Hello mates

71 0 3

Tw: abuse, death threats, attempt of murder

Y/n pov
I went into my house and closed the door. All the lights were off so I think she was asleep.
I went to my room as quite as I possibly be and got into my pjs and went to bed

Tubbo texted me goodnight and said that they would be there in the morning.

I closed my eyes hoping to go to sleep but I couldn't.I couldn't fall asleep.
'What if they think I'm stupid'
No, stop no overthinking to the point it's day and I haven't gotten and inch of sleep. That's not aloud

I saw the light of the sun coming up and I knew I did exactly what I told myself I wouldn't.

            *BAM* *BAM* *BAM*

"Get your ass out hear you useless fucker"
She remembered
I walked out and looked at her trying not to show the fear. I saw Phil's car pull up and this is the last think I want them to see so I panicked.
I ran out of the living room and into the the kitchen.

(The lay out I've been imagining).       (P.s your rooms not that small)

s your rooms not that small)

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She chased after me catching me and grabbing me by the ear and throwing me on the ground

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She chased after me catching me and grabbing me by the ear and throwing me on the ground.

She beat me constantly and then she did what I least expected....

She grabbed a knife and Swung at me.
She cut my arm a little but nothing I don't do myself so it didn't phase me that much. But I was more scared then I normally am.
I crawled on the ground trying to get away from her.

"You little bitch I will fucking end you. You understand me I will fucking kill you . Just like what should have happened all those years ago"

I grew the confidence to knock the knife out of her hands and kicking her in the process.

She put her hand on her cheek and just looked at me like I just stabbed the living shit out of her.
She ran at me grabbed me and threw me into the living room to the point where everyone could see.

I tried to move out of sight rage for them  but she pushed me back down and started to beat the living shit out of me.

I as bleeding everywhere she opened new wounds and she reopened past wounds.

I couldn't help it anymore, my whole body hurt so I burst into tears.

Then everything went black.....

Tubbo pov
We pulled into her drive and I texted her everyone was on there phone waiting for her and I looked up and saw she walked out then her mom started to beat the living shit out of her.

I told everyone that we need to go in there and tried to get out and I told them look but when I pointed the were gone witch worried me more. I couldn't breathe.
They tried to calm me down and keep me from crying but all I could say is 'please' and 'look'  they finally listened after about 10 minutes of me trying get to me to listen and she they saw y/n get thrown into the living room all there facing rushed into worry. Y/n tried to get up but her mum pushed her down again and started so beat the living shit out of her. I saw blood flare off of what I think is y/n. Rushed up and tried to get out witch they all allowed this time and followed. We didn't stay there to see it just because it was interesting to watch or something we all where in shock and horror and fear but i had enough and I wanted it to stop.

We were banging on the door and finally Wilbur and Phil both started to break the door down.

It finally snapped and we started to pull the two apart as Tommy called the cops.
I couldn't see y/n. Wilbur wouldn't let me. He said that she was okay but he thinks it's not ganna be a good idea in my head or something like that.

Witch may I add didn't help and made just want to see her Evan more.

Th cops came and I saw them arrest y/n 's mom and then call the hospital witch didn't calm me down. I tried to see her but wilbur stopped me from doing so. But ha I made it threw and saw her body just laying there.

It was so bloody and she was passed out. She looked so weak and hurt and it hurt me just looking at her. Tears glossed my eyes and I slowly started to fall to my knees.

Wilbur was holding me while I fell and I just cried into his shirt. Tommy came over and hugged me.

"Omg!" I said looking at wilbur as he looked back at me a sad look into his eyes

I just started to cry more and then soon fell asleep.

Wilbur pov

Soon he died down from the crying and started to breathe slowly witch gave me the idea that he was asleep.

I carried Tubbo to the car while Tommy opened the doors for me ( the front door and car door)

We put him in the window seat so he could lay his head down on the car door.

We followed the ambulance to the hospital and when we almost got there Tubbo was slowing waking up.

"Where is she?" He asked startled awake by a sharp tune Phil took.

"She's in that vehicle right in front of us. She is being taken good care of right now and you don't need to worry about her that much right now."

He gave a weak smile but at least it was something.

We pulled into the parking lot and went inside.


Jk there not that very pog but Yk you can try to make them right?
Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you had a great day today

Ily guys :)

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