⬆️the title⬆️

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While me and Tubbo were watching I was slowly falling asleep because it was about 1 in the morning

I turned off the tv because Tubbo fell asleep two hours ago so I wasn't to worried about making him upset. I wanted to lay with him but I didn't know if that was pushing things to soon so I grabbed a blanket and pillow and went the floor. It was uncomfortable but I didn't care, As long as he was comfy then I guess I will be fine. Maybe...


All I could think about is that I had ent cut my self in a while and the whole has been a week and it hurt so bad not to. Like you know when you have an addiction and you can't stop that's what it was a addiction and I couldn't stop. It was a must to do and I couldn't stop and me not being able to do in for a week hurt so bad. I snuck into the bathroom and went to grab one of the blades that Wilbur had in his bathroom  and did it and the relief I felt was indescribable.

1 cut

2 cut

3 cut

4 cut

5 cut

6 cut

7 cut

8 cut

9 cut

10 cut

After and hour I had about 100 or more cuts on my body and I felt VERY light headed and around 20 cuts I was crying

I heard a knock on the door and rolled down my sleeves and pulled up my pants

(Not like that readers I pull down my pants so get better access to my legs)

I put the blade in my pocket and opened the door after wiping the tears and putting a fake smile on my face.

It was Wilbur

"Yes?" I asked acting all cheerful

"Are you okay i thought I heard you crying?"

"Nope" I said with a very noticeable weak smile

"Im fine"I said sounding really sad and hurt

He looked at me as if he was waiting for me to say something or reading my thoughts

He engulfed me into a huge hug and I couldn't hold it anymore.

I cried so much and so loud I think the r neighbors could hear I only say that because I few second later the nieghbors came knocking at are door asking if there was a murder happening and we said no and that everything was fine and she was on her way.

Wilbur looked at me and noticed how pale I looked considering when I was crying into his shoulder he couldn't see my face because 1. The lighting was dark and 2. My face was in his shoulder like come on brain be smart.

" either your pale because of the crying or you lost to much blood." He said staring me dead into the eyes witch scared me

" I'm fine, what do you mean?" I asked looking at him like I was clueless

He rolled his eyes and went to the bathroom

He closed the door and I heard mumbling . It sounded quit like counting but I wasn't sure

I put my ear to the bit where there is a crack under the door and heard him count


So he was counting okay so Yk I'll get caught right now but not in the future I heard him get to 29 and say " she took one" and stand up

I quietly and quickly went back to where we were standing and acted like I didn't go over there. He opened the door and looked at me

" we will talk about this in the morning but just know that I know what you did. I understand you've been threw a lot but I don't want you doing that to yourself." He said walking close to me and hugging me " we will talk about it more in the morning or I guess later but right now I'm very tired and you should got to bed as well" he said releasing the hug and walking away

I went to my bedroom and so did he

I took my 25 dollar rug witch seemed really expensive and I feel bad but he insisted and plus it was very soft and went to sleep on it with my blanket and pillows.

A/n: SO SO SO. Sorry for taking so long to upload and for a short chapter but I will try to get Better but a lot has happened recently so yah

I love you guys and your amazing
Try to have the best day you could possibly have becaus Roy deserve it. Ignore the negative and let in the positive

You got this :)

The Forest (Tubbo X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now