Chapter 2: Assemble Patrols

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Simba woke up. He stretched which caused Nala to wake up. "We better tell Kion that we are being off soon," Simba said. "Yep, at sunhigh we leave," Nala replied. They walked toward the tree.

When they walked in, they were shocked. Rani was sleeping ontop of Kion. "Did they...?" Simba asked. "I don't know. That's a bit early don't you think," Nala said. Simba nodded. They approached the sleeping couple.

Rani woke up to paw steps. She opened her eyes. "Hi Simba, Hi Nala," She smiled. "Hi Rani," Nala smiled. "When Kion wakes up can you tell him we are leaving at sunhigh?" Simba asked. "Yes of course," Rani smiled. Simba and Nala walked out. Rani went back to sleep.

About an hour later, Rani woke up. She looked at Kion. "He's cute when he's asleep," she chuckled. Rani got off him. She nudged him. "Kion wake up," Rani whispered. Kion swatted his front right paw in the air, showing he was ignoring the wake up call. He rolled on his side, back facing Rani.

Rani nudged him again. "Kion, c'mon," she chuckled. "Rani I'm tired," Kion said sleepily. "I understand that sleeping beauty, but beauty sleep doesn't wake you up," Rani replied. Kion ignored her remark. "Fine, I didn't want to do this, but you've left me no choice," Rani smirked. She stood over Kion, and started tickling him.

Kion burst into laughter. "Rani, stop please! Ha ha ha ha!" Kion laughed. Rani kept tickling him. "Are you up yet," she chuckled. "Yes yes I'm up!" Kion laughed. Rani stopped tickling him. "Oh, because you slept in, you missed your parents," Rani joked.

"Wait what! What if I never see them again, what if they fall in a sinkhole!" Kion jumped up and paced back and forth. He saw Rani giggle. "Oh wow, that's low Rani," he smirked. Rani started running. Kion tackled her to the ground.

Rani was laughing. "You should've seen your face!" Rani laughed uncontrollably. "I can't wait to see the look on your face when I do this," Kion smirked. Rani wondered what he was going to do.

Kion took his muzzle, and started tickling Rani's neck. Rani squeaked. Kion chuckled. At the worst moment, Simba walked in.

"Ahem?" Simba raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me it's my dad," Kion whispered. "Its your dad Kion," Rani replied. Kion took his muzzle away from Rani's neck. He hopped off her. "So son, anything you want to tell me? Anything you've been, doing?" Simba asked. Kion looked at Rani. "Woah woah woah dad, we were just playing. It is way to soon for that," Kion replied.

"I would disagree," Rani said in her head. "Good, I haven't told you what you need to do yet," Simba said. Kion's eyes widened. "HA HA! Thanks dad, but we better get going now," He laughed nervously as he pushed Simba out of the cave.

Rani followed them. She stood beside Kion. Kion felt uncomfortable after what his dad just implied, so he moved a little from Rani. Rani raised an eyebrow.

"Morning King Kion!" Ono bowed. "All bow to his royal loudness," Bunga said. Bunga was implying about the roar. "Guys stop don't do that," Kion said, "And I'm the same old Kion I ever was, so don't use formalitites." "Uh no your not, your roar is bigger than ever!" Bunga ran around growling, imitating Kion.

Kion raised an eyebrow. "Bunga, I dare you to call me King Kion again," Kion challenged playfully. Bunga wasn't afraid, so he said, "King Kion." "Ok, alright. Binga is banished, from the Tree Of Life!" Kion joked. Bunga got down on his knees. "No please, I'll call you Kion I promise!" Bunga begged. Kion thought about it.

"Ok Binga can stay." Kion wasn't actually going to banish her, he just wanted to tease Bunga. Rani nudged Kion. "Kion will you be on patrol today?" Fuli asked. "Speaking of patrol," Kion said, "We are no longer called the Lion Guard. We are now the Day Pride," Kion smiled. "Hmm, I like it," Ono said. "Poa!" Beshta flapped his ears back and forth. "Yup," Anga said. "I like it," Fuli replied. "Our new slogan is, 'with dignity and honor, day pride conquer'," Kion smiled.

"Woah! That's even better than the lion guard!" Bunga shouted. "Back to my question Kion, are you patrolling with us today?" Fuli asked. "I won't be patrolling a lot, with me being king, but I will patrol sometimes," Kion replied. Fuli nodded. "I'm leaving Fuli in charge while I'm with Rani learning how to do royal stuff," Kion said. "With dignity and honor!" Kion shouted. "Day Pride conquer!" The Day Pride shouted. They walked off.

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