shit, i slept over pt.1

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Toby pov

We went to my house and watched movies, played bored games, did eachothers hair, and etc. I didn't really want to do hair but she insisted.

"What else do you want to do?" I asked looking up at her. She looked back and smiled

"I have an idea" she said smirking

Oh no...
What does she have up her sleeve?

(A/n haha cuts)

We haven't gone to my room yet so she doesn't know where it is. We have just stayed in the living room cause we were playing on the TV. She did the Debbie Ryan playing video games thing from Jessie the tv show and I cracked up laughing. We were done and she just disappeared to the downstairs bathroom. I went to go see what she was doing and she was grabing hair thing.

My hair stopped "oh nooooo. No no no no noooooo." I said backing up with my eyes wide

She smiled at me and said "oh yessss. Yes YES yEs YeS yeeeEeeessssSSsssss" she said smiling as wide as ever.

I knew she wasn't ganna ge out of this so I gave up

"Fine...." I said rolling my eyes while she jumped up and down in excitement.

We did eachothers hair. This is my life now.

When we were done she did pig tails

A/n if yall know what I'm referring to the yasssssss

She got bored really quick so I decided to go to my room and watch a movie

"Hey, do you want to go to my room and watch a movie?"

"Sure, we're is is?" She asked looking up at me with my dumb ass stupid ugly pig tails. Omg I hate them so much but since she did them I don't really care.

I don't know why but I just feel that way

"I'll show you. Follow me " I said smiling going out of my train of thoughts

She smiled and followed me to my room. She didn't see my PC yet which I hope she doesn't mind it.

Y/n pov

I went to his room and looked at him deeply. He had a couch, a latter to his bed, a TV, a rug, and I pc. I immediately went to the pc and went to see what games he had on it. I didn't evan notice that it was like a twitch streaming set up. He looked at me like he was holding his breath.

"What? Do you want to sit down and play something? Cause I can move."

"No no. Stay there I just thought you would judge me." He said breathing out. Out of relaxation.

"For what having a pc?"

"No for the streaming set up. I thought you were ganna judge me for being a streamer."

I took a good look at it and relized it WAS a streaming set up.

I laughed nervously..."I didn't evan notice that. Bit it's fine. I like you for you and if this makes you happy then I'm fine with it. I have no say." I said hobbling that would make him feel better

He smiled and squatted down and he turned on minecraft

I let him play for a little bit. He had a stool for me to sit on so I could watch and learn to play but I ended up falling alseep on his shoulder.

Toby pov

I was talking to her and a few minutes later I felt a wait on my shoulder and there she was her head resting on me. I smiled and took a second to admire her. I don't know why but I did. I couldn't help to notice how pretty she was. But we just met, how does this work. But it feels like I needed her in my life. Like she was the missing puzzle piece to my whole life.
I got a discord call from tommy. I answered it hoping not to wake her up. "OIIII TUBBO! IM LIVE AND I WANT TO GO ON ORIGINS WANNA JOIN ME???" He said screaming in my ear to the top of his lungs. "Sure Tom, just let me do something- Wait can chat see me?"

"Ummm, how would you feel if it was a yes. Your not top less you anything so it's not that bad bro you are you freaking out."

"Because I have a friend here and I don't think she wants to be on stream or just be seen. I haven't asked her."I said

"Umm well I can make it to were only I can see real quick." Tommy said

"Okay, yah she is just sleeping right now so I can just put her down stairs. One sec."

"Alright, your not seen."

I picked her up bridel style and took her to my bed so she would be more comfortable.

She groaned and opened her eyes I little

"Are you leaving me" she said in her cute tired voice.

"No. I'm just ganna be down here talking with a friend. If you wake up you can come join me or go back to sleep and I'm sorry Im Advanced."she nodded and went back to sleep

I went down and talked with Tommy on origins and played minecraft.

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