Chapter 22

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Aries' Pov

Twyla has been staying in our quarters for a little over a week now. Her gashes and cuts have completely healed, and she is getting around good on her crutches. But I have been really worried about Twyla. She has been locked up with her emotions, refusing to talk about Jeremy. So, I am heading down to the Doc Robbins clinic to see about the DNA test. I opened the door to the clinic and the Doctor is looking in the ear of one of the kids of the pack with his otoscope. His parents were standing off to the side observing the Doctor looking a little troubled. They all looked up as I approached and said, "Good Morning Alpha. "The little boy was Ben, and his dad was Joel, and his mom is Allison they are trackers in my pack. " Good morning." I replied. " What is going on with Ben this morning?" I questioned. Allison had tears in her eyes, clearly concerned about her little boy." He woke up this morning with a very high fever. He was pulling and itching at his ears to. "She replied. The Doctor looked up from Ben smiling. "Allison there is nothing to be concerned about. Ben just has a bad ear infection. "He declared, walking over to the medicine cabinet. He pulled out a bottle filled with pink liquid and handed it over to Joel." Give him a teaspoon of this Twice a day for a week and have him stay in bed for about three days. He should make a full recovery." Doc Robbins explained. Joel and Allison sighed in relief." Thanks Doc. We appreciate all your help." Joel stated, picking up Ben. The family walked out of the clinic closing the door, and Doc turned to me." Let me guess you were wanting to check on the DNA test results." He declared. I smirked. "You know me to well Doc," I replied.

The Doc retrieved a yellow manilla envelope from the top drawer in his desk, and then handed it over to me."What were the results? "I asked. He nodded grimly, and instantly I knew. Now I had to go up and break the news to Twyla.

Twyla's Pov

I was sitting on the couch in our quarters looking through a magazine I had already looked through a hundred times this week. Sitting in this room was about to make me go stir crazy. Aries stayed with me as much he could when he wasn't handling pack business, and when she had time Chloe would come visit. I knew I was being petty, but I wasn't really angry anymore I just felt so confused. I was also embarrassed over the way I reacted to Jeremy, lashing out at him. I was so engrossed in my thoughts; I didn't even notice Aries walk in or sit down next to me. Only when he took my hand in his and caressed my face did I snap out of it.

" I am sorry Aries. When did you get here?" I asked. Aries face held one of concern. "Twyla are you ok?"He asked. I leaned my head on his shoulder, knowing after all we had been through, I needed to be honest with my mate. "No Aries honestly I am so confused. I know what the moon goddess told me, and I know what Jeremy told you. But what is all this leading up to? I know I shouldn't have been angry with Jeremy. It isn't his fault. I guess I am just ready to find out the test results, so we can move forward one way or another." I explained. Aries pulled me into his lap and kissed me on the forehead. "Whatever the results Princess I am here for you. I love you so much." He declared. I gave him a peck on the lips trying to ignore the need pulling at me to go farther. "I love you too." I stated.

Aries reached behind him and pulled out a large yellow envelope. "Are those the results? "I asked. He nodded handing me the envelope. I took a deep breath before pulling the white page from the envelope, my hands shaking. The test showed a ninety nine percent match, Jeremy is my twin brother. "He is my brother." I stated. Aries rubbed my back slowly in circles. " Are you ok?" He asked. I know I had to resolve things with Jeremy, and everything would start to get better. "I will be. Can you mind link Seth to bring Jeremy? I need to talk to him. "I declared. Aries smiled." I already have. "He replied.

Jeremy's Pov

I have been walking around this pack's territory all week watching how they react and work together on a daily basis. It was actually very beautiful. I could understand Twyla's anger once Seth explained to me her story. To undergo all she went thru, I know she had to feel so alone. Today I have been helping Seth work with the pack's pups, he is training them in the basics of self-defense. Seth had been watching me all week sticking to me like glue, but he is a really good guy. I can see why Aries entrust him to be his beta." All right kids that is it for today. "Seth declared." I will see you guys' here same time tomorrow." The pups all ran up and hugged Seth before taking off to the playground behind the pack house. "Jeremy, Luna wants to see you. They got the test results back" Seth declared. I was suddenly super nervous. I knew I was her brother, but would she accept me. Seth patted me on the back. " Its ok man. Our Luna has a great heart. She can't stay angry for long." He stated. I nodded. "Yeah, I know. Let's go." I replied. We both headed into the pack house at a jog and ascended the 3 flights of stairs. Once in front of the Alpha's quarters Seth knocked on the door.

Twyla's Pov

Aries and I were making out, completely forgetting that he had called Seth to bring Jeremy up to our quarters. We were getting hot and heavy to, the need for my mate pulling me stronger and stronger. I knew my heat would be coming on soon, all female wolves once physically marked by their mate would go into a week-long heat. When this happens, the female has to be locked up with her mate for seven days to keep away other males who weren't mated being drawn to her scent. This was supposed to ensure that mates would complete the mating process and procreate for the future. A knock on the door had us pulling apart my face flushed red.

" Come in." Aries laughed, my face one of horror. Seth walked in first Jeremy not too far behind. I patted the spot on the couch, and Jeremy took a seat next to me." Aries can you leave us alone for a minute? " I questioned, giving him a sad puppy dog face." Sure Princess, but I'm going to be right outside the door" he declared, giving Jeremy a firm look. I smiled as he gave me a sweet kiss, before stepping out the bedroom door.

Jeremy was looking at me cautiously. " Jeremy, I want to apologize for what I said the other day. I had no right." I exclaimed. He nodded in understanding." Its ok. Twyla, I know you had a hard life the last two years, and for me to just show up couldn't have been easy for you." He surmised. I shook my head. " Still, you saved my life, and I could never thank you enough for that." I said, opening my arms. Jeremy leaned in and we hugged. I could not explain the feeling that came over us, and instantly we were transported into a vision. Jeremy and I were standing in front of a large army of wolves, and on the other side of me stood Aries. It was what was in front of us that terrified me, A lake of blood filled with the dead dismembered bodies of people and wolves. As the vision started to dim a small whisper flowed through us. " 6 months is all you have my children. Ban the North American packs together or this vision will be what becomes of the werewolf race. An Army is coming." Jeremy and I pulled apart and by the look on his face I knew he had seen and heard all of what I had. " 6 months." Jeremy concluded. " We need Aries to call all the Alphas and have them come for a meeting as soon as possible. "I declared.

I mind linked Aries and he came back in the room. " What's wrong, Princess?" he asked. I went into the detail of the vision that Jeremy and I had seen." I will call all the North American pack Alpha's and see if they will meet with us and when. "Aries declared, pulling out his cell phone. I nodded. " It's time to bring the packs together." I said the vision still strong in my mind. I hugged Jeremy again before he got up to leave the room. " It's good to have a family again." I said, tears in my eyes. Jeremy smiled." Yes, it is even with war upon us." He said as he closed the door behind him. Aries stayed on his phone for hours setting up the meeting of the Alpha's. As I laid on the couch drifting off to sleep, he picked me up and laid me on the bed before kissing my forehead. " I love you, Twyla." he declared." And I love you." I said, turning to face him. " You are mine. And no one is ever going to take you away from me." he whispered in my ear. I grinned, before sleep finally managed to pull me in.

The Legend Of the Alpha Queen: Alpha Queen Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now