action.
Just kill me now.
"I said what is wrong with these?"my brain didn't register his words so I asked him to repeat.
He moved towards me and settled beside me. He was so close and I got the front seat to this.
"Are you getting distracted?"he whispered in my ear and I scooted away from him.
He raised an eyebrow and I scoffed.
"Why..come..on..this..isn'" I stopped realizing I wasn't making any sense.
"You are so easy to tease"
"You are messing with my head"I grumbled as his cologne hit me again.
"Really?"he plastered an innocent look on and I snorted.
"What were you saying?"I asked trying to change the topic.
I averted my gaze to my hands on my lap.
That was also ruined when he laid his head on my lap so his face was all I could see. "I said what is wrong with these?"he gestured to the papers on the floor.
"I don't know but it doesn't feel like the one"he chuckled and I glared at him.
"I feel it should be better. I don't want to make it too long but I still want to pass a message across. I want everyone to be captivated by the sound of my voice"he hummed.
"I understand what you are saying. Do you really need a speech? Why can't you just say it all from your heart? No need to think much, let your mouth do the talking. Don't make it fake and all. Just voice out your thoughts about it"he said and I pondered his word.
"What if my mind goes blank when I stand to address?"
"Believe in yourself"
"Thank you"I pecked his lips and attempted to move. He pulled me down and somehow made me on top of him.
"We haven't kissed properly in days"
"I want one now"
"What if I don't want to?" I smirked and he leaned closer enveloping me in his scent. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but it never came.
I opened my eyes and saw him doodling on a paper. He glanced at me and looked nothing but innocent.
Innocent my ass!
"You said you don't want to"
"Now who is the fucking tease"he smirked and changed our position with him lying on top of me.
And then I kissed him first after fantasizing this all day.
Going for it, I slid my arms around his neck and he pressed his lips against mine. The smell of his cologne filled my nostrils and he was all around me. He inhaled and his hands tightened on the sides of my face.
It went from breathily timid to scalding hot in an instant.
The kiss, wild and sweet and entirely overconfident all at the same.
His hands slid into my hair,I shuddered as he trailed his hand around my stomach.
I wanted to do a lot more but there was the voice at the back of my mind telling me it wasn't time.
His teeth nipped at my bottom lip and I opened my mouth allowing him to slid his tongue into my mouth.
I let out a small moan and trailed my hands round his abs.
I moved them round his chest feeling the tingling sensation build up in my lower region.
I moved my hands to his hair just as he pulled away.
"Fuck"he muttered and laid beside me.
I watched him close his eyes and put my pillow on his legs trying to cover his bulge.
I turned to the other side and latched my thighs together trying to imagine something other than this.
"Food"I heard him say and I turned to him. "Food?"I repeated trying to process his words.
"Not you right now. I mean real food so get your mind out of the gutter. Or are you up for_" I covered his mouth with my hand because his husky voice is messing with my inside.
"Real food, got it" I mumbled and removed my hand.
"Don't talk until you get that extremely sexy voice out" I grumbled and stood up.
"Extremely sexy voice really"he chuckled as I rummaged through my wardrobe.
"I said don't talk" I grumbled and grabbed a T-shirt.
I removed my hoodie not caring it left me in my lacy bra.
I must get him to stop talking somehow.
I heard him groan as I took my sweet time in putting on the shirt.
I finally put the shirt on and was surprised to see him standing in front of me. He put his hands under the T-shirt and trailed his hands up my bare skin.
He placed a finger on my left boobs and my breath hitched.
"No one plays the game better than me"he whispered into my ear and bit my earlobe. He smirked and walked out.
I fanned myself feeling hot all of a sudden.
I combed my hair and parted it into the equal part. I braided it into two and put my favorite hairpin at the side.
I applied lip gloss and put on my flip flops. I walked out and saw him sitting in the living room with his eyes closed.
"Daydreaming are we?"I whispered in his ear and his eyes opened.
"Just thinking. Where should we eat?"
Here! Me!
I cleared my throat and decided on the small restaurant in my street wanting to walk. "The small restaurant close here"he nodded and got up.
He headed to the door and my eyes widened. "Hmm, Ash, you cannot go out looking like that"not the thin tank top.
Is he planning on killing me or the other girls around?
Hey, I don't want anyone else to see him like this. It should be considered illegal.
"It looks indecent"I blurted out without thinking. I peered up at him to see him bitting his lips to stop himself from laughing. I ignored him and headed back to my room. I grabbed his jacket and an almost similar one from my wardrobe.
I gave him his and put on the other one.
So people, ladies, guys can actually get the idea that he is taken.
I am not planning on murdering someone tonight. He put on the jacket and we headed out.
"Should we walk?"I nodded and wrapped my hand around his arm.
More points clearly made.
People stared at us or more like at my boyfriend. Girls my age fanned themselves and I glared at them.
After so much glaring done, we got to the restaurant. We entered and a waitress approached us.
She pushed her shirt down revealing a lot of cleavage and plastered on a flirty smile.
Bitchy! Doesn't get the point I am trying to make here.
"Hey handsome, I am Bianca. How may I help you?"she focused all her attention on him completely ignoring me.
"I guess the sign outside says this is a restaurant and people eat in here right. Can you get my girl and I a table?"I grinned at that low blow by Asher.
The girl's smile flattered but she really tried to keep it up.
She glanced at me and gave me a once over. She glared at me and I smirked at her. "Very well, follow me"she said and led us to a table for two by the window.
She handed Asher a menu. "That is the last one"she pouted which really looked fake. "Order for me cupcake"Asher handed me the menu and I smiled.
I went with the dollops of smashed potatoes and baked beans for us.
I ordered a Frappuccino with extra whipped cream for us.
"Will be back"she smiled at Asher and swayed her hips.
It looked like she was doing that on purpose not getting the hint that he isn't interested.
"I don't like girls that tries too hard"
"Oh really? Last year, you moved around with the likes of them"I said and he sighed. "Old life cupcake"he replied and I smiled.
"Does this imply I really did change you?"
"That is an established fact. I wouldn't date you which I was still a player"
"Do you miss being that? Like you have been holding up for so long. Not your kind of scene" I met his eyes while fiddling with my fingers underneath the table.
"I don't miss that life. I enjoyed that phase of my life but not anymore. I haven't had sex in so long but I wouldn't die if I don't. You don't have to be pressured into that if you aren't interested in that"
"Okay" I smiled and he mimicked my actions. "Is this girl delaying our food on purpose?"he grumbled and I chuckled.
"You didn't give her any attention and kept bringing me into conversation. That's pretty harsh"
"Would you prefer I entertain her instead?"I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Very well, that's what I thought"he added.
"Do you think she can poison my food?"he gave me a quizzed look and I shrugged.
"She can't kill you because of me. I am not the only guy on earth. She is probably used to this"I hummed and saw her approaching us.
She placed his food gently on front of him and literally mine wasn't so gentle. The food almost spilled on me.
"Slip of hand"She gave me a fake smile.
"Call me if you need anything at all"she trailed her hand on his shoulder and he shrugged her off.
She sashayed off and I snorted.
Too bad she can't take a hint. Flirting with a guy after he clearly showed he ain't interested is...
I stared at my food and took deep breaths. I put a spoonful in my mouth and waited for something to happen.
Nothing happened so I continued with my food.
What if it was like an hour late kind of poisoning?
I can't blame myself for having wild thoughts.
I ignored the nagging voice and ate the food.
"The food is nice"I commented and he just hummed.
I wish the waitress was like this.
"What should we do next?"he asked and I held a hand up signaling to finish the food in my mouth before replying.
"Let's take a walk round "I suggested.
I called for the waitress and asked for the bill. He reached for his card in his pocket but I stopped him.
I handed the girl the cash in my jeans pocket. The girl collected the money with a scowl and slipped something into his hand. He shook his head and gave it to me. Her number.
For crying out loud, can't this girl take a simple hint. Is she that dumb?
She was watching and I wriggled the paper in my hands. I met her gaze as I tore it into pieces.
'He is taken, get that bitch'.
I glared at her and tugged him towards the entrance. "Why did you pay?"he asked as we walked out.
"Since we met, you have been spending your money on everything and I decided to pay for this at least once. My treat for the first time" he smiled at me and I smiled back.
I started giggling remembering the first time I got the front seat to his flirting.
He raised an eyebrow and I clamped my mouth shut. "I remembered the day I wished I didn't like you at all. It was during English class. You guys, I mean You,Daniel and Matthew came late and you got detention. I was late but was lucky. You were pissed but that didn't stop you from flirting with the girl beside you. I felt so hurt watching you guys converse"I said. I couldn't believe I am laughing about that right now.
"I think I remember that day but I didn't even notice you. When did you even start liking me?"he asked.
I already told him this before.
"I would like to hear it again"he whispered into my ear and I rolled my eyes. He smirked and I smiled.
"Of course you didn't notice me. We were two polar worlds apart. I crushed on you about a year before we met"
"How did it happen? I would have never guessed you like me. You looked like you didn't give two shit about me when we talked during the trip"
"I was keeping my feelings at bay. I didn't want to jump you like every other girl. I watched your game two years ago and was mesmerized by you. I didn't even know you before that. I was always cooped up in the library but my friends dragged me to the game for a change. Basketball interested me through you and I am a pro now"he faked cough and I stopped moving. "I understand the other part but the pro part doesn't align with you" I glared at him and he raised an eyebrow challenging me.
"Jeez! I really hate you"
"The last time I checked, you love me"he said and my heart skipped a beat.
"What about you?" I asked fiddling with my fingers finally finding the courage to ask him that.
"I have never been known to interpret my feelings well. I think what I feel is more than just likeness, crush"I couldn't help the butterflies hearing him say that.
It was a dream, my dream come true.
I beamed at him and stared intently at him. "Friends?"he asked and my heart dropped. "I am talking about the show"my mouth went in a ooh shape and he shook his head.
"We are a thing until I move. I don't want to burden us with long distance commitments"
"Let's see what the future holds"


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