hello is y/n here?

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Toby pov

I started to get more and more worried as she wasn't answering her phone so I decided that I would go on my snapchat and see if I can see her location and luckily she was saying it with me so I started on the walk there. It was about a mile walk there so I decided to run yo make it faster and because I was way to worried to walk. I don't know why I was worried I just thought of the worst thing that could happen to her like she choke on her food or she passed out or she was on another walk or run and she git kidnapped or murdered

One foot after the other I ran as fast as I could until I git to my destination... her house

Y/n pov


I looked up for the floor of the bathroom (or bedroom I can't remember where she was) and drop the blade I had so many cuts on my arms and legs but I didn't care because nobody was around and I deserved it. It was toby. I spammed my phone with text messages and he evan said he was worried witch made me feel a little bit better because it felt like he cared but them that mood changed when it dawned on me the I'm the one who made him feel worried and it was all my fault witch made me cut more because why not. And I cried more and more

(if she was somewhere else can we pretend she was in the bathroom plz and thx u)

Toby pov

I knocked on the door and hope that someone who knows her or where she lives if this is the wrong house. Someone opened the door and I looked up and a black headed  hair with  a black beard and brown eyes open the door. "Umm hello but is y/n home?" I asked. Oh shoot I should have asked if she lived here first."umm yes y/n is hone I belive she is in her room why?" He asked "umm well me and her are friends and we met once when I was on a walk and I was wondering if I could hang out with her. I texted her but she hasn't answered her phone so I thought to just come over and ask and if not go back Home." I said the man just stared and me as if he were and x-ray scanner thing and was examining my broken arm or something.

(I added that caus either know he has broken his arm before so I had to.)

The man opened the door wider as if to let me in so I went in. "Call me jarrett. I'm y/ns moms boyfriend. And I'm here alot so if y guys are good friends then you will be seeing me a lot." Jarrett said "her room is up those stairs and to the left" jarrett said walking away to the kitchen to help her mom cook dinner. I went up the stairs and to her room

The y/ns room looks like:

The y/ns room looks like:

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It looked like her style

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It looked like her style. honestly I could stay in here all day I wonder if she does?

I walk out because I hear slight sobs coming from the bathroom and I knock...

    *knock* *knock* *knock*

You could her someone in there of course but I don't think they heard me so I slightly opened the door and saw y/n in on the bathroom floor crying and something was on her arms and her legs in the mirror and I open it more and rush over there and I see what has happened so I take the blade out of her hands and drop it on the floor and look for the bandages. And when I find them I rap them around her arms and legs and take her to her room. I picked her up bridle style and put her in bed I was leaving to got clean up in the bathroom and when I got done I shut off thr light and went in her room to talk. I shut tjr door and sat at the edge of the bed. She sat there like she was disappointed in her self and then she broke the silence with "I'm sorry..." she said in a whisper voice but also broken from crying. "Dont apologize." I said as I crawled to the side of the bed against the wall.she looked at me and hugged me and I immediately without hesitation hugged back.

Y/n pov

I was cutting and crying at the same time. I think I heard knocking but I didn't know I saw toby rush in and he was panicking looking for bandages I assume and when he found them he immediately wrapped my arms and legs up and carried me bridle style to my room. I love my room. It's so homey and it's suck a vibe. I calmed down and toby was cleaning up. I felt bad. He was cleaning up my mess, my blood and I couldn't do anything about it.

All of a sudden toby was in here at the edge of the bed and we were waiting for the other person to speak. I broke the silence. "I'm sorry..." I said sad throat hurting from crying so much and he looked at me crawled to the corner of my bed and I hugged him. I really needed it and he immediately hugged back without hesitation.

We just sat there in eachothers grasp likenth world would end if we let go. I didn't want to let go. He was probably my best friend and I know we met a few days ago and that eas the only time we really talked but I felt so close to hom like I could relie on him on anything and I just had the strong magnetic pull to him. I don't know what it was but it just happened. "Do you want to talk about it?" Toby asked looking at me "I guess if you want awnsers" I said in a sad tone and  raspy voice.

"Do you actually want to talk about it?" He said

"No not really bit if you sent to I will."I said throat still hurting like a bitch

"Then we won't talk about it. I kinda get the jizz jazz"

I looked at him with a curious face

"What?" He said

"Nothing" I said smiling blushing and snuggling my face unto him chest and started blushing.and I thought....



So your style is kinda ganna be like my style. I'm sorry that I'm not giving you choices but I just got my pintrest back to how I like it cause I wanted to look at something and it fucked it up.
But I just got it in order and I don't want to fucknit up agin so you all have to suffer. But bye bye love you all and hope you have a great day/night and eat, drink, and I know I should say skin is not paper so don't cut it but that would be hypercritical amd I'm not like my parents so ily all ❤

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