Good morning sleepy heads you have school

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"Beep beep" Toby's mother said opening the door waking us both up

"Good morning sleepy heads you have school" she also said grabbing Toby's trash can and dumping the trash in a bag

"Mum I could have gotten that" he said sitting up from the bed as well as me

"I know I just thought I could do it" she said leaving and going down the hallway to Lani and Teagon's rooms.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get changed while he got changed in his bedroom

Toby pov

I got dressed and then called Tommy and Dream again because last night it got interrupted.

"Hello Toby" dream said answering the call

"Hey Tubbzo" Tommy said answering the call as well

"Hello guys I would just like to apologies for last nights call getting interrupted. I hope that we can call again later today to talk again" I said

"Sure mate it's okay. is y/n okay though" Tommy said concerned

"Oh yah she's fine just got told some false information by a friend of are's" I said moving around getting comfortable

"Who is y/n and what happened?" Dream asked seeming very confused

"Y/n is my girlfriend and me and y/n's friend Kayla told y/n that I was cheating on her and she came her to confront me but everything is fine now" I said looking up to y/n coming into the room

"Is it Tommy "she asked coming to sit with me

"Yah" I said making room

"Hello Tomathy" she said smiling


"SHIT SHIT SHIT I DIDNT MEAN TO CALL YOU A BITCH IM SO SORRY" he said immediately defending himself

"Tom" y/n said in the most calm voice I've ever heard her speak in witch only made my stomach jump into a bunch of butterfly's

"When I see you next I swear to god I don't care where we are I will find you okay" I said

"Okay" Tommy said in a scared tone of voice which made me and y/n burst into laughter

"So y/n when did you and Toby meet and where or how" dream said cutting into the laughs

"Well we met a few months ago and we where running in the woods and we ran into each other. We only got together like a month ago or something like that" she said smiling and looking at me which made my cheeks turn into a red like color almost as red as a tomato

Sorry for the short chapter I'm really trying here. My dad left for a work trip for a year and a half yesterday and my mom is a manipulative guilt tripping toxic bitch like she always is and a lot more. (Dw my dad will visit on the weekends the best he can)

Ily all and I hope you have an amazing day

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