Chapter 13: Forgiven

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Kion walked back to the Tree Of Life. He needed to talk with Rani. He figured she was cooled down a bit now.

He took a deep breath, and walked inside the tree. He saw Rani crying on the rock. He gasped and ran up to her, "Rani!"

Rani looked up. Her eyes widened, "Kion! What are you doing here! I told you that you aren't welcome in the tree!"

Kion backed up and tucked his ears down, "Rani, listen, I promise you, I didn't purposely get Vayne pregnant. I would never do that to you. Rani, you are the only lioness out there for me, and nothing can change that. Do you think, you could give me another chance?"

Rani looked at him, not knowing what to believe. Kion took her paw, "Please Rani. I don't have to be king anymore. I'll get rid of the paint right now. If that's what I have to do to get you back. I don't care about being king, I only care about you."

"You don't have to do that Kion," Rani replied. She smiled, "I still don't know if you purposely got Vayne pregnant or not, but I can tell that either way you're very sorry. So, I forgive you."

Kion smiled widely and hugged her. Rani hugged him back.

Kion licked her neck. He slowly went down to her chest, then her stomach, and went back up. Rani purred. Kion smirked, "You like that?"

Rani nodded. Kion was going to continue, but then, Rani remembered, "KION! We have to stop Vayne!"

"Oh right. Sorry, I, got a little distracted," Kion smirked at her. "No time for flirting right now!" Rani ran out of the tree, Kion following.

Rani couldn't believe what she was seeing. A mist covered the ground of the kingdom, "Cover your nose!" Kion placed his paw on his nose; And Rani did the same.

Rani looked up to a hill, "Vayne!" Kion and Rani charged through the animals that were hypnotized.

Kion and Rani were at the front of the crowd. Vayne looked down at them, "Well hello my handsome king." Rani roared in anger and was going to attack Vayne, but Kion held her back.

"I am not you king, Vayne!" Kion growled. "The cubs in my stomach say otherwise," Vayne replied.

Kion growled, "They aren't my cubs! I won't ever accept them as mine!" Vayne's eye's widened, "What kind of a mate are you! Lionesses! Attack!"

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