I hate you for what you did

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"Good morning sleepy heads" Wilbur said staring the mixture to what I think is gravy. "Good morning wil. How was your sleep" Tubbo asked in a cheerful tone.
I honestly don't know how he does it. It's to early for this shit.

I check the time and it said it was 11:50 am

Damn.... Eh it's fine

I sat at the kitchen table and grabbed my phone out and started to watch til toks.

Toby came up behind me and started to watch. After a few minutes he sat down right beside me and continued to watch them.

I was holding my breathe because my for you page get really relatable and sad

I logged off of that and went to instagram and just scrolled until I saw an exes picture. We only dated for 22 days after he said I love you and called me cute witch only burned my heart but I didn't cry over him. I didn't trust my first relationship would last long.

I noticed that I was staring at the picture so I just scrolled more. I got to a girl that looked gorgeous and had the perfect body and amazing hair and she was laughing so she seemed happy I could be wrong though but that's not the point she's perfect.

I liked the picture with a sad look in my eyes and scrolled to a Tubbo picture and I liked it immediately and stared at the features on him and looked at him and just stared at him.

His cheeks got really red you could see them through the darkest on lighting.
I smiled and when Wilbur wasn't looking Evan though he already knows that we are dating I kissed Toby on the lips. It wasn't a pek or a long kiss it was more medium.

After a while Wilbur finally finished the biscuits and gravy and we all ate together.

"Sorry kids but I'm very tired because SOMEONE woke me up last night" he said turning to me and being slightly aggressive at someone but I know it was all playful so I'm fine

I rolled my eyes and took my food to the dishwasher " I mean you could of just stayed asleep not my fault" I said Evan though it was my fault and I slightly feel bad for it

"What???" Toby said sounding very confused "I'm so confused. What are you guys talking about?" Wilbur looked at me and I knew he might tell him and I had no control but I didn't want Tobbo knowing I was cutting again so I I looked at him and dragged him somewhere Tubbo couldn't hear.

"Don't tell him about the cutting thing I don't want him to know I'm cutting again" I said looking Wilbur dead in the eyes while whispering

"So you admit it"

"Admit what wil what do I admit"

"That your cutting again"

"No I'm not. I'm not cutting again and I'm not admitting anything"

"But you just did"

"Where's your prove wil please tell me. Where in the world is your prove Wilbur"

"You just said it y/n. Don't get pissed if with me I should be the one pissed of with you after you said you stopped in the hospital and then your doing it again."

" i- Wil"

"Also I want it back. Give me the blade" he said starting to raise his voice

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