Chapter 33

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Hey guy last 2 chapters of this book...i hope yall like it...please comment and vote and lets get this book to the watty awards.

Aries' Pov

Twyla and I were driving over to Allison's house to give her the news about Joel. Most likely she already knew due to mates can feel each other's emotions and such, so when a mate dies it leaves you feeling empty and hollow, I have been told. As Alpha and Luna, it was our duty to show our support to her and Ben. We drove up and parked in the little cottage driveway and I turned to Twyla." Are you ok to do this? "I asked. Twyla put on a brave face and nodded. I could still see the tears behind her eyes, but she knew as I did that being a leader means sometimes pushing passed our own emotions. "Yes, we have to be here to support our pack. "She stated. "Ok," I replied. I helped Twyla get out of her side of the truck and we walked up to the front door. I knocked and we waited for what seemed like hours but was only just seconds, and Allison opened the door holding her son Ben in her arms. Her face was teared stained makeup running, and her clothes were all disheveled. "Allison, can we come in?" I asked. She nodded not being able to talk and stepped back allowing us to walk into her living room.

Twyla and I both took a seat on the couch, while Allison sat across from us in the love seat. I held Twyla's hand as I leaned forward my elbows on my knees. "Sweetie why don't you go play in your room. "Allison suggested, putting Ben down on the floor. "Yes mama. I will go find my favorite teddy for you to hold. He will make you feel all better. "He stated, rushing off to his room. Allison watched Ben go tears in her eyes. Twyla reached out and took Allisons hand giving it a squeeze. "Allison, I know you already feel that Joel is gone, but we thought we should let you know what happened." I declared. Allison started sobbing and Twyla walked over and wrapped her in a hug. "I am so sorry for your loss Allison. Joel was such a dedicated pack member he is going to be missed greatly. "She sympathized. Allison sobbed for a little while longer until she was able to just cry with a hiccup. "What happened to him? "She questioned. I took a deep breath. "Joel and Patrick were both found on the border this morning. It looks like they were attacked by multiple rogues." I replied. " I promise you Allison we will avenge Joel and Patrick. In the meantime, I want you and Ben to move up to the pack house with the other single pack moms." I stated. She nodded in understanding. "And if there is anything we can do please let us know. "Twyla added. "I appreciate you both so much alpha and Luna. I will get Ben and I packed, and we will move up to the pack house tomorrow "Allison declared. Ben came bolting into the room holding a teddy bear as big as he is, and he sat it in his mom's lap. "Teddy will help you feel better mommy." He stated. Allison hugged the bear tightly. "He already is Bennie, "She replied, grabbing ben in a hug to. Twyla and I said our goodbyes and slipped out the front door.

Once back at the pack house Twyla and I walked into the conference room where the other Alpha's were waiting on us. All was quiet until we sat in our chairs at the head of the table. "My queen what has happened? "Alpha Eric asked. Twyla took a deep breath before she stood and addressed the room. "My alpha's two of our pack members here at Black Moon were killed by rogues on our borders this morning. "She declared. "War is still coming and Samuel's Rogues have made their first move. We must be ever vigilant and keep training. If you Alpha's don't mind loaning some of your wolves to help with border patrol that would be a great help." All the Alpha's raised their hands in unison. "We volunteer twenty of our wolves to help. "Alpha Eric stated. The other Alpha's volunteered wolves in their packs as well until we had at least a hundred wolves doing border patrol. "I do have good news. "Twyla continued. "While I was away, I was able to obtain the items needed to make the antidote for wolfsbane. This will keep us from losing to many lives in the battle to come. "The alphas all smiled at her statement, and all stood to their feet and started clapping. "Meeting adjourned. "Twyla dismissed. Once everyone had left the room Twyla sat heavily down in her chair. "Are you ok Princess? "I questioned. I knew how much of a mental toll this was taking on her. She smiled up at me as I stood above her. " I will be as soon as this war is over. "She declared. I leaned down and gave her a soft kiss. " How about a long run? "I questioned. "Last one to shift is a rotten egg. "She grinned. Twyla jumped out of her chair and headed toward the back yard. I chuckled at my mate's antics but followed her at a run out to the woods.

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