Chapter 20: Royal Family

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Kion and Rani stood on the crowning rock. Sawa in Kion's jaws, Raja in Rani's.

Makini stood infront of the king and queen, "Princess Sawa, and Prince Raja!" She shouted. The animals of the Tree Of Life cheered.

Kion turned to Rani, "I think we're in good paws."

Rani smiled, "I think so too."

The End!

I'm sorry that I haven't updated much, or my chapters have been getting less detailed. My dad keeps trying to take my phone away, and he's looking for the smallest slip up that I make to take it, so I haven't spent much time on Wattpad.

I'm making another book that I'm going to publish right after this. I've just been having a hard time in my life and I'm putting my emotions into that one.

But anyway, I hope you liked the book. I'm not really sure if I did, but whatever. Have a good day. Love yall ❤

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