Chapter 3: Making Memories

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Kion turned to Simba. Kiara, Kovu, and Nala were there as well. "We still have a while before we leave, what should we do?" Kiara asked.

"Maybe we could play a game?" Rani suggested. "Oh that sounds fun," Nala smiled. "Yeah I haven't played a game in a while," Simba said. "Then it's settled, we are playing a game. What should we play?" Kovu asked. "Tag?" Kiara asked.

"Yes!" Kion shouted. Everyone chuckled. "Ok who's it?" Kovu asked. "Can I?" Kiara asked. "Yes, give us 5 seconds," Rani said.

Kiara started counting. "1...2...3.." As she was counting everyone was running. "4....5!" Kiara shouted. She ran after Kion.

Kion saw Kiara running after him. He let Kiara gain on him, then he quickly turned to the left and kept running. Kiara lost her balance and fell. "Better luck next time sis!" Kion shouted.

Kiara ran after Nala. Nala tried to use Kion's move, but Kiara was ready. She tagged Nala. Nala ran after Kovu. Kovu stopped and turned around. At the right moment, he jumped over Nala, and kept running.

Nala spotted Simba. She ran after him. Simba was running. Nala quickly gained on him and tagged him. Nala ran away smirking.

Simba ran after Rani. But instead, Kiara accidentally got tagged instead of Rani. "Yeah!" Rani shouted. Kiara started running after Rani.

After a few minutes, Kiara tagged Rani. Rani looked around for Kion. She spotted him. Rani ran towards Kion at full speed. Kion wasnt expecting that, and got tackled to the ground.

"You didn't put up much of a fight," Rani said. "In my defense, I wasn't ready for that," Kion said. Rani chuckled, "That's a good defense," She said sarcastically. Rani got off him. Kion shook his fur and mane out.

"Ok, I'm tired want to play something else?" Nala asked. "Sure," Rani smiled. "Let's tell stories!" Kiara squeaked. "Oh I love that idea," Rani replied.

They all layed down in a circle. "Ok I have a story," Nala said. "About what?" Rani asked. "Its an embarrassing story of Kion," Nala smirked. "Oh no!" Kion put his ears down, layed his head in his paws, and covered his face.

"Oh I'd love to hear it," Rani chuckled. Kion got up. "So which of the 500,000 embarrassing stories are you telling?" Simba asked. "One that was recent," Nala smiled. Kion was embarrassed.

"Ok, it was a couple weeks before Kion left for the Tree Of Life," Nala narrated.

(This is what Kion looks like)

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(This is what Kion looks like)

"Kion and Bunga were at the honey trees. Bunga had dragged Kion along to help him collect bee hives. Bunga was climbing the trees, Kion was at the bottom collecting them," Kion interrupted Nala. "For the record, Bunga forced me to help him." They chuckled.

Nala continued, "So far, it was going good, Bunga throwing them down, and Kion collecting them. By the way, these hives were abandoned. Then, Bunga threw down a hive, but he didn't realize this one was full of bees, and he didn't check where he was throwing them," Nala said.

"The bee hive landed on Kion's face. The bees started attacking him. Kion took the hive off his face, and ran, it was hilarious. Kion came home that day with so many bee stings," Nala laughed. Rani chuckled. Kion blushed from embarrassment.

After a couple hours of telling stories, the sun was directly in the middle of the sky. "Well, we better get going," Nala said. "Oh ok," Kion sighed. Simba whispered in his ear, "No Cubs yet, I need to tell you what to do." Kion blushed and pushed Simba away.

Kion watched his family leave. He sighed. Rani nuzzled him, "Its ok Kion, we can visit them soon." "Thanks Rani," Kion smiled. "Now time for royal duties," Rani said. Kion groaned. Rani chuckled.

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