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Goodbye y/n. The beloved young 17 year old. Who commuted suicide at the north road bridge.

Her mother was no longer in custody of her and she was adopted by the famous twitch streamer Wilber soot but also known as William gold.

She lives with him for a year and she Evan had a boyfriend who was also a twitch streamer.

He name on twitch was Tubbo but his real name was Tobias smith but his friends and family called him Toby.

She appeared on some of Tubbo s streams from time to time before she committed suicide on April 23, 2023 at 8:00pm.

Is what I would say if she was dead.....

The ambulance went to her body and she was still breathing but it was slowing down.

They rushed her on the stretcher and brought her up the hill. They put her in the ambulance truck and immediately started to doing anything and everything to keep her alive.

She woke up and gave her medicine. And started to treat her

Wilbur, Tubbo, and Phil got in Wilbur's car and rushed to the hospital's and all stopped crying and wee focused on hoping wishing she was ganna make it.

"What is this" Phil asked picking up the suicide note and reading it

"Oh my god" Phil said but then I got snatched from Phil's hands by wil

"Don't read that. It's her note and it's not goo-" he got cut off by Tubbo snatching the note

Tubbo pov

"Omg get that from him" Wilbur said to Phil

I started to read it and Evan started to cry again

"What the hell." I managed to break out from my voice cracking from the crying

"Let me have it" Phil said and I gave it to him and he put it in the glove box.

We got to the hospital and and we rushed in.

We got told she was stabilized and on medication to help her.


It's been 6 months and I'm doing better now.

I'm getting extra help and everything is all Better now.

I have the best life rn and I'm glad I didn't die that night.......

                     The end

I had to finish it.

Tbh you guys are lucky I was ganna make her go to the pharmacy area and over dose herself and she would of died then and hope you guys cried lol.

But I didn't your. Welcome and if you want me to ad like a extra chapter so you can chose what ending you want I will do that. But yeah rn this is the ending and I have to go to bed....

Time for my other book :)

Kinda sad this is over tbh but that's okay cause I have more books to write.

The Forest (Tubbo X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now