chapter1: shower thoughts

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'It wouldn't go away' I thought "I need to take a shower. To Cleary head... yeah, to clear my head." I went to my bathroom and to get ready for the shower. I grabbed a new towel turned on the shower. I got ready to get in the shower and then let the hot water hit my back. Then I let it all out.'I'm so stupid'
'Im so mentally drained and I can't do it'. It burned. All of it. My eyes, my skin where I recently cut. They burned...


I just got out of the shower and I didn't just want to run. I wanted to run outside of the neighborhood. I've always ran in the neighborhood because mum and dad said to stay in the neighborhood when I ran.I always overheard them talking about me running all the time and they never understood why but I would just tell them that I enjoyed it. But the truth is I just needed to feel free,I wanted to feel the burning in my lungs,it was a way for me to get away. Out of my thought. Sometimes the voices in my head would be there with me but I would just ignore them. I wanted to leave them at felt like as if it was a prison for them bit sometimes they would escape and I'd have to bring the back. (I don't know if that makes since but I'm basing it off of what I feel and what I do and go threw)
I've stopped running a couple of times because I just have no motivation to leave the house but not leaving makes everything worse cause then my thoughts just get louder and louder. I put on my shoes and my parents were looking at me then the clock then back at me then back at the clock. "Were do you think your going young lady" my father said "for a run, I just am bored right now so I thought I would go on a run" I said hoping that they would let me go "honey, I don't care if you go to a party I was a teenager too. And you don't have to lie.amd if you are then I'm so fuckin happy because you don't really go out with friends and stuff and I would love you too" my father said having some hope that im going out with friends. "Nope I'm going on a run, sorry to burst your bubble though" I said feeling bad that I'm not going out with friends. "It's okay, have a good run and stay close just incase" he said I nodded and walked out the door. I made sure not to say okay I will so if I get caught I don't have to lie. I started to walk to the woods and once I got to a path I found I started to run and run and run and not stop. Wind blowing in my face amd tears start to stream down my face I ran faster. I started to run of the path into this area and I just stopped and took a good look at the scenery.

 I started to run of the path into this area and I just stopped and took a good look at the scenery

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(The sernery)

It was beautiful. It had recently just rained so it smelt good.(I personally like the smell of outside after it rained) them I kept running the burning in my lungs hurt sp bad but I didn't care. I ran until couldn't see. I sat down because I felt like I was about to pass out. Then I started again.I was panting, running for deer life. I couldn't take it anymore I had to feel free and running around my block didn't feel like I was free anymore them I got takin out of my thoughts 'Wammm' I ran into someone or something. "oh my god, are you alright?" he asked the had brown eyes and gorgeous eyes I could get lost in everyday. "yah-yah I'm fine,what about you?" I asked him he gave me a smile and said"yea I am, I'm toby by the way. what about you?" He asked me "oh I'm y/n, umm sorry about that. I was in the moment and I didn't see you." I said and he gave me a reassuring smile "it's okay, I promise. Here's my number. If you have any injuries my mum is a nurse so just text me if you need anything" he said giving me a piece of paper he had just wrote his number in. I smiled and told him okay and we parted ways. (Idk if tubbos mum is. A nurse just don't mind it... imagine please)


I got home and changed out of my sweaty,Gross, clothes and took a bath and washed my body and went to bed. The nexted morning I woke up to a good morning text from and unknown number...


Good morning :)
                  Who is This?
This is toby
         Oh I'm sorry,I didn't save your number to my phone one sec.

~ Y/n changed randomnumber's.   name to toby ~

Np, how are you? Yk after we  ran into eachother.

                     I'm okay, I have a slight headache but I'm fine.


Authors note: I did some research and from what I read tubbo is okay with his real name being said in fanfics please tell me if I'm wrong tho.

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