One year?

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I woke up from my nap and me and Tubbo have been together a year!

We found out that are one friends (I forgot her name) friend was trying to break me and Tubbo up because she wanted him and she was jealous and (we are just ganna call her Judy) said to just break up so that friend of hers could have him and we refused and she like threatens us with posting pics of us stealing witch we know is photoshopped because we never did any of that and we told wil and Tubbos mom and we told the police and they said that they will do something about it and we haven't heard from us again and nothing else happened. I'm going to therapy and I've still had ups and downs but I stopped cutting myself.

Tubbo and wil helped with that and me and niki are best friend witch makes me really happy. And also I write in a journal now to help with my depression and anxiety. Last week was hard. I stayed in my room all day I barely ate I didn't talk to anyone and I started cutting after almost a year. Finally Toby came over and we talked and I'm a little bit better now

Me and Tubbo have been dating for a year now witch is so exciting and I'm so happy to have him in my life.....

It's crazy to think that we met because of a forest and went along from there. I started streaming with him from time to time and the viewers love it.

It sucks it's all ganna end tho
I didn't tell anyone but I've been struggling a lot for a long time and things just got worst last week to the point I couldn't hide it. Tubbo is at his house and wil is hanging out with friend at the pub so I have free range to do this.

I feel bad for doing this cause it's been one year of dating but I just can't take it anymore.

I'll right a note....
Dear everyone,
I'm ganna miss you. I've grown you love and care for every single one of you. I've gained so many friends and you know what fuck it I'm just ganna say it you guys are my family but these past few months have been one big struggle and last week you guys figured out I was struggling. Obviously not for how long but you know no you do lol. Anyways I've been struggling and
It's consumed my and I think I'm ganna end it. Some might say saline solution my self hehe. Sorry... not the time...

I love you all and you guys have become my family I just want to give a very special thanks to Phil,Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo. For helping me out with my mum and a double thanks to Wilbur for becoming my dad and taking me in when I really fucking needed it. And also Tubbo I love you so much and you really did help me a lot but I just had to do this. I really really love you like I'm in love with you and I really don't want to say good bye but I know if I don't do this now I'll be in Evan more pain then what I am in now and I just can't do it.

I love you all, good bye


I ripped the piece of paper out of my notebook and put it on the kitchen island.

I walked out and texted Wilbur
Hey wil, I'ma go on a walk to the river.
Okay :) be safe
Read at 6:00pm
Now Tubbo. I atleast need to say a proper good bye to him. I'm almost there so I have to hurry

Tubbster<3 :
Yes love?
I love you sm okay. Your the best boyfriend anyone can ask for and im so Glad we made it to one year :)

Tubbster <3 :
I love you too. And your the best gf anyone can ask for and I'm glad too. But what is this about?
     Nothing I just wanted to tell you
                                  That I love you.

Tubbster <3 :
Oooooooooookkkkkaaaaaayyyy. -_-
Ooooookay :)
Well I have to go. Bye I love you
Tubbster <3 :
I love you too. -_-

Well I don't believe you luv. Your acting weird... I'll let you go tho
Read at 6:27 pm
I was there and there was nothing that could stop me now. I feel like I was to honest with Tubbo and that he knows. Obviously he knows something is up but I don't want him to be the one to find me.

I got to the bridge and got on it.

No no chickening out if I don't do this then I'm stuck

I heard crunching behind me and then I heard my name being called
"Y/N "
Shit is that Phil...
"Omg hey Phil's what's up." I say getting down acting like I wasn't gonna do anything

" let's go come on y/n. It's not a good idea. We can talk about it." He said holding out his hand and calming down to calm me down.
"What? Phil I wasn't ganna kill my self. Are you HIGH?!?!??" I said while thinking in my head
Damn acting class came in clutch

" what are you doing out here?" I asked him not switching the roles to me interrogating him.

" well I umm. Non of your business but not doing what I think you were ganna do."he said tapping his foot and looking me up and down we you said 'you'

"Phil. I wasn't ganna kill myself I just like lakes. They are peaceful to me and help me relax. I was just doing homework and got to stressed out so I came here." I said acting really confident

"Oh- I'm sorry. I assumed you were cause of the bridge." He said

"It's fine Phil. There's a diner down the street will you get us some burgers?" I asked handing him extra money I had in my pocket.

He took the money and left.

I waited a few minutes and wrote with a rock that writes with white
'Sorry phil :('

And jumped........

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