hello im wil

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Tw: talk of abuse,  talk of suicide and suicidal thoughts

Y/n pov

Me and  toby or TuBbO were done laughing and we were all just talking..

"Omg it's wil" Tommy said running

I smiled exited to meet him

I looked up and saw him

"Oh my god" I whispered to myself

Tubbo heard me mumble to myself

"What was that y/n, are you okay. Is this to much? I can take you home..." Tubbo asked of course being Tubbo and making sure I was okay.

I really hope that toby likes me the same way I do because I dont think I can keep on th is act for to long.

"Hi! I'm william but you can call me wil or wilbur" wilbur said to me

I looked at tommy like he just lied to me or I just put a piece of a puzzle with its match...

Shocked and confused

"I knew I knew you from somewhere." I said pointing at tommy how was really confused

I looked at wilbur

"I'm sorry I just didn't think I would be seeing the person who kept me from being from my dad today and I'm in shock because i also thought I knew Mr.Tommy over here from somewhere and know I know where" i said way to exited

Wilbut laughed and just shock his head

"It's okay. Where's your dad?"He said

My face dropped to confusion and hurt because well were talking about the person who tried to protect me here

"What do you mean?"

"You said I kept you from seeing your dad. And how?"

My face dropped to hurt.
Shit, I overshared...

"Guys I'll be back. I just have to go use the restroom if you don't mind." I said really hurt

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.... it's all your fault

Tubbo pov

"... who kept me from my dad"

Shit. i didn't think things were that bad. She seemed so happy just now and when she realizes what she said then she's ganna be said

I face flushed with hurt

I didn't want her to be hurt like that. I felt so bad for her and she is suisidal.

She walked to the bathroom and I felt bad.

"Shit, I'll go check on her."I said before being stopped by wulbur

"Hey, what happened to her dad?"

"He passed away and it's not my place to say how and why it effects her so much" I said walking away to make sure she is okay.

Y/n pov

I went to the bathroom and sat down and cried.

I heard the door open and close and heard Toby calling for my name.

"Y/n... I'm sorry." He said sitting down next to me

"No, it's all it's my fault right? That's what she tells me. I've tried so hard to ignore her about that factor but it's getting to me now. You know how someone tells you that your annoying or that your fat or ugly or just something mean like that. You try to tell yourself that is not real cause after a while you believe it. It tried that for years and years... and now she is getting what she wants. For me to belive that what happened is my fault."

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