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(I'm writing this chapter on the bus to school so if it is like riggity (idek what that word is it just came into my head) or whatever I'm sorry I just hope it's good enough to read also thank you auto correnlct for this chapter it's probably gonna be much meeded)

Y/n pov

After decorating for a while it was perfect. My room looked like me. I was actually smiling from ear to ear because I was proud of my self.

Wilbur came it and we started to just talk about school and grades. I'm glad he doesn't want perfect grades but he wants me to atleast try and if the grades I have are me trying them he's proud of me.

( A/n God damn this road is sp bad)

After we talked about that he left and I just sat in my room reading until I got a text from Tubbo.
Hello luv. Can I come over?
                     Sure! See you soon love:)
Oki see you soon:)


Tubbo s coming over I thought running into the kitchen to Wilbur to clean up so I have a better chance of him saying yes

I started sweeping and mopping the kitchen floors and cleaning the counters.

I fixed up the couch because the pillows were all messed up and vacuumed the living room.

"What are you doing y/n? You don't have to clean!" Wilbur said taking the duster out of my hand as I was about to dust the house up.

"Well I was wondering of Tubbo could come over and I wanted to clean so I had a better chance." I said looking down

"You don't have to clean the house to butter me up. Yes Toby can come over y/n." Wilbur said witch made me happy

I left to go to my room and clean up my bed.

T/s :)

It's been atleast 30 minutes and I've been waiting just scrolling on instagram looking at random posts.

************DING DONG*************

I ran as fast as I could to the front door but when I got to Wilbur I speed walked over then ran again witch I think he still saw cause he burst out laughing

"Tubbbbbboooooo" I said hugging him with all my might he giggled and spoke
"Yyyyyy/nnnnnnnnnnnn" I'm the same tone witch made Wilbur laugh more
I I brought him in and he set down his bags..... wait bags????

"Why do you have bags?" I asked very confused

Wilbur walked into the front door entry " oh yah I talked to his parents and he is staying over for a few days" Wilbur said smiling wildly knowing it would make me the happiest person alive.

(A/n: I got to school and now I'm going home lol)

I smiled so wildly and hugged Wilbur to the point he couldn't breathe

"Let.... Go............ can't....... bReAtHe" Wilbur said trying to gasp for air. I let go and he gasped really loudly

"Sorry wil I didn't meant to hug you that tight" I said
Me and Tubbo went to my room

"Gosh y/n this looks really good. Did you do it all by yourself?" Toby asked seeming really impressed

"Yah I did" I said smiling at him and sitting down on my bed 

He sat down with me and we watched a movie on my laptop.

Hello readers this is the end of a chapter and I wrote this going to of from school. I hope the bumpy roads didn't mess up any writing to bad to the point you can't read it also I did this to my hand I'm 4th hour history and just so you know I did it with pencil and it's just my skin that's that color no marker or anything just pencil carving into my skin but not to the point I'm bleeding ofc

 I hope the bumpy roads didn't mess up any writing to bad to the point you can't read it also I did this to my hand I'm 4th hour history and just so you know I did it with pencil and it's just my skin that's that color no marker or anything just p...

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