Chapter 11: Betrayal

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When Kion finished, Vayne touched her earring again. Kion went back to normal, "What happened?" He asked. "Nothing, you just blacked out," Vayne smirked.

"Holy Kings Of The past! It's sunset! I have to see Rani!" Kion shouted. "Kion, you need to rest. I don't think your brain is doing to good after your black out. I'll get Rani for you," Vayne offered.

"Oh, thanks," Kion smiled. He sat down, and Vayne walked to the tree. She smirked evilly.

The Night Pride started patrol. Rani didn't go with them because Kion hadn't shown up. She walked inside the tree to wait for him.

Rani heard pawsteps coming into the tree. She lifted her head, "Kion I-...oh, hi Vayne."

"Queen Rani," Vayne smiled, "I have something to tell you." Spit it out then," Rani glared at her. "Kion got me pregnant," Vayne smirked.

Rani's eye's widened, "You're lying!" "Oh really? Should we ask your mjuzi?" Vayne raised an eyebrow.

Rani growled, "Makini!" Makini walked up to Rani, "Yes your majesty." "Is Vayne pregnant? And if she is, tell me who the father is," Rani ordered, not taking her eyes off Vayne.

Makini nodded. She walked over to Vayne and felt her stomach, "She is pregnant, but it just started." "And who's the dad?" Rani growled.

Makini gently touched her bakora staff to Vayne's stomach. Makini backed away, "I-It's Kion..."

Rani roared with anger. "I just thought I'd tell you," Vayne walked out. Rani dug her claws into the rock.

Kion waited for a while, but Rani, or Vayne never came back. He headed inside the tree.

Kion saw Rani on the rock they always slept on. She was sitting down, facing the back of the tree.

"Hey Rani," Kion smiled. Rani turned around, "So, Kion. Was I, not enough for you?"

"What do you mean?" Kion asked, confused. "Oh don't play dumb on me now Kion! You got Vayne pregnant!" Rani growled.

"What? No!" Kion shouted. "Makini? Is Vayne pregnant with Kion's cubs?" Rani asked. Makini nodded.

"Well there's your answer Kion!" 

"But I didn't do it!" Kion argued. "I just wasn't enough for you was I?" Rani glared at him. "But Rani I-" Rani jumped off the rock and growled at him, "Get out Kion!"


"Kion! Get out of my lair!" Rani roared.

"Rani I didn't do anything, I swear!" Kion pleaded. "Vayne, and our Royal Mjuzi say otherwise," Rani unsheathened her claws.

Kion knew he wouldn't win, "I'm just telling you now Rani, I didn't cheat on you." He walked out.

Kion obviously had cheated on Rani, but he didn't know that he did. The curse, or spell he was under made him forget what he did.

After Kion left, Rani broke down in tears. Makini comforted her, "Rani, I know Kion would never cheat on you. Maybe it was just an accident?"

"Just leave me alone Makini," Rani asked. Makini nodded and left. Rani wiped away her tears. She walked to the back of the cave, and looked at the coronation paintings for Kion.

She growled and drew her claws across them, "He's not my king anymore!"

(I decided to put the music video because it is awesome!)

Kion looked back at the Tree sadly. Vayne walked up to him, "Hey Kion!"

Kion looked at her with hatred in his eyes. He noticed her earring, and everything flooded back to him like a wave.

"Kion?" Vayne asked. "WHAT THE HELL VAYNE!" Kion roared.

Vayne backed up. Kion approached her slowly, "You made me cheat on my queen!" "You did that Kion. I didn't force you," Vayne lied. "You seduced me!" Kion growled.

"No I-" Kion cut her off, "That stupid earring of yours! Here! Let me get rid of it!" Kion was about to rip her earring out, but she ran away.

Kion watched her leave. He felt sorrow, "Why couldn't I stop myself!"

He remembered the horrible argument he had with Rani just a few minutes before.

"This can't be our last night together...w-we still are mates...right?" Kion asked himself as a single tear fell from his eye.

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