Chapter 15: Her Mate

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Kion was dragged into the tree by Vencel and Vidor. Vayne was already inside. Vidor threw Kion inside. Vencel gave Kion an ice cold glare.

Rani screamed as she was held back by the lionesses, "Let me go!" "Sorry, Queen Vayne wants you to stay out here," Quetzalli replied. Rani bit Quetzalli's leg, hard.

She shreaked and jumped back. Labiba let go of Rani to check on the injured lioness.

Rani gave the rest of the pride a death glare. They were all frightened, and backed away.

Rani quickly dashed into the tree.

"Um, maybe we don't tell Queen Vayne about this," Quetzalli said. She winced in pain when Labiba touched the bite mark on her leg.

"This is an easy heal. One of you, get me Marigold!" Labiba ordered. A lioness ran off, and quickly came back with some leaves.

"Thank you," Labiba said. She mashed the leaves and put them on the bite mark. "Ow!" Quetzalli cringed at the pain.

"You'll be fine," Labiba said. Quetzalli sniffed her leg. She scrunched up her nose at the smell, and stood up, "It does feel better."

"See, I told you," Labiba smiled, "Now let's go help our Queen." The lionesses charged toward the tree.

Vayne was sitting on the rock, her stomach a little bigger than before. Kion growled at her, "You can't force me to be your mate."

Vayne laughed, "Watch me." Kion scraped his claws against the tree. They made an ear splitting sound. Vayne yowled at the sound and tucked her ears back.

Kion smirked, realizing she didn't like the sound. He did it again. "STOP THAT!" Vayne put her paws over her ears.

Kion kept doing it. Vayne started crying, trying to block out the horrifying sound. Kion stopped, "So Vayne, am I your mate now?"

Vayne stood up on unsteady paws, "You can annoy me all you want Kion. I still want to be your mate."

Kion raised an eyebrow, "Why?" Vayne looked at him like he had bees in his brain, "Every lioness from here to the end of forever knows who you are Kion! Every lioness wants to get their paws on you!"

"Uhh..." Kion instantly felt uncomfortable. Vayne smirked, "But I got to you first." "That's where you're wrong Vayne; Rani got me first, and she'll always be mine, and I'll always be hers," Kion looked at her sternly.

"No Kion, I think you're the one that's wrong. You claimed me first, remember? WE are mates. You and Rani are broken. Just like her heart," Vayne smirked.

Kion growled, "Big mistake Vayne." He was going to attack, but another growl from behind caught his attention. He turned around, and saw a furious Rani behind him.

For a minute, Kion thought she was mad at him.

"YOU! You're trying to take my mate from me! Again!" Rani screamed. Kion sighed in relief, knowing he wasn't in trouble.

Rani marched up to Vayne. She glared at the silver queen, "Stay away from Kion!"

"I can't do that. He's mine," Vayne smirked. Rani roared and attacked her.

Kion and Rani: New RulersWhere stories live. Discover now