Good morning sleepy heads you have school pt.2

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"Beep beep" Toby's mother said opening the door waking us both up

"Good morning sleepy heads you have school" she also said grabbing Toby's trash can and dumping the trash in a bag

"Mum I could have gotten that" he said sitting up from the bed as well as me

"I know I just thought I could do it"she said walking out the door

He turned his head and looked at me and smiled and then laid back down and hugged me
"Toby we have to get up and get ready for the day and I have my first day of school soon and-"

"No,shhhhhhhh go back to sleep I like it here"he said playing with my hair which relaxed me and started to go back to sleep

"Hmmmm okay.... WAIT NO" I said "I have to get up and get really im not ganna let you do this. You always rope me into falling back to sleep. I can't allow you." I said getting up until Tubbo grabbed my sides and pulled me back down into bed and hugged me

"Ugg your so annoying why can't you let me get up uuuuuuuggggggggaaaaaaaa" I said having my voice get a bit louder till I stopped

"Fine only because I love you"I said and snuggled up to him

(A/n idk if they have said this to each other before so just roll with it )

(Omg I'm so sorry I didn't mean it I mean I did but are you ready for that? It just came out and I'm sorry if it weirded you out I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry that I said that)

"Y/n it's okay I promise I love you too I love as just shocked because I wasn't expecting it" he said smiling from ear to ear

I smiled as well and hugged him so tightly and we both giggled with each other

A/n okay guys so I'm kinda need to start my other book because im stalling lol but im I have been really excited to end this book because I just want to get this ending out of my mind I don't want it to end because I like writing this one but I have some ideas for the ending and I think I'll put them all together :) im super exited but also upset my bipolar ass can't handle this also I feel bad because I keep stopping for long periods of time :(

The end is near but not to badly soon. It's ganna suck when this is completed:(

Now I'm really sad uggggg

Anyways bye bye see you soon :)

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