your finally awake

111 2 0

Tw: murder, kidnapping, abuse

Y/n pov

***********in dream***********

I was in a basement...

I recognized this basement. Let's say a basement I don't want to be in. When I was younger and my real dad and my mom were still together My dad kept me in this basement I couldn't leave. He never hurt me,and don't get me wrong he  actually took really good care of me. Me and my father had an amazing relationship.


I never saw my mom, I mean yah I did but then my dad took me to the basement and kept me in there for YEARS. He said it was for my safety and he didn't want anything bad to happen to me. And every time he would come down he made sure I had enough food, water, amd love and he had bored games but told me to always be quite. I never really understood what he ment but he always had a terrified, and serious face so I would make sure I was extremely quite and he always had new wounds everyday so that helped alot.

But one day someone was coming down and I thought it was dad so I started to get exited but wasn't. It was my mom...

She looked at me as if I had been lost. But then she got really made and started to scream at me and pulled out a gun. Luckily my dad  had already called the cops and jumped infront of me before she could shoot me.

Which means he's shot....

She looked at me and started to blame me for what she did and how it was all my fault. And threatened that she would tell the cops that I shot him if I told the truth. So I never did. Ever since she was a bitch to me. Abused me. Threatened to kill me just like she did my dad.

So here I was...

Back in the same basement....

The only question is if it was the good memories or the bad memory.

Spoiler alert.....

It was the bad one. He was dead. Gone. AGIAN!

it was my fault she said. So I believe it. I can't help the dreams. I can feel my breathing getting heavier then it was a few seconds ago because I see my dad hes alive. But he's shot. He was walking over to me and pointing his finger in my face and started to yell at me saying it was all my fault.

I crouch down into a ball and started crying. But I hear a voice in the back ground...
It's toby.

"Hey wake up, y/n it's just a dream it's not real please wake up. Y/n"

**********not dream***********

"Finally, your awake. Are you okay?" Toby asked so concerned

I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

I hugged him and just kept it all out

He hugged back. Not immediately he was in shock.

"Hey, it's okay. It was just a dream. Everything is okay. Your fine."

I looked up at him tears still slightly streaming down my eyes and whipping them away as much as possible

"No." I said my bottom lip shivering and hands shaking.

"What do you mean no?"

"No toby. I did happen. I saw it all and it happened over and over again. It doesn't stop and it's all her fault but she blames me. It happened toby."

He looked at me and immediately ingulfed me into a huf and said 'shhhh' to calm me down.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Toby asked

"Yes. I'm always keeping it to myself but I'm scared. I see it everyday."

□□□ T/s because I'm lazy □□□

I told him about my dream and everything that happened and he hugged me. Saying that he was here but then he had to leave so I was ganna be alone but I decided I would go with him and he didn't care cause he didn't want me to be alone in general.

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